Friday, April 28, 2023

Minutes of Meeting

Satavahana University Karimnagar

                                                                            III Year Sem 6

-Minutes of Meeting



Minutes of Meeting is a written document, which describes the decisions taken at a meeting or plans of the organisation. It should be concise and to the point since it is

an official document. In the Minutes of Meeting, items are to be included in the following format:

Date and time (When)

Where (place)

Members attended

Agenda circulated

Resolutions taken


Sample format for Minutes of Meeting.

 1. Name of the company or organisation

2.Date, Time


4.Members attended

Present (Insert Name)



Regret (Insert Name)



Absent (Insert Name)




5.Agenda Circulated




6.Resolution taken






Chairman (Name)



Secretary (Name)



Members (Name)












1. Write minutes of meeting of a company

 QuickPort Co. Ltd

Karimnagar, Telangana

Date: 02.04.2023

Minutes of the QuickPort Co. Ltd. held on 2 April, 2023 at 2 P.M. at the company’s registered office.

Members attended

  • Mr. Ramakrishna   - Chairman
  • Mr. Raj Deepak      -   Director
  • Mr. Nataraj             -. Director
  • Mrs. Rajini             - Managing Director
  • Mr. J. Ali                -Secretary.

Agenda Circulated

Discussion on the financial position of the company.

The matters related to the promotion of the employees.

 Trying for a Govt Contract

Any other points with the permission of the Chairman.


After much discussion, the following are resolve

-It is resolved to promote the eligible employees in the company.

-The responsibility of bidding for the Govt contract is given to the secretary.
3.                                                                                                                   Chairman  

Exam model:-

Write the minutes of meeting for organizing Yuva Tarangam cultural fest at your college (SU May 2022) 
Minutes of Meeting


                   Karimnagar, Telangana

Date: 02.04.2023

Minutes of SRR College Cultural committee meeting held on 2 April, 2023 at  4 P.M. at college auditorium with the members. 

Members attended

Dr. Ramakrishna - Chairman & principal
Dr. Mallareddy - Vice chairman Cultural Committee
Mr. Nataraj -. Student member
Mrs. Rajini - Girl students Representative
Mr. J. Ali -Secretary.
Raju. M. - Treasurer. 

Agenda Circulated

Discussion on conducting Yuva Taragam cultural programs at college.

The matters related to TA & DA to the participants

Taking financial help from Alumni 

Any other points with the permission of the Chairman.


After much discussion, the following are resolved.

-It is resolved to collect funds from Alumni and Philanthropist
Arranging rooms for participants from other colleges

The organizing committees for food, water and other facilities 
volunteer committees
3.                                                                                                                 Chairman  

2) Write the minutes of meeting for parent- teacher meeting in a school. ( May 2023) 

Minutes of the Parent-Teacher Meeting

School: Paramitha High School, Karimnagar

Date: 20-04-2023

Time: 11 a.m.


M. Adi- Head Master

G. Swathi, Science Teacher

S. Srilatha, English

K. Nikhil, Physical Education  

M. Ramesh - President parents Association
K. Sriram - parent member
Discussion on the problems of the students
Planning for improving Educational standards
Enhancement of academic fees

I. Welcome and Introduction

  • The meeting began at 11 a.m. with a welcome address by Nikhil, a physical education teacher. 
  • The headmaster presented a detailed overview of the curriculum for the academic year
  • Resolutions:-
  • Resolve to provide parents with ample time to ask questions and address any concerns regarding their child's education and curriculum. 
  • Enhancement of academic fee with consent of committee. 

Note: These minutes are a summary of the key points discussed during the meeting. 

Head Master -

                                                                                                                    Chairman  of the school

3. Imagine you are the member of the music club of your college .Write the Minutes of Meeting for a meeting held by the club about an upcoming music concert at the college(Text book Page 112)
Minutes of Music Club Meeting
Date: 11 May 2024
Time: 10 am
Venue of the meeting: - College Music Club
1. S.Rajesh. Principal & Chairman of the club
2. Ch.Maruthi.-Member from the faculty
3. S.Sushanth.-Student Member 1
4. K.Keerthi - Student Member 2
5. G.Ramu - Student Member 3
1. Discussion on the upcoming music concert at the college.
2. Planning roles and responsibilities.
3. Budget allocation.
4. Promotion and marketing strategies.
**1. Opening:**
- The meeting started at 10 am in the college music club under chairmanship of the principal.
**2. Discussion on the upcoming music concert:**
- Chairman provided an overview of the upcoming music concert, detailing its purpose, date, and venue.
- Members shared their ideas on the type of music to be performed, considering the preferences of the college audience.
 Planning roles and responsibilities:**
- It was decided that Member 1 would be responsible for coordinating with the performers and managing their requirements.
- Member 2 will take care of stage setup and equipment arrangements.
-Member 3 agreed to handle ticket sales and distribution.
*Budget allocation:**
- Ch.Maruthi, member from falulty, presented the proposed budget for the concert, including expenses for performers, venue rental, equipment, promotion, and miscellaneous costs.
- After discussion, it was agreed to allocate funds accordingly, with a focus on maximizing the event's impact within the set budget constraints.
** Next Meeting:**
- The next meeting was scheduled for [Date] at [Time] in [Location] to review progress and address any issues leading up to the concert.

