Communication Skills Osmania& Satavahana- Skill Enhancement Course-SEC 1

Communication Skills Sem 3


 Degree Semester 3- SEC-1. 2020-21 onwards

Satavahana University Karimnagar

Communication Skills- Skill Enhancement Course -SEC. Semester 3. Common paper for All Groups - Marks 50

(40 Theory + 10 Internal exam) credits :-2


Osmania November 2024 Q. P

December 2023 / January 2024-question paper Osmania Univ. SEC 1 Communication Skill

Satavahana University Karimnagar

Satavahana university SEC  


Credit: 02
Total of 7 Modules



4 Hours

Module 2


6 Hours

Module 3


3 Hours

Module 4

Writing and different modes of writing

4 Hours

Module 5

Digital Literacy

4 Hours

Module 6

Effective use of Social Media

4 Hours

Module 7

Non-verbal communication

5 Hours

Module Outline :

Life Skills (Jeevan Kaushal) 2019

Module 1: Listening    4 Hours

  • Techniques of effective listening

  • Listening and comprehension

  • Probing questions

  • Barriers to listening

Module 2: Speaking    6 Hours

  • Pronunciation

  • Enunciation

  • Vocabulary

  • Fluency

  • Common Errors

Module 3: Reading    3 Hours

  • Techniques of effective reading

  • Gathering ideas and information from a given text

  1. Identify the main claim of the text

  2. Identify the purpose of the text

  3. Identify the context of the text

  4. Identify the concepts mentioned

  • Evaluating these ideas and information

  1. Identify the arguments employed in the text

  2. Identify the theories employed or assumed in the text

  • Interpret the text

  1. To understand what a text says

  2. To understand what a text does

  3. To understand what a text means

Module 4: Writing and different modes of writing    4 Hours

  • Clearly state the claims

  • Avoid ambiguity, vagueness, unwanted generalisations and oversimplification of


  • Provide background information

  • Effectively argue the claim

  • Provide evidence for the claims

  • Use examples to explain concepts

  • Follow convention

  • Be properly sequenced

  • Use proper signposting techniques

  • Be well structured

  1. Well-knit logical sequence

  2. Narrative sequence

  3. Category groupings

Life Skills (Jeevan Kaushal) 2019    11

  • Different modes of Writing    -

  1. E-mails

  2. Proposal writing for Higher Studies

  3. Recording the proceedings of meetings

  4. Any other mode of writing relevant for learners

Module 5: Digital Literacy    4 Hours

  • Role of Digital literacy in professional life

  • Trends and opportunities in using digital technology in workplace

  • Internet Basics

  • Introduction to MS Office tools

  1. Paint

  2. Office

  3. Excel

  4. Powerpoint

Module 6: Effective use of Social Media    4 Hours

  • Introduction to social media websites

  • Advantages of social media

  • Ethics and etiquettes of social media

  • How to use Google search better

  • Effective ways of using Social Media

  • Introduction to Digital Marketing

Module 7: Non-verbal communication    5 Hours

  • Meaning of non-verbal communication

  • Introduction to modes of non-verbal communication

  • Breaking the misbeliefs

  • Open and Closed Body language

  • Eye Contact and Facial Expression

  • Hand Gestures

  • Do's and Don'ts

  • Learning from experts

  • Activities-Based Learning

Important Questions

Listening Skills:-

Q.1)How to improve listening skills?

Following are the ways to improve listening skills.

  • Listen to English news daily on Radio or TV

  • Listen to audiobooks regularly.

  • Watch English movies and listen to songs.

  • Attend Seminars/workshops or listen to speeches in English.

Q.2) Techniques of effective listening/Active listening.?

( Or)

What are the techniques of effective listening? ( July 2021 Satavahana)

  • Keep an eye contact with the speaker

  • Pay attention

  • Avoid distractions. 

  • Nod occasionally listening to the speaker

  • Maintain a good body language

  • Be calm while listening.

