Osmania UG English Sem 5 grammar

 Syllabus with effect from 2024-25

Unit 1 

One-Word Substitutes

           One-word substitution is the use of a single word to replace a group of words or a complete sentence without any loss or change of meaning. One-word substitutes are very useful in werning precisely and clearly. They are essential in vocabulary building and development. Look the following sentence

He thinks he can never do wrong or make any mistake. 

This can be rewritten using one-word substitution as follows: 

He thinks he is infallible. 


Match the descriptions in Column A with their one word substitutes in Column B.

Column A

1. In the same words as were used originally

2. Someone who loves collecting books

3. One who is violently against established beliefs

4 One with unlimited power

5. A poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead

6. One who is recovering health after illness

7. One who runs away from justice

8. A small shelter for a dog

9 A backward look or a view into the past

10. Expressive in the use of words.

Column B

  1. iconoclast

  2. convalescent

  3. eloquent

  4. fugitive

  5. kennel

  6. retrospect

  7. autocrat

  8. bibliophile

  9. verbatim

  10. elegy

Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of words from the given box.

philanthropists, recluse, stoic

secular, torrent  wanderlust, somnambulist

polyglot, shoal, teetotaller

1. On the ride into the ocean, the tourists were treated to a---------of rare fish.

Ans:- shoal

2. The river, fuelled by rain, turned into a--------


3. One should learn to be a —----occasionally, to discover oneself.


4. The patient went missing only to be found sleeping in the balcony; the doctors discovered that he was a —---


5. As a —------ she could understand conversations in many languages on the metro. 


6.In ancient Indian knowledge, it is believed that people after reaching a certain advanced age become-----

Ans:- Stoic

7.Every political party should develop policies which are—--------the communities.


8. The young people of today, realising that travel is an important experience of life, are nurturing the spirit of—---------. 


9.After the accident, he took a vow to abstain from alcohol and become a —----------


10. After the storm, the rich of the town came forward to rebuild homes, schools and hospitals. The--------------- appreciated by the people.


Write the one-word substitutes for each phrase:

1. Incapable of being corrected or reformed - **Incorrigible**

2. Words inscribed on a tomb - **Epitaph**

3. One who is not a professional - **Amateur**

4. Showing complete agreement, of same opinion - **Unanimous**

5. No longer used or outdated - **Obsolete**

6. One who can do anything for money - **Mercenary**

7. Ability to do several things at the same time - **Multitasking**

8. Can be understood in more than one way - **Ambiguous**

9. One who draws maps - **Cartographer**

10. Able to use hands skillfully - **Dexterous**

Additional notes:-

The study of ancient societies: archaeology

The practice of having more than one husband

: polyandry

Things which cannot be read: illegible

Not transparent: opaque

A wing of the government responsible for making rules: legislature

A government by the nobility: aristocracy

Impossible or difficult to believe: incredible

Impossible to see: invisible

A book about a person's life, written by that person: autobiography

A person who speaks many languages: multilingual

A person who sacrifices enormously for a cause, and is admired for it:  martyr

Unit 1

Essay Writing

       What is an essay and how is it written? The word 'essay literally means 'an attempt. An essay is a long piece of writing, usually in prose, to inform and persuade the reader. A short message is not enough to give information in detail. One needs to create a context, state the facts, explain the process, analyse the effectiveness, discuss the strengths and areas of improvement and conclude with an evaluation and summary. To do all of the above, there is a need to divide this long writing into smaller parte which we call paragraphs. Writing an essay requires prior preparation. Deciding on the structure of the essay in terms of an introduction, analysis' and 'conclusion is the first step The function of the introduction and conclusion in an essay is very clear. The "introduction Introduces the topic and the 'conclusion' concludes the analysis. The actual analysis may contain a certain number of valid points and each point requires a paragraph.      

              The paragraph comprises a topic sentence and five to six sentences which are cohesively arranged. It sounds coherent when one reads it. The qualities of cohesiveness and coherence are an integral part of writing. Cohesiveness ensures that no distraction is present that takes away from the subject in discussion. Coherence ensures that the sentences are meaningfully connected

An essay can be built by using several paragraphs, one for each point. The conclusion usually has space to hold the writer's opinion allowing for a signature approach. There are several ways to conclude. It can be ended with a question, or a thought-provoking remark or it can be open ended allowing the reader to form his/her own opinion on the subject of the essay.


In pairs, chalk out the basic structure of an essay topic chosen by the teacher or chosen by you.

Introduction (Create the context and introduce the topic)

Analysis (Write points in a logical order)

(... and so on as many points as appropriate)

Conclusion (Choose any one)

Writer's opinion

Thought-provoking question

Open-ended conclusion

Learn how to write a paragraph, a manifold extension of which is the essay. For one point of your analysis in the above exercise, develop a paragraph.