                                                                                                                 Principal &Chairman

Debates- write a script for a debate


Satavahana University Karimnagar

          III Year Sem 6

Text book exercises:-

Write a script for a debate on any one of the following topics either for or against the motion.

2) Animal testing should be banned.

3) Nobody should have the right to own a gun.

4) Climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today (June 2022 SU

1. Animal testing should be banned.

In favor of the motion

Respected Judges and friends.

Animal testing should be banned since it is a terrible and inhumane practise. The testing is mostly done on rats, mice, guinea pigs, and monkeys. Giving helpless animals terrible trials so that people can gain from them is cruel. Animals have the same right to life as humans. It is unethical and unreliable to employ animals in scientific investigations. Animals don't always respond to medications and chemicals in the same way that people do. As a result, using animals in research frequently yields unreliable data, endangering human lives. Cell cultures and computer simulations are alternatives to animal testing. Compared to animal testing, these procedures are more accurate and can yield data more quickly. Animal testing is, therefore, cruel and unreliable. It's time to ban this cruel practise.

Against the motion

We must understand that animal testing is a necessary evil. It is impossible to dispute the advantages of animal testing for human health and safety. Animal testing was used to generate many of the life-saving medications and medical techniques we use today. Although it is true that animal testing can be cruel, we must realise that strict guidelines are given by governments to guarantee the animals' safety. Alternatives like cell cultures and computer simulations are helpful, but they cannot entirely replace animal testing. Despite its flaws, animal testing is still a necessary evil that we must accept for the sake of protecting the health and safety of humans. There is a need to look for ways to improve the conditions for lab animals and investigate alternatives, we cannot outright ban animal testing.

2. Nobody should have the right to own a gun.

In favor of the motion

Respected Judges and friends,

Guns are lethal weapons that can cause harm and death in the wrong hands. Gun ownership leads to an increase in gun violence, accidents, and suicides. The USA is witnessing gun violence due to guns in the wrong hands. Though people defend gun ownership as a right to defend themselves, it is not necessary for self-defense. We have police and other security forces to protect us. India and other countries have strict gun control laws. The police issue the gun license based on the threat the individual faces and renew it periodically.

    In conclusion, nobody should have the right to own a gun. Guns are dangerous weapons that lead to an increase in gun violence, accidents, suicides and mass shootings. 

Against the motion

The right to own a gun is a fundamental right that should not be taken away. Gun ownership is necessary for self-defence. We cannot always rely on the police and other security forces to protect us from killers. In some situations, owning a gun is the only way to defend ourselves and our loved ones.

Strict gun control laws do not necessarily lead to a decrease in gun violence and deaths. Criminals will still find ways to obtain guns, and law-abiding citizens will be left defenceless.

In conclusion, the right to own a gun is a fundamental right that should not be taken away. Gun ownership is necessary for self-defense.

Text book model

Let us now look at a model debate on corruption.