  • Do not interrupt the speaker

  • Clarify your doubts after the session

  • Pay attention to nonverbal communication

  • Try to understand facial expressions of the speaker

  • Try to put yourself  in the speaker's shoes.

  • Don't listen with a preoccupied mind.

Q. 3)List the barriers for listening and explain on how they effect? (Osmania Dec2023/Jan2024) 

Q.3) What are the barriers to listening?

a)Physical barriers:-

 outside noise may distract the listener's attention to some objects in the hall. Usage of phones by colleagues in the meeting hall may distract the attention. Listener has to take precautions to limit the distraction.


The person performing more than one task at the same time is called Multitasker.for ex.Answering emails or sending messages on the phone while listening to the speaker. Multitasking makes listening less effective.

c)Attitudinal barriers or Pride.:-

Pride or ego of the listener hinders the process. The listener may think that he knows much better than the speaker. This kind of attitude becomes a barrier to listening.

d)Cultural barriers/Accent:-

the learners of English as a second language

may face this problem. They may not well understand the native speaker's accent.Ex:- Indians feel difficulty in understanding American accent

e)Physiological barriers.:-

The learners may have hearing problems.


Sometimes the listener disagrees with the speaker. The listener should not be emotional while listening to the lecture. It may be a barrier to effective listening.

g)Lack  of interest and partial listening also make your listening less effective.


Q.1) What are four speaking skills?

Four speaking skills are Fluency, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar. English Second language (ESL) learners have to acquire these 4 sub skills of speaking to become a good speaker.

Pronunciation:- This sub skill includes sounds(phonetics), stress,rhythm and intonation.

Q. What are speech sounds in English ( Satavahana March 2022)

Sounds of English Language

English alphabet has 26 letters.There are 24 consonants and 20 vowels

Q.1)What are consonant sounds?

Consonant sounds are 24.

Consonant Sounds 


Pen, reply, rap



bat, table, job 



ten, attain, pit



do, ladder, mad



cat, clock, walk



get, ago, bug



church, catch, match



judge, barged, large



fan, coffee, rough, 



van, heavy, dive



three, author, cloth


that, brother, smooth



sin, cease, bus



zip, music, buzz


shine sure, dash



pleasure, leisure



hen, have, 



more, hammer, dam



neat, many, sun



king, sing



leaf, plate, feel



rat, career


you, pure


water, between.

Q 2)What are vowel sounds?

Vowel Sounds are 20.They are divided into 2 groups. 12 pure vowels or Monophthongs and 8 Dipthongs.


A monophthong is a single uncompounded Or unchanging vowel sound. They are also known as pure vowels.Monopthongs may be classified as short vowels or long vowels.

/iː/    eel, each,eager, east,lead, seed, beat,heat,fee, see, key.

 /Ιͺ/   is, it, english, ill, nit, pity, sit ( no final position)

/e/    egg,end, bend, ten, bed,credit (no final position)

/Γ¦/    act,add,agile,access,sat, land, bat, mat, man, fan, have, had (no final position)

/ɑː/    art, farm, car, father, card

/Ι’/    on,pot, cot,

/ɔː/    all, caught, saw, port

/ʊ/    book, full, put

/uː/    ooze, loose, too, fool, rule

/ʌ/    up, cup, hit, cut, blood

/ɜː/    earth, world, sir, bird, girl

/Ι™/    about, suppose, writer, singer

Vowel Sounds - Diphthongs:

/eΙͺ/    ape, late,day

/aΙͺ/    ice,high, fly

/Ι”Ιͺ/    oil, join, joy

/Ι™ΚŠ/    oats, joke, flow

/aʊ/    out,  town, now

/ΙͺΙ™/    ear, clear,near

/eΙ™/    fair, share, care

/ΚŠΙ™/    curious,poor.

Q. What is fluency in speaking? Explain (Osmania Dec2023/Jan2024)


Write a note on how to improve fluency?

( July 2021 Satavahana university)

Fluency- Fluency is  speaking without a long pause and with an ease.It is an ability to speak the language quickly and effectively.There should not be a breakdown in communication.