First, frame the topic sentence of the paragraph.

Then, write 3-4 sentences about the topic sentence paying attention to coherence.

The structure of an essay typically follows a standard format, with the main steps involved in writing an essay as follows:

1. Introduction

   - **Hook:** Start with a sentence that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be a quote, a question, or an interesting fact.

   - **Background Information:** Provide some context or background information about the topic to help the reader understand the subject matter.

   - **Thesis Statement:** Present the main point or argument of the essay. The thesis statement should clearly state your position or the purpose of the essay.

 2. Body Paragraphs

   - **Topic Sentence:** Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph.

   - **Evidence and Examples:** Provide supporting evidence, examples, and details to back up the main idea. This could include facts, statistics, quotes, or personal experiences.

   - **Analysis:** Explain how the evidence supports the thesis. Discuss the significance of the information provided and how it relates to your overall argument.

   *Typically, an essay has 3-5 body paragraphs, depending on the length and depth of the essay.*

 3. Conclusion

   - **Restate the Thesis:** Rephrase the thesis statement to remind the reader of your main argument, but do not simply repeat it verbatim.

   - **Summarize Main Points:** Briefly summarize the main points made in the body paragraphs without introducing new information.

   - **Closing Thought:** End with a final thought, reflection, or call to action. This could be a broader implication of the topic, a thought-provoking statement, or a suggestion for further research.

When writing an essay, it's important to keep the following points in mind:

1. Understand the Topic: Clearly understand the essay prompt or topic. Identify the key question or idea you need to address.

2. Research Thoroughly: Gather relevant information and data to support your arguments. Ensure that your sources are credible and reliable.

3. Create an Outline: Organize your thoughts by creating a structured outline. Include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

5. Clear Thesis Statement: Your thesis should be specific and concise, indicating the main point you will argue or explain in your essay.

6. Coherent Structure: Ensure that each paragraph has a clear main idea or topic sentence. The paragraphs should flow logically, with transitions that connect ideas smoothly.

7. Supporting Evidence: Back up your claims with evidence, examples, or quotes from credible sources. Analyze the evidence to show how it supports your thesis.

8. Clarity and Conciseness: Write clearly and concisely. Avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex sentences. Aim for simplicity and precision.

9. Proper Grammar and Syntax: Pay attention to grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure. These elements contribute to the overall readability of your essay. 

11.Revision and Editing: After writing the first draft, take time to revise. Check for coherence, clarity, and consistency. Edit for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.

12. Stay on Topic: Make sure every paragraph and sentence contributes to the main argument or purpose of your essay. Avoid going off on tangents.

Write essays on the following topics.

1. Marvels of nature

2. My idea of a good life

3. Environmental pollution

              UNIT 2


Words Often Confused

Words often confused or 'confusables' is an informal term used to explain two or more words which are easily confused with one another because of the following:

Similarity in spelling. For example,

 desert - dessert, personal personnel; compliment - complement

Similarity in pronunciation. For example, allusion illusion; accidental - incidental, perspective-prospective

Confusion in meaning. For example, 

imply infer, junction-juncture, footer-footnote Same spelling but different meanings (homonyms): For example, the word bank which could mean the land alongside a river or a financial establishment where customers deposit money or take loans

Different spelling but same pronunciation (homophones): 

For example, fair-fare


Bring out the difference between the words in each pair by using them in sentences of your own.

1. led-lead

2. accept except 

3. threw through

4. affect effect

5. among-between

6. capitol capital

7. since-for

8. compliment - complement

9. enquiry inquiry

10. loose-lose

1. **Led - Lead** 

   a.- **Led**/lɛd/ Verb (past tense of "lead") 

She **led** the team to victory during the competition. 

     b. - **Lead**: Verb (present tense) or Noun (metal) 

     (noun): /lɛd/ (as in the metal) 

 The pipes in the old house contain **lead**, which is harmful.

  c.   Phonetic (verb): /liːd/ (as in to guide) 

She leads the Indian football team in the Olympics.


2. **Accept - Except** 

   - **Accept**:  /əkˈsɛpt/ Verb (to agree to receive) 

   - **Except**:  /ɪkˈsɛpt/ Preposition/Conjunction (excluding) 

     - **Reason**: Both differ in their initial vowels, reflecting different meanings and uses (accept is a verb; except is mostly used as a preposition).


3. **Threw - Through** 

   - **Threw**:/θruː/  Verb (past tense of throw) 

   - **Through**:/θruː/ Preposition/Adverb (indicating movement) 

     - **Reason**: They are homophones (same pronunciation) but differ in spelling and meaning.

