Poetry as a personal discourse:- essay

 Poetry as a personal discourse:_

Poetry is one of the ancient modes of literature. It has been in vouge since Chaucer age . Poetry has given prominence in romantic period as a discourse. It has several forms for example, epic,satire,pastoral,elegiac, sonnet and lyrical forms.

In Wordsworth view poetry is ' a spontaneous overflow of feelings'.  prose is realistic whereas poetry is an anti realistic in nature.  poetry may be subjective with expressions like" I' or objective. poetry is expression of depiction of poets creative and imaginative  ideas . poetry has not only personal on the other hand it also has social aim. It's social aim is to correct people's frivolities and follies of society. So it is didactic .

If we consider poetry as  a  personal discourse, poets express their feelings towards love ,nature ,art and beauty. Their personal feelings find place in the poetry. for instance, For Keats, poetry is an escape from the reality. He expresses  melancholic note and his wish to escape from the physical world in the poem Ode to nightingale. Poetry gives pleasure as they love nature and its beauty.
"nature never did betray
the heart that loved her'

In the eighteenth century period of Dryden and Pope, poetry was used for personal benefits and to attack political rivals and rival poets. Pope satirized his rivals mercilessly . Dryden vented his anger and strong feelings on king's rivals in the poem Abslom and Achitophel'.
For some, Herbert's poetry is religious , Donne's poetry is spritual.
Plato banished poets from his republic.He called poetry immoral,poets liars. Homer says that the   poetry should not be included in the school curriculum as it corrupts  society . Aristotle defended  poetry.
As a  coin the poetry has two sides , on one hand it works as  social discourse, on the other hand it is  a  personal
discousre.Both are crucial in the history of literature. 


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