It involves correct grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation skills.

Becoming fluent in the English language need great deal of hard work from the learners of English as a second language.

Tips for speaking English fluently.

  • The best way to learn English is to speak it.

  • Think in English,but not in your mother tongue.Don't try to translate sentences from your mother tongue in your mind.

  • Don't be afraid of mistakes.

  • Create an English environment around you.

  • Practice with friends.

  • Make native English speakers as friends and practice with them.

  • Make audios and videos speaking English.Then correct your mistakes.

  • As much as possible,read and listen to English.

  • Watch movies with subtitles and listen to news on the radio.

  • Learn some words everyday and try to use them in your conversation.

Rajesh Kumar

Many words are borrowed from various languages especially Latin and Greek. Over 60 percent of all English words have Greek or Latin roots.

Vocabulary is one of the four sub skills of speaking. ESL needs  vocabulary to speak English fluently.

Two types of Vocabulary Basic and advanced vocabulary.Speaking vocabulary consists of  the words we use in speaking. 

What are the ways to develop vocabulary?

Read newspapers daily.

Look up a dictionary.

Use new words in conversation.

Write a diary.

Play word games.participate in quizzes.

Practice vocabulary tests online

Watch movies,documentaries.

Develop reading habit.

Solving crossword puzzle

Check your performance

Learn stems,roots,prefixes and suffixes.

What is enunciation? Explain it's importance in communication?

(Osmania Dec2023/Jan2024)

The ability to pronounce words and sounds in spoken language clearly and distinctively is known as enunciation. It entails speaking clearly, with intensity, and with appropriate articulation. In communication, enunciation is essential for the following reasons:

1.Clarity:* The speaker's message will be understood by the audience without difficulty if it is articulated clearly.

2. Confidence: You can convey confidence by speaking effectively. When you speak clearly, you project confidence and command over the audience.

3.Participation: Speaking clearly draws the audience in and keeps them interested throughout the discussion or presentation. 4.Reliability:A speaker with clear enunciation is more credible since it exudes competence and professionalism.

4. Skillful Interaction: Proper enunciation facilitates the conveyance of information in a clear and accurate manner, which is essential for effective communication.

Enunciation ensures clarity, comprehension, engagement, credibility, and the overall impact of the message, all of which are critical components of effective communication.

Reading skills.

Q.1.What are Sub skills of Reading?

Skimming and scanning  are the techniques of fast reading.

Skimming:- Skimming is a selective reading method and involves quick reading, in which, focus is on the main ideas of the  text.It is opposite to the Scanning method.The reader leaves unimportant points and focus only on important points.Skimming helps the reader get an overall idea of the given text. We often do this kind of reading when we read a newspaper, magazine or any popular literature.


Scanning is a reading technique,in which the reader looks for specific information in a text. The readers get the information quickly without wasting time. It speeds up reading. It is used in daily life to look for specific piece of information on a bus or railway time table, a result sheet or an article.

Q.2.What are two types of reading.?

Intensive and Extensive reading 

They both deal with the detailed reading of a text.

Intensive reading

intensive reading is also called academic reading. It is a reading method which involves learners reading the text in detail. The reader must read with focus and concentration. The reader focuses on the use of sentence types, discourse markers, vocabulary, grammar and the structure of the text.It is basically reading shorter text carefully with s specific aim and objective.It helps the learners to improve reading skills, vocabulary and grammatical knowledge.

Extensive reading.

Extensive reading involves learners reading longer texts such as novels,supporting study material, newspapers and magazines. It is done mostly for pleasure.

While doing extensive reading, the reader may not be required to pay attention to the minutest of details and may just focus on the gist of the text. This method is useful to improve fluency and speed.

Reading for pleasure or fun:- Reading for pleasure is done at leisure. It makes the reader happy and reduces stress. It should be encouraged by teachers and parents as it has many benefits. Reading for pleasure improves imagination and creativity.

Tips to improve  English reading skills.

Read regularly. Develop a reading habit.