Against the motion

Honourable judges and listeners,

We all know that corruption is one of the major issues faced by us today. It hampers our social, political, educational and economic growth. We all should remember that fighting corruption is not the job of a single individual or agency. It is a collective and a coordinated effort. It requires synergy. Several bodies, agencies, NGOs law enforcement departments and law-abiding citizens need to come together to eradicate corruption. The corrupt should be punished without any delay. For this to become a reality, our attitude needs to change. Our clear disregard for rules as a nation reflects in the corruption prevalent in our systems. Some of us unnecessarily encourage deviation from the rules as long as the work is getting done, even if by illegal means. We all know that bribery is illegal. However, many give in to the temptation of achieving their ends through bribery. Let us perform all our actions in an honest and transparent manner. We must act in the public interest for the sake of our nation's progress. The values of honesty and sincerity have become sparse in our dealings today. Upholding these core human values can go a long way in setting things in motion and ending this unending cycle of corruption. All incidents of corruption should be brought under the radar of the appropriate agency. Schemes such as the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) have reduced the scope of corruption in government transactions. This program entails the transfer of subsidies directly to the people through their bank accounts. This is aimed at reducing leakages and delays in financial transactions. Introduced in the year 1913, this scheme has saved tremendous amounts of money from falling into the hands of middlemen. It is being implemented in hundreds of schemes of multiple ministries, including the education sector. Moving towards one tax, insolvency and bankruptcy codes are other progressive changes aimed at creating a clear and transparent financial system. Further, technology has eliminated human intervention in financial aspects, leading to a decline in the chances of committing offences and malpractices. The new policies seek to encourage zero tolerance towards corruption by tapping black money, restricting terror funding, keeping a check on unauthorised foreign funding. averting tax evasion and increasing revenue sources.

The Certificate of Commitment issued by the Central Vigilance Commission expects all of us to adopt the Integrity Pledge, to commit to uphold the highest standards of honesty and integrity and to follow probity and the rule of law in all walks of life. I am waiting for the day when my country becomes a proud nation without any corruption. To make this dream a reality, we all must uphold the values of honesty and sincerity in the highest regard, and ensure vigilance to strengthen the hands that fight against corruption.

Today, we sense a need to stand united for change. We need inspiration from people who epitomise exemplary qualities. There have been personalities such as Anna Hazare, a social activist who was the figurehead of the Indian anti-corruption movement in 2011-12, who have caught the nation's attention in recent times. Our former President, the Late A. P. J. Abdul Kalam had once said that youth who begin fighting corruption from their homes can be our exemplars.

Electronic and social media are mighty tools to expose corruption and other unjust practices in today's age. We have witnessed the power of social media to expose and strengthen numerous social and political movements in recent times. The youth is playing a key role in bringing forth these issues and generating public interest in pressing matters that require our attention.

However, having covered all these points, we cannot undermine the fact that corruption cannot be eradicated at one go. Investigative and anti-corruption bodies such as the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) should not only be autonomous but must also be bestowed with extraordinary powers to fight corruption. They should work liberally without any shackles for us to live in a progressive nation, free of injustice.

If you support corruption, what do you propose?

For the motion

Respected judges and friends,

India has ranked 86 out of 180 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index in the year 2020. This implies that our nation is 86 in corruption. Some of us may be unhappy to see this ranking. However, we are ahead of almost a hundred corrupt countries of the world. The most perceived corrupt country in the world has been Somalia, since 2012.

Now I'll throw some light on different layers of corruption. Corruption is a multi- faceted and a hydra-headed issue. We see corruption at both small scales and grand scales such as politics, as well as public and private undertakings. In fact even social events such as weddings entail a substantial amount of corruption, involving financial implications and negotiations. In both private and public firms, contracts and tenders are commonly exposed to corruption, whereby quotations are leaked, and contracts awarded to corrupt companies wherein builders use low-quality construction materials leading to great disasters and loss of lives. Even the education segment is not untainted by this debasement. Educational institutions recruit undeserving candidates and issue counterfeit certificates and degrees rampantly. In the medical field too, doctors prescribe unnecessary medicines, tests, and issue false medical certificates. We have witnessed huge scams in religious places, banks, and financial institutions in recent times. At the basic level, government officials do not forward or sanction any contract without a bribe.

Let me share an anecdote here: Singapore's Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew, once said that there were two options for him. He said, 'Either I get corrupted and I put my family in the Forbes List of the richest people in the world and leave my people with nothing. Or I serve my country, my people and let my country be in the list of the ten best economies in the world. I chose the second option.

Corruption is a disease that has rapidly spread to every fibre of our society, becoming a way of life. We all accept it, though it greatly impedes the progress of our nation. The ramperit corruption around us has made us indifferent as a nation.

People indulge in corruption because of the haste to make quick money. Materialistic values have intercepted moral values fostering an atmosphere of excess, mismanagement, price hikes, economic crisis, ineffective leadership, unemployment and a perpetual discontentment, among others.

However, despite these examples of corruption the voices of dissent against the system have seen a sharp rise. Corruption at any level cannot be justified, but its existence in our society has led to a significant emergence of an informed and aware class of people. These are the voices who otherwise would have remained silent had the evils of corruption not battered our system. Despite the numerous atrocities meted out to those who have emerged to counter corruption, there have been instances of positive transformation. Therefore, I close my argument by putting forth my starice that the only just way to stand for this motion is by highlighting the achievements of those fighting against it. Without corruption, the movements led try people who selflessly counter the gaps in our system would cease to exist.


