Osmania UG sem 1 syllabus & Model paper with answers


Q. P Dec 2023/Jan 2024

Answers to above Question Paper ( Dec. 23/Jan 2024) 

1. Answer as directed.

(a) Coffee- (Make it a countable noun)
Ans :- A cup of coffee (To make "coffee" countable, you can say "a cup of coffee").

(b) Able (Write the prefix or suffix or both for the given word). 

*Unable (Prefix: un)

(c) Make a meaningful word from the root word 'Multi'. 


(d) Don't be so child (Add a meaningful suffix)


2. Answer as directed:

(a) Make a meaningful word from the root word 'Auto'. 

(c) appropriate. (Make an antonym by adding 'un/dis/ in' as prefix). 


(d) Bread- (Make it a countable noun)

*A loaf of bread. 

3. Answer as directed:

(a) She is a postgraduate. (Find the root word from the underlined word). 


(b) I am of ------games. (Fill in the right homophone from-board/bored) 


(c) He lives in Hyderabad. (Identify the noun present in the sentence)

*Hyderabad ( proper noun) 

(d) Do a mistake/ make a mistake (Identify the right collocation)

*make a mistake

4. Answer as directed:

(a) -----peacock is in danger of extinction. (a/an/the)


(b) Mother is not as tall as her sister (taller - Rewrite using the word given)

Mother is not *taller* than her sister.

(c) Launch (a deal, a product-form a collocation). 

*Launch a product.

(d) There is---- book in my backpack. (a/an/the)

*a book

5. Answer as directed:

(a) They cooked the meat in own juices. (that/ its/us)

(b) An expression used to interrupt someone politely-------. 

*Excuse me

(c) I'm going to the mall. Are---- coming with me? (they/we/you)


(d) I bought a ------of gloves. (pare/pair/ pear)

* a pair

6. Answer as directed:

(a) I have called -------times. (several/ heavy/ more)


(b) My father is a doctor. ------works in a hospital. (he/she/ they)


 (c) A polite way of asking someone to repeat again-----


(d) He is a man of ----words. (less/ little/ few)
* few


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