Note making model exercises with answers


Kakatiya University Warangal Degree- Third year -Semester 5 -

Satavahana University Karimnagar- Degree Semester 3-English- 2021-22 onwards.


Rajesh Kumar

Q. 1) Sri Aurobindo, a great philosopher and revolutionary turned yogi of Bengal chose Pondicherry to settle down and propagate his teachings. He found an admirable disciple in a French woman, Mirra Alphansa,who became an ardent devotee of Sri Aurobindo.He nominated her as his successor, the mother as she is known continued to preside over the Ashram till her end at the ripe age of 95.

Answer:-.          Sri Aurobindo
1. philosopher, Revolutionary, yogi
 2.  set up an ashram in Pondicherry
3.Nominated Mirra French woman - disciple - successor
4. The mother presided over the Ashram till her end

Q.2)Men cannot manufacture blood as efficiently as women can. Men need more energy because they do not Breathe as often as women do. But men breathe more deeply and this exposes them to the risk of drawing in more polluted air. Men's bones are larger than women’s. Men have broader shoulders, a narrow pelvis. Woman has a wider pelvis that results in a bit of a sway as she walks . Man has a thicker skin than that of a woman

Answer:-. Men & women differences

Men:- Blood-manufacturer efficiently as women

Breathe - more deeply

Bones- larger

           Pelvis- narrow

           Skin- thicker

Women:- Blood- efficiently 

  Breathe- not more deeply.

Bones- smaller

Pelvis- wider.

Skin- thinner

(This answer can be written in table form also)







Blood-manufacturer efficiently as women






Breathe - 

more deeply

not more deeply










Q.3) Next in the vedic literature are the epics the Ramayana and the Mahabharata are the two known epics of the Aryans the epics are said to have been composed at the time of the Buddha and it is said that they belong to the age of the sutras the historical value of the epics is that while the  Ramayana illustrates  the story of the beginning Om a of Aryanisation of the country Mahabharata illustrates how the whole Dekhen was Aryanised.

Answer:-. Epics

Rajesh Kumar

Q.4)The Dead Sea is Lord lake that lies partly in Israel partly in Jordan .The climate being very hot and dry, an enormous amount of water is lost by evaporation, Salts in the water are therefore very concentrated. The lake is the saltiest body of water in the world. It is also the lowest place on the surface of the earth lying about 399 below sea level. It is called the Dead Sea because it is extensively salty. Water is inhospitable to most forms of life. There are no fish in its water and the mineral Laden water is believed to be beneficial to health. Many people go there to bathe and there are many health resorts in the area. The salt water gives great buoyancy to the water . One floats back in the water as one would on a soft bed with no risk of drowning. Salt extracted from the lake are used to make fertilizers and drugs .


Dead sea.

Israel - Jordan.

Hot & dry.

Saltiest water body - extremely salty

Below sea level 399 m.

Water- inhospitable- no fish.


Uses:- fertilizers& Drugs

Q.5) Sri Aurobindo was born on August 15, 1872, Calcutta [now Kolkata], India—died December 5, 1950, Pondicherry [now Puducherry]), yogi, philosopher, poet, and Indian nationalist who propounded a philosophy of divine life on earth through spiritual evolution.His books include Tales of prison life, Bases of Yoga,Savitri,

Tales of Prison Life is Sri Aurobindo's account of his experience as an under trial prisoner in Alipore Jail, Calcutta.Bases of Yoga is the collection of 156 extracts from letters to disciples. Sri Aurobindo explains the central principles of his Integral Yoga.Savitri is a spiritual epic of approximately 24,000 lines.This poem is based on the ancient Hindu legend Savitri and Satyavan.

The Synthesis of Yoga written on the seminal exposition of the discipline of yoga.In the book, Aurobindo Ghosh as reviewed the three great paths of yoga, which are work, love, and knowledge ."Mother with Letters on the Mother",

This volume contains a small book 'The Mother', in which he describes the nature, character and role of the Divine Mother. The rest of the volume consists primarily of letters on the Mother — on the Divine Mother and on Sri Aurobindo's collaborator, the Mother.


  Sri Aurobindo

Born -15/08/1872 died-05/12/1950

Yogi, philosopher,poet, nationalist


1)Tales of prison life- experiences as prisoner

2)Epic poem :- Savitri -24000 lines- about Savitri& Satyavan

3)Books on yoga:-

a)Bases of Yoga-about internal yoga.

b)The Synthesis of Yoga- 3 paths-work, love, knowledge.