4. **Affect - Effect** 

   - **Affect**:  /əˈfɛkt/ Verb (to influence) 

   - **Effect**:  /ɪˈfɛkt/ Noun (a result) 

     - **Reason**: The difference lies in part of speech, with "affect" being a verb and "effect" a noun. They differ slightly in their vowel sounds.

5. **Among - Between** 

   - **Among**: /əˈmʌŋ/  Preposition (surrounded by)

   - **Between**: /bɪˈtwiːn/ Preposition (in the space separating) 

     - **Reason**: "Among" is used for groups or undefined quantities, while "between" refers to two or distinct entities.

 6. **Capitol - Capital** 

   - **Capitol**: /ˈkæpɪtəl/ Noun (a building where legislative work happens) 

   - **Capital**: /ˈkæpɪtəl/  Noun/Adjective (city serving as a seat of government or wealth) 

     - **Reason**: They are homophones but differ in meaning; "capitol" refers specifically to the building, while "capital" has broader uses.

7. **Since - For** 

   - **Since**: : /sɪns/  Conjunction/Preposition/Adverb (from a point in the past) 

   - **For**: /fɔːr/ Preposition (indicating duration or purpose) 

     - **Reason**: "Since" emphasizes the starting point of an action; "for" emphasizes the duration of the action.

8. **Enquiry - Inquiry** 

   - **Enquiry**: /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/  Noun (British spelling of inquiry, meaning a question) 

   - **Inquiry**: : /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/ Noun (American spelling, investigation) 

     - **Reason**: British and American spelling conventions differ, though the meanings are nearly identical.


9. **Compliment - Complement** 

   - **Compliment**: /ˈkɒmplɪmənt/  Noun/Verb (an expression of praise) 

   - **Complement**: /ˈkɒmplɪmɛnt/  Noun/Verb (something that completes or enhances) 

     - **Reason**: Though similar in spelling, they differ in meaning and slightly in pronunciation.


10. **Loose - Lose** 

    - **Loose**: : /luːs/ Adjective (not tight) 

    - **Lose**:  /luːz/ Verb (to fail to keep or win) 

    - **Reason**: The verb "lose" has a voiced ending /z/, while the adjective "loose" has an unvoiced /s/ sound.

Match the words in the first column with their definitions in the second column.

Column A

1. addition

2. edition

3. resume

4. résumé

5. allude

6. elude

7. detract

8. distract

9. climatic

10. climactic

Column B

a. a short document describing your education, work history, etc.

b. to speak of something or someone in an indirect way

C. to avoid or escape someone or something

d. related to the word climax

e. refers to something added

f. refers to a particular version of a book, newspaper, etc. 

g. to cause someone to stop paying attention to something

h. relating to the climate

i. to reduce the strength, value, or importance of something

j. to begin again after stopping










9. h


Fill in the blanks with the correct word. 

1. If you---- up straight, you can avoid neck pain. (set/sit) 

Ans:- sit

2. A few medicines have other----besides the intended one. (affects/effects) 


3. Tharun has come up with a good---- for our group presentation.(ideal/idea) 


4. John is ----in dancing. (adopt/adept) 


5. She paid no heed to my----(advise/advice)


6. If your -----is to any man present here, do name him. (allusion/illusion)


7. I'm sorry I believed in this----- policy of our government. (duel/dual)


8. A wandering-----attacked the villager's food stores. (hoard/horde)


9. ----are part of the elk, caribou and moose family. (dear/deer)

Ans:- deer

10. We find wild ----in-boars too. (bores/boars)



Flat 4, Kite Apartments, Uppal, Hyderabad 500 001

Mobile: 06892 49286, Email: n93772@gmail.com



Osmania University

MA English

Project title: "Teaching Communication Skills to News Reporters'


Nizam College

BA-First class

English, Economics, Political Science



XYZ Communications

Language Coordinator: To provide language skills for fresh recruits

Accent Trainer

Content Writer

Teach 21st century skills for all professions

Counsellor, editor, translator and coordinator for workshops


Computer skills:-Microsoft Office: Word, Excel and PowerPoint. 


Fluent in Telugu, Hindi and English

INTERESTS:- Foreign language learning


Best Student Award at Osmania University (2016): 

For overall performance in academic and extracurricular activities


Prof. Uma Roy                                                                    Prof.Tara Shankar            

Head, HR and Training                                                        Head, Department of English

XYZ Communications Hyderabad 500 034                        Osmania University

Mobile: 079643 83890                                                           Hyderabad 500007

Email: u7897323@gmail.com                                                Mobile: 2547894512

                                                                                                  Email: tara342@gmail.com 


1.Write a note on the CV. 

resume (French) is a summary of the applicant's qualifications, skills and experience. It is a concise statement which is generally one or both sides of an A4-size sheet. A résumé commonly uses bullet points. A résumé is usually written for a specific job, focusing on relevant skills necessary for the job. A résumé is appropriate for people with prior experience or to apply for a job where skills are more important than academic qualifications. Curriculum vitae is derived from Latin and means 'course of life. It gives detailed information about the applicant. Apart from the academic qualifications, professional experience, it also includes hobbies, extracurricular activities, awards and honours, etc.

