
Showing posts from February, 2024

Kabir and Tagore

Kabir and Tagore poems A fter reading poems of Tagore's Leave this chanting and kabir's O sevant, where dost thou seek me? I find some similarities between ideas of these poems. Kabir's poem O sevant Where dost thou seek me?  is an eye opener to all blind worshippers. He urges men not to search for God that he is beside in your fellow human being. the poet expresses the idea of merely worshipping God by visiting temples and Mosques is useless because he is not in temple or Masjid. See the God in your fellow being.  Seeking God visiting a temple or masjid, is futile, instead man has to see God in fellow human being. Tagore brings out the same idea " man's ignorance of seeking God" his poem " Leave this Chanting".The poet urges not to sit in a dark corner of the temple by chanting mantras.  Tagore's concept is that "Work is Worship" and "Serving human is serving God." . Kabir-I. 13.  mo ko kahân dhûnro bande O servant, where dos...

Birds love the net poem Kondepudi Nirmala- Modern Telugu Literature in Translation

  Satavahana university karimnagar MA. Semester III Final year Paper IV A English 304 A - Syllabus Modern Telugu Literature in Translation Unit I Concepts a. Social Reformation b. Free Verse Movement in Telugu c. Progressive Telugu Poetry d. Telugu Feminist Writing e. Secularisation of Drama Unit II: Poetry The following Poems from Twentieth Century Telugu Poetry Ed. Velcheru Narayana Rao a) Vishwanatha Satyanarayana: "The Blind Beggar," "Your Chariot"; Sri Sri: "The Wheels of Jagannath," "Song of Victory."  b) Balagangadahara Tilak- " A prayer", "The night it rained life".Kondeputi Nirmala-Rained Out," "Birds Love the Net." Unit III: Novel a) Kesava Reddy: Moogavanbi Pillanagrovi (Ballad of Ontillu) D) Volga: Liberation of sito (Trans. T. Vijay Kumar) Unit IV: Short Stories The following short stories from Gold Nuggets Ed. Bh. Krishnamurthi a) Chaso: "The Choice;" Chalam: "A Flower Blossoms"...

KU Degree English sem 6 model paper & Syllabus

   Sem 6 May 2024    FACULTIES OF ARTS/SCIENCE/COMMERCE/SOCIAL SCIENCES B.A/B.Sc./B.Com./B.B.A./B.A (L) (VI Semester) Examination 2023 GENERAL ENGLISH    Time: 2 Hours] [Max.Marks: 60 Answer the following questions in the serial order. SECTION-A (Marks: 3 x 10 = 30) I. Answer any THREE of the following A. Write a letter to the Municipal Commissioner on the unhygienic conditions of your locality. B. Prepare your Curriculum Vitae to apply for the post of a teacher in a school. C. Write an e-mail to the Centre for English Language Teaching at the Department of English. Kakatiya University requesting for the details of the Spoken English Course. D. Expand "Work is worship" into a short essay. SECTION-B (Marks: 3 x 10 = 30) Answer any THREE of the following questions. Each question carries 10 marks. II. A. In what ways can Sreelakshmi Suresh be considered an inspirational figure? B. What reasons does Sahasranamam provide for the speedy development and ...

MA English question papers Satavahana University

Satavahana University Karimnagar Telangana. MA English All papers.   Feb 2025 Eng lit from Chaucer to Bacon  English language and English in India Neoclassical Age Romantic Age Paper I Sem 1 History of English language and English in India English Prose  English language teaching-History approaches and methods Paper 1 Indian writing in English Sem IV- paper III English Language and phonetics Sem I paper IV Literature and Film Sem III Paper V (A) English Drama Sem 1-2021 English Poetry Sem 1 -September  2021 American Literature Sem IV American Literature Sem IV Sept. 2021 Modern Indian literatures in translations Sem 1 paper V   American Literature Sem IV Modern Indian Literature and translation English language and phonetics English Drama English Poetry The English Language History Description and Practice MA English Sem 1 & Sem 3 - 2024.Satavahana University Karimnagar