Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Student Mobs j.b.priestley summary and annotations

 Student Mobs -j.b.priestley 

Satavahana University Karimnagar- Degree Semester 3-English- 2021-22 onwards-Unit 

SRR Govt.Arts& Science College Karimnagar

Rajesh Kumar

 J.B.Priestley was a popular English writer. He authored novels,essays, plays and worked as a radio speaker. He was severely wounded in the world war 1 and he wrote his experiences in the autobiography ' Margin Released'.

J.B.Priestley attacks vehemently presenting negative shade  of student politics. The essayist expresses his displeasure over University students' nature of destructiveness and hooliganism. He wonders why young men in universities turn to violence and behave like hooligans.Such students do not have right to study at public expense. Peasants in many countries work hard and give away their basic needs so that their lads have a bright future. He suggests students to read  books instead of burning them. He opposes students' demonstrations with banners,placards, and acts of vandalism such as smashing cars, breaking windows and damaging public property. JB Priestly expresses disappointment over the involvement of Governments in organising mobs.

On one hand unselfish global NGOs are working tirelessly for better education but on the other hand, some anti social elements are trying to tear apart the civilization.He visualises a grim picture where consulates and embassies being fortified and students   being given machine guns and fire throwers.

He explains in a satirical manner that they would get degrees with honours in demolition and destruction. Universities may not produce the best doctors,teachers,lawyers and chemists but succeed in the production of vandals. 

According to Priestly, the students of the new generation are different from the  youth of the past.The youth of his times  were also rough but  they didn't have  any psychopathic elements as the present generation possess. It baffles him that there may be some unknown factor , a vast X , motivating students to move on the path of destruction.


1) It is not the occasional 'rags' that get out of hand I am thinking now; it is the so called ' demonstrations' that seem to make an appearance every few nights on TV news.

Reference:- These lines are taken from the essay ' Student Mobs' written by J.B.Priestely. He was one of England's most prolific writers. He was severely wounded in world war 1 and penned his experiences in the autobiography

‘Margin Released’.

Context:- The essayist vehemently criticises  student politics involving unnecessary demonstrations.The essayist expresses his displeasure over University students' nature of destructiveness and hooliganism.

Meaning:- The essayist is not thinking about occasional ragging usually happens at universities but he is serious about the students demonstrations on the streets,which are broadcasted on TV news.

S.Rajesh kumar

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