My Days among the Dead -ROBERT SOUTHEY POEM

 My days among the dead are past

around me I behold ,
whenever these casual eyes are cast
the mighty minds of old
my never failing friends are they
with them I take delight in weal.
And seek relief in woe
and while I understand and feel
how much to them I owe
my cheeks have often been bedew'd
with tears of thoughtful gratitude.
My thoughts are with the Dead, with them
    I live in long-past years,
Their virtues love, their faults condemn,
    Partake their hopes and fears,
And from their lessons seek and find
Instruction with an humble mind.

My hopes are with the Dead, anon
    My place with them will be,
And I with them shall travel on
    Through all Futurity;
Yet leaving here a name, I trust,
That will not perish in the dust
Quest ions
1)what is the central idea of the poem
2)who are mighty minds
3)who are the poets friends and how are they never failing
my cheeks have often been.............gratitude
1)what is the central idea of the poem?
2)who are mighty minds?
3)who are the poets friends and how are they never failing?
4)explain my cheeks have often been.............gratitude?
1)central idea :
the awakening of the mind  and the soul of the poet by the great
writers and their works. and he is showing gratitude towards them for
enlightening him with their thoughts and knowledge. He was
intellectually dead before he came across the works of the great
masters from the past.

2)Mighty minds
Mighty minds are the great scholars, poets, philosophers and authors
of great works who poured their knowledge for their future
3). Books are the friends of the poet. Any one can fail us but great
books of great people never fail us. they preach us eternal and time
tested values and ethics needed by the human kind.

4)The poet is too grateful to the people who have given so much of
knowledge to him with their works that he feels gratitude toward them.
the great masters of past selflessly extended their knowledge to their
future generations. All their life's work is incorporated in some books
and their knowledge can be shared by the readers without much effort.
so he sheds tears of gratitude for enlightening him


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