Notice writing exercises

Satavahana University Karimnagar- Degree II Year-Semester 3-English- 2021-22 onwards-Unit 3.

Osmania University Degree English Sem 3 unit 3

SRR Govt.Arts& Science College Karimnagar

1.A notice is written within a box.

2.It is usually written in the third person. However, for some notices the first person 'we' or the second person 'you' may be used.

3.It must be short, precise and relevant to the topic. It usually has a word limit of 50 words.

4.The name and address of the issuing authority is placed at the top followed by the word 'NOTICE', the date and the heading.

5.The name and designation of the signatory authority should be placed on the lower left hand corner of the notice.

6.The tone of the notice should be objective, impartial and formal.

Satavahana University Sem 3

                    Text book exercises:-

Write a notice as Physical Director of a college announcing the annual Sports Day for students and staff.


SRR Govt.Arts & Science College




24 March 2022

                          Annual Sports Day

All the students and staff are hereby informed that our college  Annual Sports Day will be held 

on 28th March 2022 in Auditorium.Sri.Kannan, District collector, Karimnagar is our chief guest. Principal of the college will preside over the function.Make it a grand success.

Time- 10 am

  Ch.Dhyana Samanvai                                      

    Physical Director


Annual Sports Day/ Meet

SRR Govt.Arts & Science College




24 December 2021


All the students are informed that our college is organising the Annual Sports Meet on 28th March 2022.The Sports Meet will be inaugurated by the District Sub collector,Karimnagar in college playground.

Competitions will be conducted in various events such as Athletics,Indoor games, Cricket , Basketball.etc.

Interested students can register their names at the department of physical education.



  Physical Director

Rajesh Kumar

Write a notice as principal to the students of your college regarding the examination fee.


SRR Govt.Arts & Science College




24 November 2021 

                      Examination Fee

This is to inform all the students of Semester 2 BA,B.Com&B.Sc that the last date for payment of examination fee is 27th November 2021. Students should pay Rs. 500/- per each paper and visit the examination branch for payment.Fees will not be taken after the due date.



Write a notice to the teaching faculty of the inviting them to a staff meeting

SRR Govt.Arts & Science College




24 December 2021

                                 Staff meeting

All members of faculty are hereby requested to attend staff meeting at 3 p.m. today i.e.24-12-2021

Agenda of the meeting :

Educational Tour

Semester End Exams.


Write a notice for NSS Day celebrations to be conducted by you as an NSS Program Officer.

SRR Govt.Arts & Science College




24 December 2021

                    NSS Day Celebrations

On the occassion of NSS Day on 24th September, The Department of NSS is organising a clean and green drive at our college premises and also as part of celebrations NSS unit will take out a cycle rally to create awareness on plastic usage. All NSS volunteers of our college should attend the celebrations and make it grand success.

Venue:-play ground.

Clean and green:- 10 am

Cycle rally:-2 pm


  NSS Programme Officer


Write a notice for the monthly meeting for all residents of an apartment to discuss the problems and various concerns.

Sapthagiri Apartments




24 December 2021

Monthly Meeting

All members of the apartment are hereby requested to attend the meeting in the apartment cellar at 5 pm on 26th December to discuss the problems of our apartment

Problems to be discussed

•Water scarcity

•Drain leakage


Contract number-269554



  Sapthagiri Apartments

Some more Notice writing models

Q.1.You are the Secretary of the college health club. The health club is going to organise a blood donation camp.Prepare a notice giving necessary details i.e.venue,time 


SRR Govt.Arts & Science College




22 December 2023

                    BLOOD DONATION CAMP

This is to inform all the students that our college health club is organising a blood donation camp in collaboration with Red Cross society, Karimnagar on 27 December 2021.All those who wish to donate blood can contact or mail to the secretary of the health club on or before 26th December.The details are as follows.

Date- 27 December 2021

Venue- College Auditorium

Contract number-2695545




   College Health Club

Q.2.You are the student secretary of the literary club of your college. Draft a notice about literary competitions.

SRR Govt.Arts & Science College




24 December 2021


Our college literary club is organising competitions

on 29th December, in  poetry writing, essay writing,

short story writing and storytelling.

Interested students submit their names to the student

secretary on or before 28th December.


Q 3. As an editor of your college magazine write a notice  inviting poems, stories,essays etc..

SRR Govt.Arts & Science College




24 March 2022

                          COLLEGE MAGAZINE

All the students are hereby informed that our college magazine committee is going to publish "Sahithi Chetana" College Magazine for this academic year 2021-22. Interested students submit your literary pieces i.e. poems, stories,essays, Articles and jokes to English lecturer Sri. S.Ram. your write ups must be written legibly or neatly typed on A4 sheet.

Last date for submission-28 March.



Counter signed by Principal

Q.4) write a notice inviting students to register for Inter-college dance competitions.

SRR Govt.Arts & Science College




24 December 2021

                     Inter-College Dance Competition

Our college is going to organise Inter-College dance

competitions from 26th December to 29th December 2021. We invite all the students, who are interested in dancing can register their names in the office by 25th December.

Venue- Auditorium.

Events-Solo,folk, group

    S.Rajesh Kumar                                   

       Cultural Secretary

Counter signed by Principal


Govt Degree College



16 September 2023



The school is organising a painting exhibition on 4th October 2023 from 11 am to 1 pm for BA, BSC, BCom students.This year's theme would be 'Global Warming'. Interested candidates are requested to submit their names to the respective group  teachers by 26th September 2034

Abhi Sharma

Cultural Secretary

Gyan Vikas School


Date: 27 December 2022

The half-yearly examinations have been rescheduled for 2 January 2023. The timetable and syllabus for each class will be given to the students by the respective class teachers.


S.K. Kavya



Book Exhibition

The Children's Book Trust is holding an exhibition and sale of its latest books for young readers from 11-15 July 2023 in the main library building. The exhibition will be open every day from 11 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. On the spot painting and story writing competitions will be organised on the final day, 15 July, and the three winners will receive gifts of six books each.

20 June 2023

                                                     B.T. Venkat

                                                   (Head Librarian)

Asia Tech Private Limited


Notice: Management Committee Meeting

The company's Management Committee Meeting will be held in the committee room at 10 a.m. on 10 March 2024.

Signed: Parveen Seth 

Managing Director 

20 February 2024



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