4) Mother with letters on the Mother- a) the Mother

b) Letters on the Mother

Q.6) Ignorance and lack of education are the main reason for orthodox practices and rituals among some of the primitive tribes today. In Prehistoric Times, when science was in its infancy, people did not know about natural phenomena. Then you know little about the solar system or the relation of the sun, the moon and the various planets to earth. Did not know the cause of rain, storms and natural calamities like earthquakes, droughts and volcanic eruptions. They knew little about the human body as well. This gave rise to superstitions; the cause of everything was attributed to mysterious influencers such as black magic and the presence of good and evil spirits. The advancement of science proved these ideas to be irrational and baseless. However, it is surprising to see how superstitions and primordial belief systems prevail even today. These belief systems and patterns of thinking must be altered through education. these hamper not only the growth of visual Nation

Ans:- Belief systems

1)Reasons for orthodox practices & rituals.

a)lack of education

b) ignorance

Prehistoric times

2) Science was in infancy- knew little about

a) solar system- sun, moon,Earth,planets

b) cause of rain, Storm&  natural calamities - earthquakes, drought, volcanic eruptions

c) human body

3)Advancement of science proved black magic, good & evil spirits are baseless

4)belief systems- altered through education

Rajesh Kumar

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) is one of the most eminent names in the field of modern poetry in Bengali and English. Besides being a poet, he was also a critic, essayist, composer, painter, educationist, playwright, novelist and author of short fiction. Outside India, he is principally known for the English translation of Gitanjali - Song Offerings (1912). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. It was the first Nobel to be awarded to an Asian and a non-European. His major plays include The Post Office (1912), Chitra (1913) and The King of the Dark Chambers (1914). Notable amongst his novels are The Home and the World (1919) and Gora (1924). His short fiction works include 'Hungry Stones' (1916) 'Broken Ties' (1925) and the novella The Broken Nest (1901).

Modern Bengali and English poet, critic, essayist, composer, short story writer

Rabindranath Tagore

1. Tagore (1861-1941) 

a. Modern Bengli and English poet, critic, essayist, composer, short story writer

b. Gitanjali (1912)

i. Noble prize for Literature-1913

ii. First award to an Asian and non-European

2. Works

A. Plays:-

The Post Office (1912), Chitra (1913), King of the Dark Chambers (1914)

Novels:-The Home and The World (1919), Gora (1924)

Short fiction: Hungry Stones (1916), Broken Ties (1925)

Novella:-The Broken Nest (1901)

Almost everyone has a mobile phone these days. Mobile phones have completely changed the way people interact. Today the mobile phone has become part and parcel of people's lives. These devices are convenient to carry around and you can use them on the go as long as there is network coverage wherever you are. One can receive and send emails, browse websites, download games and videos, book flight tickets, transfer money to banks and even chat with friends far away. With a mobile phone, you are connected to the internet throughout. You can also use it to make calls whenever there is an emergency. But mobile phones have their disadvantages. People are always on their phones receiving calls, checking out their friends on Facebook, chatting on WhatsApp, checking emails and listening to music. You can't avoid work related emails and phone calls even when you're at home with your family or on vacation. Having all our information on your device is convenient but it's also dangerous because there's a possibility of someone else accessing your phone. Mobile phone theft is quite common. Innumerable accidents are caused by usage of mobile phones when driving. The mobile phone can also disrupt a meeting or class if proper etiquette is not followed. Today, socializing that involves real interaction is very rare. People have been reduced to interacting on social platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. It can easily take you away from real life activities and you will find it hard interacting with people



1. multiple uses: chatting, banking,

2. easy communication

3. always connected

4 emergency situations- great boon


1. constant interruptions:- Intrusive games, browsing

2. distraction: accidents

3. affects real life situations

Make notes for the given passages.

Q. 1. Smartphones have become an indispensable part of people's lives. With the advent of the internet the world has become a global village. These handheld devices have made communication very easy and seemingly any information is just a few seconds away available within a few clicks. They are convenient to carry and have features of the modern computer. One can download ebooks, send and receive emails, book tickets online, download videos, photos, pay utility bills and even make banking transactions through online banking apps. Education apps have made learning easy. However, smartphones have disadvantages too. Excessive usage makes your brain dull, and kills your imagination and creative power. Children tend to spend more and more time chatting on social networking sites. Addiction to smartphones reduces physical activity and may cause health issues. Cybercrimes are on the rise in India. The utility of the gadget demands ethics, prudence and obeyance of laws.

Q.2.)Commerce is the conduct of trade among economic agents. Trade can be divided into two types, internal trade and external trade. Internal trade is the trade which is conducted within the country. External trade is conducted outside the country. Internal trade is further divided into two: wholesale trade and retail trade. Wholesale trade refers to the exchange of huge quantities from manufacturers to retailers. Retail trade refers to the sale of goods in small quantities to the customers. Examples of these are supermarkets and kirana shops (specific to India). External trade is further divided into three sections: import trade, export trade and entrepôt trade. Import trade refers to the goods purchased by one country from another. Export trade means goods produced in one country are sold to buyers in another. Entrepôt trade refers to the import of goods from one country and export of the same goods to another without any distribution within the importing country.


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