Read every day for one hour.

At the beginning read at your own pace.

Read books of your interest.

Write down new words in a notebook.Look up the dictionary for meanings and pronunciation

Read phrases not words.

Read aloud.It helps to improve pronunciation.

Keep your environment helpful for reading.

Keep away from distractions.ex: TV,Radio, mobile.

Effective use of social media

Introduction to Social media websites

Q.1)What are Social media networking sites?

The following are some popular social media networking sites.

Facebook, Twitter ,WhatsApp,snap chat, WeChat, Tik Tok, Chingari app, telegram, Instagram.


Facebook is the largest social media site in the Facebook users can share photos and videos form into groups. It is useful to promote the business of companies or their products.Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook.


Whatsapp was acquired in 2014 by Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook. Co-founder Jan Koum currently serves as the company’s CEO. Users can chat, upload status, call,share

 photos, videos and transfer money through WhatsApp. Payment is done by using the government's UPI payments system. status.

Tik tok:- it is an app for making and  sharing personal videos, owned by a Chinese based company.It is banned in India over national security reasons.

Chingari App:- It is an Indian social entertainment app like Tik tok,founded by Sumit Ghosh.

Telegram:- Telegram is a cloud - based messenger.It is used for chatting,sharing photos and videos.

Twitter:-Twitter is an online news and social networking site.Users can post short messages.

Q.2)What are the advantages of social media?

 There are many advantages of social media. The world has become a global village. Users can get news in a few seconds with a click.

  • Useful to connect with  others,create community,reach larger audience and build relationships

  • Make communication easy,faster and it connects the world. 

  • Used for business promotion and acts like a marketing channel for a business firm.

  • Can be also used for educational purposes for instance ,a group can be formed on Facebook or whatsapp for English language learners to conduct live video lessons. Teachers may form their class groups on whatsapp to share notes and information.

  • These sites were used much during the pandemic for educational purposes.

  •  Social media helps to build relationships with customers.

  • Some use social media to search for job opportunities. Ex- LinkedIn

  • Can be used for fundraising for those who can't afford medical facilities.

Q. 3)What are the disadvantages of social media?

  • Users get addicted to social media and spend a lot of time on mobile. It affects relationships in the family as they are active on Facebook and whatsapp sites.It reduces face to face communication.

  • Severe addiction to mobile apps leads to mental illness.

  • Many users spread fake news and misuse information.Sharing hate speech,and spreading rumours create law and order problems in the society.

  • There are also  privacy issues.

  • Cyber criminals hack social media apps to steal financial or banking information. They trick  the internet users.

  • Cyberbullying is on rise in India. It includes posting the text insulting,harrassing others, sharing others personal information and sending sexual content.

Q.4)Write a short note on Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is promoting and selling products online. It is also called online marketing. It differs from traditional marketing in many ways. It is a two way communication unlike advertising on  print or electronic media. Many brands promote their products on the Internet using blogs,social media networking sites like Facebook, whatsapp,Instagram, telegram and also e- commerce sites such as Amazon,Meeshow,Snapdeal, Flipkart.

Digital Marketing takes place on apps through smartphones.

To generate traffic online,SEO search engine optimization services and Google analytics are used

Q.5)What are the kinds of Digital Marketing?

Email marketing

Mobile marketing

Social media marketing

Content marketing

Radio and TV marketing

Website marketing

SMS marketing

Q.6)What are the disadvantages of Digital Marketing?

  • Complete dependency on internet technology. It cannot reach remote areas.

  • Need digital Marketing professionals to promote the goods.

  • Chance of cyber crimes. Scams and frauds 

  • Customers may be irritated with overloading of emails,sms and ads on mobile apps.

  • Lot of competition

Q. 7)How important is to be digitally literate at the workplace? (Osmania Dec2023/Jan2024)

In the workplace, how effectively an employee use  technology  is very important.

1.Many important tasks, such as contact (email, videoconferencing), project management, and data analysis, require the use of digital tools. These jobs are difficult or impossible to do without knowing how to use technology.