Monday, April 10, 2023

The Felling of the Banyan Tree- Dilip Chitre

Kakatiya University Warangal

II Year Sem 4. Unit 3 


Osmania University I yr Sem 2 - Unit 5

The Felling of the Banyan Tree

                           Dilip Chitre

My father told the tenants to leave

Who lived on the houses surrounding our house on the hill

One by one the structures were demolished

Only our own house remained and the trees

Trees are sacred my grandmother used to say

Felling them is a crime but he massacred them all

The sheoga, the oudumber, the neem were all cut down

But the huge banyan tree stood like a problem

Whose roots lay deeper than all our lives

My father ordered it to be removed

The banyan tree was three times as tall as our house

Its trunk had a circumference of fifty feet

Its scraggy aerial roots fell to the ground

From thirty feet or more so first they cut the branches

Sawing them off for seven days and the heap was huge

Insects and birds began to leave the tree

And then they came to its massive trunk

Fifty men with axes chopped and chopped

The great tree revealed its rings of two hundred years

We watched in terror and fascination this slaughter

As a raw mythology revealed to us its age

Soon afterwards we left Baroda for Bombay

Where there are no trees except the one

Which grows and seethes in one’s dreams, its aerial roots

Looking for the ground to strike.

Question:- The Felling of the Banyan Tree " reflects the harmony of the natural ecosystem. Discuss?( KU June 2023) 

About the author

 Dilip Chitre (

Dilip Purushottam Chitre born on 17 September, 1938 in Baroda, Gujarat. He is one of the best poets of post-independence India. He was a poet, translator, short story writer, painter & filmmaker."The Felling of the Banyan Tree" is taken from his book Traveling In A Cage in 1980. In 1951, at the age of 12, his family moved to Mumbai. He is a bilingual writer. He wrote both in English and Marathi. 

His best-known work was the English translation of the devotional poems of the 17th century bhakti poet, Tukaram published as 'Says Tuka'. This translation received the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1994 and in the same year he also won Sahithya Akademi Award for his original work "Ekoon kavita".

About the poem

The autobiographical poem "The Felling of the Banyan Tree" is a free verse poem with 25 lines in total. Themes are uprootedness, unsettlement, alienation and destruction of ecosystem. Main theme of the poem is uprootedness, the idea of leaving a family home. 
The poem is about the reminiscences of Dilip Chitre's childhood. He emphasises the balance of the natural ecosystem by lamenting the felling of huge trees.
The Banyan tree is a metaphor for his life. On the hillsides of Baroda, there were some tenant houses all around his ancestral house. His father told the tenants to vacate the houses so that he could demolish them. As a part of the demolition, he cut down all the trees, including the Sheoga (Dumbstick),Oudumber( Fig tree) , and Neem trees. Their house and a big banyan tree remained after the felling of trees. His grandmother used to say that she was scared, as felling trees was a crime and a bad omen. The Hindus worship trees such as Peepal, Tulasi, and Neem. The trees are sacred to them, and they have a great place in Hindu mythology. Nevertheless, his father butchered all of the trees and ordered the removal of the huge banyan tree with deeper roots, which stood as a challenge for the tree cutters. 
The poet vividly describes the huge tree features, whose trunk has a fifty-foot circumference and long aerial roots almost touching the ground. Fifty men, with axes for seven days, first cut the branches. Insects and birds began to leave the big tree, which had been their house for several years. Then cutters chopped the massive trunk. The trunk's rings revealed its age to be 200 years old. The poet family watched this slaughter in terror. Then their family left for Bombay, where he didn't see any trees except in his dreams. The huge tree’s aerial roots were trying to find a place to settle down on the ground, which had turned into concrete buildings. The poet echoes for biodiversity and speaks out against deforestation.

Tenant- A person who pays rent to a landowner in exchange for living on their property.
Demolished- (of a building) destroyed or knocked down.
sacred - holy
fell- to cut down.
massacre - to brutally kill.
circumference - the outer boundary of a circular shape
scraggly- badly grown, uneven.
massive - very large.
fascination- a very strong attraction.
slaughter- the killing of a large number of people or animals.
seethes- surges: moves about widly and roughly.
aerial roots - roots hanging down to earth from the tree branches.
For Video lesson in English click the 🔗

Friday, April 7, 2023

Letter Writing- Official letters


 Kakatiya University Warangal

                                  III Year Sem 6 - Grammar  Unit-4

               SRR BCA Sem 2                  Official Letters

Click the link below for video lesson

Q.1) A letter to a company for the job of clerk cum typist.