2. What is the structure of a CV?

Structure of the CV

Personal information: Name of the applicant, date of birth/age, postal address, contact phone number, email address.

Education:- Start from higher qualifications to lower level, also mention diploma and certificate course from institutions.

Experience: - First list the most recent job experience, then the one prior to that and so on. Write the nature and domain of work and whether it was full-time or part-time.

3. Look up two advertisements for different positions and construct a CV in response to them. 

4. Apply with a CV for the position of a Language Trainer in a reputed corporate house.


Plot 41, Sai Apartments, Tarnaka. Hyderabad

Phone: 86543745

Email: rajasri265@gmail.com


MA English in 2022

Osmania University



- *CELTA-Cambridge University English  Teaching*

Professional Experience

 Worked as a Language Trainer at XYZ Language Centre hyderabad.

- Conduct coaching sessions to improve speaking, writing, and presentation skills in a professional context.


- Computer skills: MS Office

Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English

- Proficient in utilizing digital training tools


Fluent in English, Hindi and Telugu

Interests: Foreign language learning (French)


Prof. Uma Maheswari

Department of English

Osmania University. 


5. Respond to the following advertisement: Wanted a Marketing Manager for our Bangalore office. Preferably an MBA graduate with a minimum of 5 years of experience. Good communication skills are essential. Send your detailed CV to SSP Rao Associates, 35, Maithri Residency, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru, 560010.

Government Degree College, Malkajgiri

BA/B.Com/BSc Semester V

English- Internal Exam 1

Marks: 20                                     Time :- 1 hour

Answer the following multiple-choice questions. 10×1/2= 5

1. What is the primary theme of the poem "The Lotus"? ( )

   A) The beauty of the natural world B) About the nature. 

   C) A battle between Greek and Indian mythology D) The unity and reconciliation of opposing qualities.

2. In "The Lotus," which two flowers are initially compared? ( )

   A) Rose and Lily B) Rose and Lotus C) Lily and Sunflower D) Lotus and Daisy

3. What do the gods in the poem argue about? ( )

   A) Which flower is the most fragrant B) Which flower should be crowned as the queen of flowers C) Which flower has the brightest color D) Which flower grows in the purest water

4. Who ultimately resolves the dispute among the gods in "The Lotus"? ( )

  A) Zeus B) Flora, the goddess of flowers C) Cupid D) Apollo

5. How is The Lotus described in the poem? ( )

   A) A flower with the softness of a lily and the color of a rose B) A flower with the fragrance of a jasmine C) A flower with the strength of an oak tree D) A flower that never fades

6.what are the parts of an ‘essay’? ( )

Introduction, title B)Introduction, analysis and conclusion 

Conclusion title D) None of the above

7. Words inscribed on a tomb ( )

Cartograph B) Epitaph C) Polyglot D)All of the above. 

8. A sonnet is a —-- ( )

 poem of 14 lines B) poem of 10 lines C) poem of 8 lines D) None of the above

9.Who is Juno ? ( )

 The chief goddess in Roman mythology, known for stately beauty. B) God of love

C)Greek God D) All the above. 

10. The Lotus was published in the year —- ( )

1883 B) 1882 C) 1906 D) None of the above

II. Fill in the blanks 10×1/2= 5 

1.The poem “The Lotus” written by —-----------

2.Toru Dutt wrote poetry in English and —---------------------language.

3. —-----------came to Flora asking for a flower that would be undisputed queen. 

4.The word ‘essay’ literally means —--------------

Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of words from the given box. 







5.After the accident, he took a bow to abstain from alcoho and become a —----

6.The young people of today, realising that travel is an important experience of life, are nurturing 

    the spirit of—------------

7.The patient went missing only to be found sleeping in the balcony; the doctors discovered that 

    he was a —---------

8.As a —---------------- she could understand conversations in many languages on the metro. 

9. A small shelter for a dog------------------

10. One who draws maps is called a —--------

Answer the following questions in one line. 5×1= 5 

1. Which flowers were competing for the 'high honour'?


2. Who is declared the 'undisputed queen' ? 


3. Who is a ‘Bibliophile’? 


4. What is an ‘elegy’? 


5.Who is God of love in Roman Mythology? 


IV. Assignment                         5 marks. 


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