2. Being able to use digital tools well saves time and helps you work better, not harder.

3. Digital tools are important for working together and communicating in the modern workplace, especially since working from home is becoming more popular. Digital literacy is the skill of being able to interact and work with others, no matter where they are.

4. It is very important to be able to assess information online, find reliable sources, and stay away from false information. If you know how to use technology well, you can think critically in the digital world.

5. Digital literacy gives workers the knowledge to fix technology problems on their own, which cuts down on downtime and keeps work flowing.

6. Technology is constantly evolving, leading to the constant use of new tools in the workplace. You can be flexible and quickly learn new tools if you know how to use technology. Digital literacy is important for workers to do well in the modern workplace because it helps them work quickly, collaborate well, solve problems, get information, adapt to change, and lead innovation.

Q.8)Ethics and Etiquette on social media

Oxford dictionary defines Ethics are

moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.

Etiquette is the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

Ethics and Etiquette to follow

Many people are not aware of social media etiquette.

Think before sharing a post or photo

Don't get emotional on social media.

Don't add your friends without their permission.

Don't share others photos

Avoid harmful, disrespectful and negative comments or reviews 

Don't create fake accounts.

Respect others views and privacy

Avoid offensive content.

No personal vendetta

Don't use abusive language.

Don't share false news


Communication which doesn't use words is called non verbal communication.Non verbal communication includes voice, facial expressions (forehead, eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth,lips) touch,gestures shown with the body language,signs and  the other parts of  body-(shoulders, hands, fingers, legs and feet). A person can express what he is thinking in his  mind through the body parts.This is called non-verbal communication, because this communication does not use words.


1. Posture

2. Facial Expression

3. Eye contact

4. Gestures


1. Smile:-It sends positive signals and shows happiness. It builds good relationship.

2. Don't Cross Your Arms:-It shows negative attitude and insecurity.

3. Make Good Eye Contact:- Making eye contact with the speaker for few minutes is good for starting a conversation

4. Keep Your Body Pointed Vertically Toward Your Guest:-

5. Nod at Key Points.

6. Stand Up Straight.

There are two types of body language 1.postive body language 2. negative body language. Positive body language creates a healthy relationship whereas negative or Closed body language spoils the relationships.

Q.2)What is a Negative or Closed Body language?

  • The following actions indicates negative body language.

  • biting nails.

  • Looking around the room indicates that you are not interested.

  • Not looking into the eyes of others or not maintaining  eye contact.

  • frowning :- signals disapproval.

  • Gestures, postures which offend others damage relationships.

  • Swinging legs sitting on chairs.

  • Tapping of the foot.- It indicates impatience.

Q.3. What are the disadvantages of using non verbal communication in professional spaces ?( (Osmania Dec2023/Jan2024)

Writing skills

Q. Write a note on the factors that affect writing skills? ( July 2021 Satavahana)
Q. Write a short note on modes of writing ( March 2022 Satavahana)
A. :-

Letter writing

Q.A letter to a company  for the job of clerk cum typist.


Nehru Road


The Managing Director

Sun Batteries Private Ltd.

Gandhi Nagar


23 January 2022


Sub: Application for the Post of Clerk cum typist in your company - Submission - Regarding.

Ref: Advertisement in The Times of India news paper dated.21 January 2022.

In response to your advertisement in The Times of India dated 21 January 2022, I wish to submit my application for the post of Clerk cum typist in your Company.

I am 21 years old. I have passed B.Com with a first class. I have passed Higher Grade Typewriting in English and Telugu. I have also done a few computer courses necessary for doing office work. My typing speed is 70 words per minute. I have worked as a clerk cum typist for one year in Rama Traders, Hyderabad.

I assure you that I will work to the best of my abilities if I am selected.

