an Chronicle had an article about the libraries of Osmania University. Few people can resist flattery . The words in green refer to the names of persons, places, things, actions and concepts. These are called naming words, or more specifically, nouns. A noun answers the question, 'Who is It" or "What is it?" TYPES OF NOUNS Nouns may be classified in many different ways. In this unit, we will look at two ways of categorising them: as proper and common nouns, and as countable and uncountable nouns. A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place or thing. They are always written with # capital letter. For example, Manmohan, Sri Lanka, Osmania University, Nobel Prize, Deccan Chronicle, Taj Mahal, Mars, Kannada, Holi. Common nouns are all other nouns that are not categorised as proper nouns. They may refer to concrete objects, abstract ideas or actions. For example, person, country, institution. award, newspaper, mausoleum, planet, festival, independence, f...
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