Satavahana university english sem1 model paper from 2019

satavahana university degree sem 1 model from 2019



(With effect from 2019-20 onwards)
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.B.M. (I Year) Examination Semester I, Paper I
Time: 3 Hours]                                                                                                      [Max. Marks: 80SECTION A      (4 X 5 = 20 marks)
1.  Annotate any FOUR of the following:
a.      The fact that cats know how to look after themselves was all the good luck that old man would ever have.
b.      An old man with steel- rimmed spectacles and very dusty clothes sat by the side of
the road.
c.      How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions? How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic life?
d.      Liberty cannot be divorced from equality; equality cannot be divorced from liberty.
e.      What lovely things Thy hand hath made
f.       All words forgotten- Thou, Lord, and I.
SECTION B     (3 X 20 = 60)Answer all the questions.
2.  A) (i)  Write a sketch on the old man in the story “Old Man at the Bridge”      (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Fill in the blanks with suitable articles                                                              (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      This is not         good place to stop.
b.      We have seen            elephant in the zoo.
c.      I am an Indian but my wife is        European.
d.      Rohan is           tallest boy in the class.
e.      It is raining. Let’s buy             umbrella.

(iii)   Write the appropriate synonyms to the following words:                                 (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      Depart =
b.      Welcome =
c.      Assume =
d.      Simple =
e.      Excitement =
B) (i) Does the old man’s association with the animals look ironical in the story “Old Man at the Bridge? Explain with ideas.                                                                                                                (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Fill in the blanks with appropriate letters                                                             (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      Att_ _ dance
b.      Vac_ _ m
c.      Intel_ _ gent
d.      Super_ _ sion
e.      Governm_ _ t

(iii)   Convert the following Phonemic Transcriptions into English words   (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      /siti/
b.      /tʃ 3:tʃ/
c.      /mʌni/
d.      /ləbɒrətəri/
e.      /skuːl/

3.  A) (i) Give an account of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s views on political and social democracy.
(1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions                                                  (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      He has been suffering          fever.
b.      Please, attend the seminar between 10 a.m.          11 a.m
c.      We got married             a Sunday.
d.      It has been raining in our village          morning.
e.      I am very much thankful          Reyaan.

(iii)   Choose from the given list, fill in with phrasal verbs in the following blanks. (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      Mr Rao set               a plastic company.
b.      While the politician was presenting the party manifesto, the journalist noted               the points.
c.      The passengers got               the bus after waiting for two hours.
d.      The university put               the examinations till next month.
e.      The college management has called               the farewell party. (in, off, down, up, off)

B) (i) According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, what are the three things we must do, for the successful functioning of democracy in India?                                                                                       (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Write the appropriate antonyms to the following words:                                      (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      bad
b.      tall
c.      reject
d.      absent
e.      enemy

(iii)   Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms.                                                      (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      I             (prepare) the dish for you yesterday.
b.      His speech              (reflect) his ideas on multiculturalism.
c.      The President of India             (visit) America next week.
d.      If Anusha              (work) hard, she would have got better marks.
e.      The maid broke the cup while she        (wash) it.

4.  A) (i) Write the theme of the poem ‘The Scribe.’                                                (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)  Change the following declarative sentences into  interrogative sentences.         (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      It is 12 o’ clock.
b.      He is standing in front of the theatre.
c.      You play cricket regularly.
d.      She can’t speak English fluently.
e.      They completed the herculean task.

(iii)   Write one word substitutes for the following                               (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      The person who looks at the bright side of things.
b.      The person who is able to speak and write two languages.
c.      The person who deals in flowers.
d.      The person who feeds on human flesh.
e.      That which is not clear enough to be read.

B) According to Walter de la Mare, What are the magnificent creations of God? (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)  Choose the right one out of the two homophones given in  the brackets           (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      He is at the                    (stationary / stationery) to buy two pens and three pencils.
b.      Prameela’s                 (sun / son) always plays football in the morning.
c.      Come on! Let’s                 (see /sea) what she does.
d.      I don’t                 (no / know) his name.
e.      You are very                 (week / weak), I request you to take rest.

(iii)   Choose from the given list, fill in with right prefix or suffix in the following blanks.
(5 x 1 = 5)
a.      You can’t just believe the story and the plot is also          believable.
b.      Care         driving brings so many problems.
c.      I missed her company. She        appeared.
d.      Nobody will work in your office if you don’t give           .
e.      Why could I           (understood) you? (ment, dis, less, mis, un, ful)


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