Yours faithfully,


Q.Write a letter of complaint to the commissioner of your municipality regarding the bad condition of a road that needs immediate repair



SR colony,Road No. 4


12 September 2020

The  Commissioner




Subject:  Bad condition of  SR colony road   

    I am a resident of SR Colony Road No.4 , Karimnagar. I would like to bring to your kind notice the miserable condition of the road. The  Road No.4 is in a deplorable condition. It is one of the busiest roads in the area. The road is full of potholes and that condition has led to many accidents. This is rainy season and the road has been submerged due to incessant rains last week. It becomes difficult to notice those potholes. Last week a motorcyclist fell into the pothole and got injured.

    So I would like to draw the attention of the authorities to the problem and request them to take necessary action so that the road may be put to repair without any further delay.

Yours faithfully,


Email writing

  • Be concise and clear.
  • Start with greetings.
  • Thank the receiver
  • End with your signature
  • It should not be lengthy
  • Use simple language
  • Frequently change email passwords for security reasons.
  • Passwords must include the alphabet, characters,numericals.
  • Use Formal language for professional mails.
  • Use informal language for personal mails.
  • Elements of an email
  • Subject line- write in brief about the mail. Don't use all capital letters.
  • Sender( From)- it is the sender's email id.
  • Recipient(To)- email id of the receiver
  • Cc- carbon copy
  • Bcc- Blind carbon copy
  • Attachments-Files that are attached to the message.

Q. Write an email inviting the Municipal Chairman of your town as a chief guest to your college annual day function.

Date: 02/01/2022

From :


Subject: Invitation for Annual Day Function-Reg

Dear Sir/Madam

It is a great pleasure to inform you that SRR Government Arts&Science College,Karimnagar is celebrating annual day on 5th January,2022.we cordially invite you as a chief guest to our college annual day function. Our students are eager to hear your motivating speech.

Looking forward to your acceptance.

Yours Sincerely,




Q.Write an email to your friend congratulating him on his success.

Date: 02/01/2022

From :


Subject: Congratulations on your success

Dear Ram

Hey, how are you? Sorry. I have not been in touch with you for a long time. I am happy to hear that you have got first rank in University exams. Our friend told me about your success.

Convey my regards to aunt and uncle.I hope you achieve your goal of becoming a scientist.

 Waiting for your reply. Bye.

Best wishes.


What is the format for writing reports (Osmania Dec2023/Jan2024) 

The word report' derived from the Latin word reportare, which means 'carry back'. A report is a description of an event of a situation, based on facts, to someone who was not present in the scene.

A formal report generally has three sections:

Structure of a Formal Business Report

A formal report generally has three sections:

Section 1: Front Part

Title Page: This contains the title of the report, the report number (if any), the organisation's name, who the report is being submitted to, the report writer's name and the date of submission.

Preface (optional): This contains the salient features of the report.

Letter of Transmittal: This is a brief cover letter from the report writer stating the purpose of writing the report. It often includes objectives or highlights of the report.

Acknowledgements: This acknowledges the people who helped the report writer while writing or before writing the report.

Table of Contents: This contains lists of heads and subheads in the report with page numbers.

List of Illustrations: This lists out tables or graphs or figures used in the report along with the page numbers.

Abstract or Summary: This presents the overall summary by focussing on the essential information in the report.

Section II: Main Body

Introduction: This introduces the report by providing background information of the report.

Methodology: This summarises the methods of data collection and the method of investigation.

Discussion (or any other suitable title based on the content): This is the main part of

the report. It discusses the problem at length, presents analysis and interpretation

of the data and so on. Depending upon the length of this section, it can further be

divided into different heads and subheads.

Conclusion: This presents the conclusion of the report based on the data or facts observed.

Recommendations: This provides suggestions, remedies or ways to solve a

problem or improve the situation. 

3 Section III: Back Part.

• References: This presents the list of sources referred to or used in the report.

• Appendices: This contains questionnaires, enclosures, graphs and so on.

How to Write a Report

Some common types of business reports are sales reports, inspection reports, evaluation reports, annual reports, audit reports, progress reports, feasibility reports and so on. Let us now look closely at samples of three of them: feasibility, progress and evaluation reports.

