Precis Writing Exercises


Satavahana University Karimnagar- Degree II Year-Semester 3-English- 2021-22 onwards ...

SRR Govt.Arts& Science College Karimnagar BCA Sem 2

Grammar - Precis writing


10  Key points to be remembered while writing a precis.

1)Read the passage carefully and thoroughly to identify the theme.

2) Choose a suitable title

3) Identify main points

4) avoid superfluous language, synonyms and repetitions.

5) shorten the big sentences without losing original meaning

6) Don't write your opinions.

7)avoid using contractions and abbreviations.

8)Use your own language

9) Omit all unnecessary information

10)Precis writing should be one third of the original passage.(1/3 of original)

11.Do not use phrases like ' I think', the writer says' Or according to me'. 

12) Do not repeat any sentence from the text but use your own words and expressions to convey the writer's concept.

   Precis writing

1) Question from the text:-

To be disciplined is an ability to control oneself or other people, in the face of difficulties. To be disciplined is predominantly about having a plan and following through with it. Unfortunately, when we talk of discipline it is easy to visualise strict schedules and punishment. Admittedly that is a version of how discipline is sometimes practiced. However, it is not all the discipline stands for. Being Disciplined can help in the process of understanding priorities and taking command of one's life and decisions. It helps fight procrastination- a common factor of delays and chaos. Exercise of discipline is especially important when it comes to educational institutions. Students, in the formative years of life, require to be trained in discipline. Maintaining discipline, it is often said, comes from training, just like any muscle body. Students, when showed how   discipline can be inculcated in day-to-day life, understand and learn other valuable qualities of understanding and cooperation. This reflects later in life to follow for themselves. It brings an understanding of freedom as something that brings liberty to choose personal form of discipline, rather than its absence. liberty is not a license and disciplined liberty is often all it takes for success. (221 words)

Answer :-


Discipline is controlling oneself and others. We usually believe that discipline is practised in a strict form  but that is one of the methods. Discipline helps to understand priorities and make decisions. It avoids delays. It must be implemented in the educational institutions for the students, as they need training. Qualities learned by students reflect on the future. They get the liberty to choose their own disciplinary method, and disciplined liberty is the key to success (77)

Rajesh Kumar

Q.2) Speech is one of the factors that has allowed humanity to advance beyond all other species. We have innumerable languages and this diversity allows us to think differently and express ourselves eloquently. Differences in languages also leads people from different parts of the world to look at things from different perspectives. However, this great gift also has pitfalls. Misinterpretation, both accidental and deliberate, cause a lot of mischief. Moreover, cultural differences sometimes lead to the same sets of words to have different connotations. A regular word in one society may be offensive in another. Thus, speech is a gift to be used cautiously, for it can give rise to great beauty or utter chaos.(115 words) 


Speech is a gift, facilitating human advancement. But languages are diverse and give birth to new perspectives. Speech can be dangerous. Used carelessly, words can be misinterpreted to cause great mischief. Cultural differences also cause shifts in interpretation. Speech can create both beauty and chaos. 

Q. 3) 

Public speaking is an art that can be mastered with practise and sincerity. Even good speakers get jitters before facing a group of people. It is an effective means of communication as it helps a person to express ideas, thoughts and views clearly.

While speaking on any given topic one should first gather all the details, note them down in an

organised manner and then think of a few examples or instances to support one's views. The speech should begin with an interesting introduction followed by details, examples, which the audience can relate to and end with an appropriate conclusion. One can also include good quotations and the language used should essentially be simple which the audience may easily understand. The speaker should remember the key-words and phrases and later expand on the same. In the beginning, one should practise well but later on, as confidence is gained, one will be able to present views clearly and easily. It has been observed that with practise while one thinks and speaks, on a topic ideas flow spontaneously and one does not encounter difficulty in expressing his/her own views.


Public Speaking is an Art

Public speaking is an effective means of communication. The selected topic should be well researched and the speech should begin with an appropriate introduction, followed by details and examples. It must end with an 

impressive conclusion which may include a good quotation, all put forth in simple language. Key-words will be of great help. Practice is required in the beginning, but later on one can confidently express ideas without hesitation.

Q.4) It is often a tendency to be uncomfortable when encountered with customs and cultures that are unfamiliar to us. However, democracy depends on acceptance of the fact that each individual community forms only a negligible part of humanity. We must always learn to be tolerant and try to examine what we see from multiple perspectives before we decide if something is not acceptable. We live in a globalised world heavily dependent on technology and connectivity. It is more likely now than ever before that we will come across multiple perspectives and ways of life. They are all specific and often optimised to suit the geographical conditions people are faced with. Ignorance can cause a lot of disharmony and teachers play a crucial role in dispelling a narrow and exclusive understanding of the world. It is here that educators of the world play a crucial role in educating students about the importance of inclusivity and tolerance. The education system of this day needs to be designed in a way that helps students become a generation that is able to work together irrespective of national boundaries and cultural differences. It is a skill not only important to secure global peace but also national unity, especially in a country as diverse as India. Any healthy democracy


Q.5.The Festival That I Like The Most Is Diwali. We Celebrate It Either In October Or In November. In Gujarat, It Is Celebrated For Five Days. Every House Is Decorated With Rangoli And Oil Lamps. We Start Preparing For  Diwali A Few Weeks In Advance By Cleaning Our Houses. Sweets And Savouries Are Made And New Clothes Are Bought For Everyone. We Celebrate It With A Lot Of Pomp And Festivity. I Love Diwali Because We Enjoy Bursting Crackers, Visiting Our Relatives And Having Lots Of Fun With Our Near And Dear Ones. 


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