The Touch by Abburi Chayadevi - Summary and Annotations

Satavahana University Degree English sem 3-year 2018,2019-20,2020-21 (old syllabus).

SRR Govt.Arts& Science College Karimnagar

The Touch   స్పర్శ

                                    Abburi Chayadevi

The Touch (Sparsha) short story is originally written in Telugu by Abburi  Chayadevi, a well known Telugu fiction writer. It is translated into English by Jayasree Mohanraj. She worked as a Librarian at JNU, New Delhi. She was born in Rajamundry, A.P. She was awarded Sahitya Akademi award in 2005 for her collection of short stories Tana Magam  Her stories have been translated into English and Spanish besides many Indian languages. Her stories mainly deal with the women issues, family bonding and gender discrimination.P

The Touch – Analysis

This is the story about an octogenarian father and his married daughter. It mainly focuses on the upbringing of the girl child in an orthodox family and daughter’s longing for her father’s affectionate touch since childhood. Ironically, the ailing father craves for her daughter’s touch at the end of the story. The Story is narrated by the daughter. Her father always kept her at a distance in the name of discipline, madi ( a ritual of purity followed by orthodox Hindu) and orthodox beliefs.

When the daughter  visited her bed ridden father, he asked  her to sit next to him on  the cot but she sat at the edge of the cot as her relationship with her father was more reserved than intimate..  She had no courage to touch her father due to the fear and diffidence created over  twenty years .When the narrator was in school, her father used to ask harshly about her score in Maths at the threshold instead of embracing lovingly. She could not open up her heart and died with fight. She recollected a rickshaw journey with her father as a teenager. Though there was enough space she huddled at the far end.  She longed to console her father when her brother died but she could not break way from the constraints of rigid relationship and customs.The narrator met her father to enquire  about his health .Father stroked her hand affectionately and asked her to move to town to live with him..At this moment, she felt as if her education, job and everything else was superficial. Her father tender touch haunted her while going back home in a rickshaw..Patriarchal society never allows women to take independent decisions. She is disappointed at her inability to fulfill her father's wish.

The major themes of the story are Patriarchy, orthodox beliefs, upbringing of a girl child and longing for  tender touch.. Aburri in her story throws light on orthodox belief of  Indian parents that son is the carrier  of the family line and he is the one who performs the last rites of the parents to free them from their earthly bonds .The story emphasizes that daughters also love their parents on par with  sons . Daughters also have the ability to take care of their aged parents with love and affection.


1)“From the time I learnt my first letters of the alphabet, father had kept me at a distance-in the name of discipline, and because of Madi, his orthodox way of life”

Reference:- These lines are extracted  from the short story “The Touch” written by a well known Telugu fiction writer Abburi Chayadevi. She worked as a Librarian at JNU New Delhi and took voluntary retirement and settled down in Hyderabad.

Context:- the narrator recollects her childhood when she visits her ailing father. She is kept at a distance by her father in the name of discipline and madi. Her father never touched and caressed her with love and affection. When she returns from the school her father used to ask her marks in Maths at the threshold instead of embracing her lovingly .

Meaning:- The narrator craves for the affectionate  touch of her father since her childhood. Ironically octogenarian father longs for the touch of her daughter in his old age.

2) “As I returned in the rickshaw, father’s tender touch haunted me. Tears welled in my eyes and blurred my view of the road”

Reference:- These lines are extracted  from the short story “The Touch” written by a well known Telugu fiction writer Abburi Chayadevi. She worked as a LIbrarian at JNU New Delhi and took voluntary retirement and settled down in Hyderabad.

Context:- The narrator meets her father on one of her visits to the town.  Her father strokes her hand and pleads her to move to the town with her family so that he can stay with her. She looks at him helplessly. Patriarchal society never allows women to take independent decisions. She is disappointed at her inability to fulfill  her father's wish.

Meaning:- She doesn’t reassure him on his request. As she returns her home in a rickshaw, her father’s tender touch haunts her. She has been craving for her father’s affectionate touch since childhood. For her it is a dream come true.

  For Telugu story click the below given link 

video lesson-

Abburi interview.

 S. Rajesh Kumar

Story Audio


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