Structure of a Feasibility Report

Introduction: Purpose of writing the report viikonly eli estoulava bas lesoquig

Body: Description of the situation

Conclusion: Report writer's opinion based on facts

Imagine that a hair oil company wants to get into the production of a shampoo. Before taking a decision, the company would want to study the market conditions and assess the feasibility of entering into shampoo production. 

Media Reports

Media can be broadly categorised into print, electronic and digital media. Print media (also known as 'static media') refers to newspapers and news magazines, while electronic media (sometimes referred to as 'live media') comprises radio and television. Digital media (also known as 'new media') includes the internet, the World Wide Web, smart phones etc. Writing reports for the media differs from writing general reports or essays. Essays and reports begin with an introduction and progress in a chronological or sequential order towards a conclusion. Media reports, in contrast, do the opposite: they begin with the conclusion and disclose the details gradually. To grab the attention of the reader, media reports use the most essential element of the report first, followed by details and supporting information in order of diminishing importance.

The method followed in writing media reports is known as the 'inverted pyramid' style of writing because it turns the conventional structure upside down by starting with the conclusion. It is also sometimes referred to as the 'front loading' style because it gives the most important information first and directly.

How to Write a Media Report

A good media report is one that catches the attention of the reader quickly and is able to

convince the reader to read through the story. Remember that today's reader has many alternative sources of information and has no patience with badly written and/or badly presented reports. The following are some techniques to grab and retain the reader's interest:

  •  Compose a catchy headline: The headline is what catches the reader's attention first. To make it crisp and lively, use vivid language and verbs. The headline should convey the basic idea of the story in a single line. Therefore, it may be easier, and prudent, to write the headline after writing the report.
  • The first paragraph (called the 'lead paragraph') forms the base of the inverted pyramid and contains essential information. In journalism, 'essential information' refers to the 'five Ws'-Who, What, When, Where, Why. The lead paragraph, thus, conveys the essential facts about who did what, when, where and why. Facts and figures may be quoted in the lead paragraph but not as dry statistics; they should be integrated into the story and narrated in an interesting manner. 
  • The remaining paragraphs contain additional details, background information, quotes by sources and so on. The arrangement of the information follows the inverted pyramid structure with the most important and newest information at the top and the least important and oldest information at the bottom.
  • Double-check the report for accuracy of facts; verify dates, spelling of names, and designations; and proofread the copy for spelling and grammar errors and inelegancies.

Govt. hospitals to get a hygienic make-over

UPDATED: MAY 08, 2017 04:28 IST

Multi-coloured bedsheets to be distributed today

Beds in wards of government hospitals across Telangana will sport multi-coloured bedsheets from Monday.

    Calling it a 'pink day' because it will be essentially distribution of pink bedsheets in a big way, the government will replace the existing bedsheets in hospitals with pink, white, dark blue and sky blue bedsheets.

    The blue bedsheets were for a smaller number of beds while the existing beds already had white bedsheets. Ministers, MPs, MLAs and MLCs will distribute as many 51,998 bedsheets on a single day, a government release said.

    The new bedsheets will include 19,974 each pink and white ones and 6,025 each dark and sky blue for 10,737 beds.


Some guidelines for writing media reports

Use clear and simple language, shorter words ('buy' rather than 'purchase') and active verbs ('We watched the match' instead of The match was watched by us'). Avoid jargon and slang and complex sentence structures-try to include only one idea

in a sentence. Make each paragraph present only one idea and concept. 'Front load' each paragraph- i.e., start each paragraph with the main idea or the conclusion of the paragraph.

Be direct. Make your point first and then explain. The front loading or 'direct approach' may be considered inelegant, blunt and even rude perhaps in other kinds of writing, but it is the preferred style of media reports because their target reader is one who wants to grasp information quickly and easily.

Give details but only as much as required. Cut out the flab.

• Always remember that the reader is under no obligation to read the report. You have to catch the reader's attention and make sure you don't lose it.

B Pharmacy Communication Skills 2022

Question Paper Sem 1


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