Kabir and Tagore
Kabir and Tagore poems A fter reading poems of Tagore's Leave this chanting and kabir's O sevant, where dost thou seek me? I find some similarities between ideas of these poems. Kabir's poem O sevant Where dost thou seek me? is an eye opener to all blind worshippers. He urges men not to search for God that he is beside in your fellow human being. the poet expresses the idea of merely worshipping God by visiting temples and Mosques is useless because he is not in temple or Masjid. See the God in your fellow being. Seeking God visiting a temple or masjid, is futile, instead man has to see God in fellow human being. Tagore brings out the same idea " man's ignorance of seeking God" his poem " Leave this Chanting".The poet urges not to sit in a dark corner of the temple by chanting mantras. Tagore's concept is that "Work is Worship" and "Serving human is serving God." . Kabir-I. 13. mo ko kahân dhûnro bande O servant, where dos...