Minutes of Meeting

Satavahana University Karimnagar

                                                                            III Year Sem 6

-Minutes of Meeting



Minutes of Meeting is a written document, which describes the decisions taken at a meeting or plans of the organisation. It should be concise and to the point since it is an official document. In the Minutes of Meeting, items are to be included in the following format:

Date and time (When)

Where (place)

Members attended

Agenda circulated

Resolutions taken


Sample format for Minutes of Meeting.

 1. Name of the company or organisation

2.Date, Time


4.Members attended

Present (Insert Name)



Regret (Insert Name)



Absent (Insert Name)




5.Agenda Circulated




6.Resolution taken






Chairman (Name)



Secretary (Name)



Members (Name)












1. Write minutes of meeting of a company

 QuickPort Co. Ltd

Karimnagar, Telangana

Date: 02.04.2023

Minutes of the QuickPort Co. Ltd. held on 2 April, 2023 at 2 P.M. at the company’s registered office.

Members attended

  • Mr. Ramakrishna   - Chairman
  • Mr. Raj Deepak      -   Director
  • Mr. Nataraj             -. Director
  • Mrs. Rajini             - Managing Director
  • Mr. J. Ali                -Secretary.

Agenda Circulated

Discussion on the financial position of the company.

The matters related to the promotion of the employees.

 Trying for a Govt Contract

Any other points with the permission of the Chairman.


After much discussion, the following are resolve

-It is resolved to promote the eligible employees in the company.

-The responsibility of bidding for the Govt contract is given to the secretary.
3.                                                                                                                   Chairman  

Exam model:-

Write the minutes of meeting for organizing Yuva Tarangam cultural fest at your college (SU May 2022) 
Minutes of Meeting


                   Karimnagar, Telangana

Date: 02.04.2023

Minutes of SRR College Cultural committee meeting held on 2 April, 2023 at  4 P.M. at college auditorium with the members. 

Members attended

Dr. Ramakrishna - Chairman & principal
Dr. Mallareddy - Vice chairman Cultural Committee
Mr. Nataraj -. Student member
Mrs. Rajini - Girl students Representative
Mr. J. Ali -Secretary.
Raju. M. - Treasurer. 

Agenda Circulated

Discussion on conducting Yuva Taragam cultural programs at college.

The matters related to TA & DA to the participants

Taking financial help from Alumni 

Any other points with the permission of the Chairman.


After much discussion, the following are resolved.

-It is resolved to collect funds from Alumni and Philanthropist
Arranging rooms for participants from other colleges

The organizing committees for food, water and other facilities 
volunteer committees
3.                                                                                                                 Chairman  

2) Write the minutes of meeting for parent- teacher meeting in a school. ( May 2023) 

Minutes of the Parent-Teacher Meeting

School: Paramitha High School, Karimnagar

Date: 20-04-2023

Time: 11 a.m.


M. Adi- Head Master

G. Swathi, Science Teacher

S. Srilatha, English

K. Nikhil, Physical Education  

M. Ramesh - President parents Association
K. Sriram - parent member
Discussion on the problems of the students
Planning for improving Educational standards
Enhancement of academic fees

I. Welcome and Introduction

  • The meeting began at 11 a.m. with a welcome address by Nikhil, a physical education teacher. 
  • The headmaster presented a detailed overview of the curriculum for the academic year
  • Resolutions:-
  • Resolve to provide parents with ample time to ask questions and address any concerns regarding their child's education and curriculum. 
  • Enhancement of academic fee with consent of committee. 

Note: These minutes are a summary of the key points discussed during the meeting. 

Head Master -

                                                                                                                    Chairman  of the school

3. Imagine you are the member of the music club of your college .Write the Minutes of Meeting for a meeting held by the club about an upcoming music concert at the college(Text book Page 112)
Minutes of Music Club Meeting
Date: 11 May 2024
Time: 10 am
Venue of the meeting: - College Music Club
1. S.Rajesh. Principal & Chairman of the club
2. Ch.Maruthi.-Member from the faculty
3. S.Sushanth.-Student Member 1
4. K.Keerthi - Student Member 2
5. G.Ramu - Student Member 3
1. Discussion on the upcoming music concert at the college.
2. Planning roles and responsibilities.
3. Budget allocation.
4. Promotion and marketing strategies.
**1. Opening:**
- The meeting started at 10 am in the college music club under chairmanship of the principal.
**2. Discussion on the upcoming music concert:**
- Chairman provided an overview of the upcoming music concert, detailing its purpose, date, and venue.
- Members shared their ideas on the type of music to be performed, considering the preferences of the college audience.
 Planning roles and responsibilities:**
- It was decided that Member 1 would be responsible for coordinating with the performers and managing their requirements.
- Member 2 will take care of stage setup and equipment arrangements.
-Member 3 agreed to handle ticket sales and distribution.
*Budget allocation:**
- Ch.Maruthi, member from falulty, presented the proposed budget for the concert, including expenses for performers, venue rental, equipment, promotion, and miscellaneous costs.
- After discussion, it was agreed to allocate funds accordingly, with a focus on maximizing the event's impact within the set budget constraints.
** Next Meeting:**
- The next meeting was scheduled for [Date] at [Time] in [Location] to review progress and address any issues leading up to the concert.

                                                                                                                 Principal &Chairman


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