Nehru Road


The Managing Director

Sun Batteries Private Ltd.

Gandhi Nagar


23 January 2022


Sub: Application for the Post of Clerk cum typist in your company - Submission - Regarding.

Ref: Advertisement in The Times of India news paper dated.21 January 2022.

In response to your advertisement in The Times of India dated 21 January 2022, I wish to submit my application for the post of Clerk cum typist in your Company.

I am 21 years old. I have passed B.Com with a first class. I have passed Higher Grade Typewriting in English and Telugu. I have also done a few computer courses necessary for doing office work. My typing speed is 70 words per minute. I have worked as a clerk cum typist for one year in Rama Traders, Hyderabad.

I assure you that I will work to the best of my abilities if I am selected.

Yours faithfully,


Q.2) Write a letter to your principal request to issue Transfer certificate,Bonafide and Migration certificate?



SR colony


12 September 2023

The Principal

ABV Government Degree College



            Sub:- Request for TC,Bonafide and Migration certificate

I have completed my graduation with BSc BZC group from ABV GDCJangaon in May 2023 with a distinction. i was a student of your college from 2020-21 to 2022-23. I got 2 nd rank in PGCET conducted by Osmania University,Hyd and I wish to join MSc Chemistry at University science college Osmanina,Hyd.The last date for certificate verification for PG admission is 15th September 2023.

        Therefore, I request you that issue my Transfer certifcate, Bonafide and Migration certificates at the earliest.

Thank you.

Yours faithfuly,


Q.3) Write a letter of complaint to the commissioner of your municipality regarding the bad condition of a road that needs immediate repair.



SR colony,Road No. 4


12 September 2020

The Commissioner




Subject:  Bad condition of SR colony road   

    I am a resident of SR Colony Road No.4 ,Janagaon. I would like to bring to your kind notice the miserable condition of the road. The Road No.4 is in a deplorable condition. It is one of the busiest roads in the area. The road is full of potholes and that condition has led to many accidents. This is rainy season, and the road has been submerged due to incessant rains last week. It becomes difficult to notice those potholes. Last week a motorcyclist fell into the pothole and got injured.

    So I would like to draw the attention of the authorities to the problem and request them to take necessary action so that the road may be put to repair without any further delay.

Yours faithfully,


Q. 4) Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner on the unhygienic conditions of your locality.


Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your town regardig the insanitary conditions of your locality. (KU June 2023)



Kurma Wada


14 April 2022

The Commissioner




Subject:  Unhygienic conditions in my locality, Kurma Wada -Request for Action.


 I am S. Rajesh, a resident of Kurma Wada, Janagaon. On behalf of the residents of my locality, I would like to bring to your kind attention the unhygienic conditions. The municipal workers are not regularly cleaning the drains. The bad smell is emanating from the drains, and there are also heaps of garbage on the sides of the colony roads, which have not been lifted for several days. Due to the negligence of workers, the garbage has been piling up in the garbage dumps. The garbage dumps have become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The residents have been suffering from malaria and other viral fevers for a few days due to the unhygienic conditions. I also brought this issue up with the local councillor, but to no avail.

    Therefore, I request that you take the necessary steps in this regard as soon as possible. Looking forward to your positive response.

Yours faithfully,

S. Rajesh,

Q. 5) Write a letter to the bank manager request him to change address.



Kurma Wada


14 April 2023

The Manager

State Bank of India

Bus stand branch



Subject:  Change in address -Req-Reg

With the subject cited above, I wish to draw your kind attention to the fact that I am an account holder in your bank with A/C 2315489. I moved to a new address in the same city. I request you to change the address and update my new address in the bank records and issue a new passbook I enclosed my new address proof with the application.

Thank you

Yours faithfully,


Mobile no.523598545

Q.6) Write a letter to the principal of your college request her/him for an extension of the worki ng hours of your college library.(KU July 2022)



SR colony


12 September 2024

The Principal

ABV Government Degree College



            Sub:- Request for an extension of the working hours of our college library.

I am S.Ramesh, studying BCom computers final year.Our college working hours are 10 am to 4.30 pm. Teaching classes run upto 4.30 pm. We, all final year students are preparing for various competitive exams and need to go to college library for reading magazines and books. We can not visit library during teaching hours. we request you that extend the working hours of library upto 5.30 pm so that we can refer books in the library.

Thank you.

Yours faithfuly,
