Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Satavahana university UG SEMESTER 2 English new pattern from 2019-20




(With effect from 2019-20 onwards)
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.B.M. (I Year) Examination
Semester II, Paper I

Time: 3 Hours]         [Max. Marks: 80
SECTION – A     (4 X 5 = 20 marks)
1. Annotate any FOUR of the following:
(Six annotations from three units prescribed)
SECTION – B    (3 X 20 = 60)
Answer all the questions.

2. A) An essay question from the Unit 5 (1 X 10 = 10 marks)
Idioms and Phrases (5 X 1 = 5 marks)
discourse markers (5 X 1 = 5 marks)
   B) An essay question from the Unit 5 (1 X 10 = 10 marks)
Degrees of Comparison (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
Active and Passive Voice. (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
3. A) An essay question from the Unit 6 (1 X 10 = 10 marks)
Reported Speech(5 X 1 = 5 marks)
Phrasal verbs (5 X 1 = 5 marks)
   B) An essay question from the Unit 6 (1 X 10 = 10 marks)
Word Families and Vocabulary Building  (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
Question Tags  (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
4. A) An essay question from the Unit 7 (1 X 10 = 10 marks)
Common Errors (5 X 1 = 5 marks)
Syllabic Structures (5 X 1 = 5 marks)

   B) An essay question from the Unit 7 (1 X 10 = 10 marks)
Collocations (5x 1 = 5 hu0 marks)
Word Endings (5x 1 = 5 hu0 marks)

(With effect from 2019-20 onwards)
Time: 1 Hour]         [Max. Marks: 20
SECTION – A     (15 marks)

1. MCQs (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
2. Fill in the blanks (5 x 1 = 5 marks)
3. One-word answers (5 x 1 = 5 marks)

SECTION – B       (5 marks)

4. Read out the passage properly.     (2 marks)
   A passage in 100 words from the text for reading it aloud.

5. Read the passage and answer the questions given at the end.  (3 marks)
   A passage from the text with three questions to test critical, literary and global comprehension
   to be answered in one or two sentences.
click here for satavahana university degree english syllabus

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Kitchen poem by Vimala -summary

Kakatiya University English Semester- 3. 

The Kitchen:  Vimala

I remember the kitchen’s ,

Flavor upon flavor,

 A mouthwatering  treasury,

Pungence of seasonings,

And the aroma of incense

From the prayer room

Next door. Each morning the kitchen awoke

To the swish of churning butter

The scraping of scoured pots.

And in the center, the stove,

Fresh washed with mud, painted

And bedecked, all set to burn.


We saved secret money in the

 seasoning box, hid sweets too,

and played at cooking with lentils and

We played Mother and Father,

In the magic world of kitchen

That wrapped childhood in its spell.

No longer playground for the grown up girl

Now trained into  kitchenhood.

Like all the mothers and mothers’ mothers

Before her, in the kitchen

She becomes woman right here.

Our kitchen is a mortuary,

Pans, tins, gunny bags

Crowd it like cadavers

That hang amid clouds of damp wood smoke.

Mother floats, a ghost here,

 A floating kitchen herself, her eyes melted in tears,

Her hands worn to spoons,

Her arms spatulas that turn

Into long frying pans, and

Other kitchen tools.

Sometimes Mother glows

Like a blazing furnace,

And burns through the kitchen ,

Pacing, restless, a caged tiger,

Banging pots and pans,

How easy, they say,

The flick of a ladle and the cooking ‘s done

No one visits now.

No one comes to the kitchen except to eat.

My mother was queen of the kitchen,

But the name engraved on the pots and pans is Father’s

Luck, they say, landed me in my great kitchen,

Gas stove, grinder, sink, and tiles.

I make cakes and puddings,

Not old-fashioned snacks as my mother did.

But the name engraved on the pots and pans is my husband’s

My kitchen wakes

To the whistle of the pressure cooker,

The whirr of the electric grinder.

 I am a well-appointed kitchen myself,

Turning round like a mechanical doll.

My Kitchen is a workshop,  a clattering,

Busy, butcher stall, where I cook

And serve, and clean and cook again.

In dreams, my kitchen haunts me,

My artistic kitchen dreams,

The smell of seasonings even in the jasmine.


Damn all kitchens, May they burn to cinders,

Our lives, eat out days- like some enormous vulture

Let us destroy those kitches

That  turned us into serving spoons.

Let us remove the names engraved on the pots and pans.

Come, let us tear out these private stoves,

Before our daughters must step

Solitary  into these kitchens.

For our children’s sakes,

Let us destroy three lonely kitchens.

 Vimla wrote the feminist poem "The Kitchen" in Telugu. BBVL Narayana Rao translated it into English.


The poem portrays the sufferings of housewives in the kitchen and their household responsibilities. Housewives have endured confinement and imprisonment in the kitchen for ages. The poet brings out the plight of women in ordinary homes in India. The poet is not talking just for herself but for the women's community.


The poet recalls her childhood association with the kitchen. It was a mouth-watering treasury, filled with a sharp, bitter smell and decorated with well-washed utensils, pans, and tins.

telugu version of the poem వంటిల్లు


In stanza 2, "We saved secret money..." the poet used the first-person plural ‘we’ to apply this phenomenon to all the girls in India. They save their money on seasoning boxes, a practice that is prevalent in every Indian household. For grownups, the kitchen is no longer a playground but a training center where girls are trained to cook a variety of recipes.


The poet calls the kitchen a mortuary and her mother a ghost, as all the pans, tins, and gunny bags crowd like corpses that hang amid clouds of smoke. The poet’s mother sometimes glows like a blazing furnace and works restlessly and at a great pace in a caged kitchen. The writer laments that no one in the family visits the kitchen except to eat, and expresses her anguish over not giving due recognition to their work. Though her mother was the queen of the kitchen, her father’s name was engraved on the pots. The same thing has been repeated in her case as well.

The writer shows the change in kitchen gadgets and compares her modern recipe with her mother’s old-fashioned snacks. She calls the womenfolk to remove the names engraved on pots and tins and destroy the lonely kitchens.

At last, the writer fervently appeals to establish a new kitchen, which was shared equally by all the members of the family, and warns not to step alone into the kitchen

click below given link to read
   వంటిల్లు. telugu version of the poem kitchen
From 3.16)

S.Rajesh kumarenglishlanguage-lit.blogspot.com

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Void poem by Gajanan- Analysis

The Void

Satavahana /OU/KU M.A. English Sem.1
(Paper-V.Modern Indian Literatures in Translation)
The void inside us
has jaws ,
those jaws have carnivorous teeth;
those teeth will chew you up,
those teeth will chew up everyone else.
The dearth inside
is our nature,
habitually angry,
in the dark hollow inside the jaws
there is a pond of blood.
This void is utterly black,
is barbaric, is naked,
disowned, debased,
completely self absorbed.
I scatter it,
give it away,
with fiery words and deeds.
Those who cross my path
find this void
in the wounds
I inflict on them.
They let it grow,
spread it around,
scatter it and give it away
to others,
raising the children of emptiness.
The void is very durable,
it is fertile.
Everywhere it breeds
saws, daggers, sickles,
breeds carnivorous teeth.
That is why,
wherever you look,
there is dancing, jubilation,
death is now giving birth
to brand new children.
there are oversight
with the teeth of saws,
there are heavily armed mistakes:
the world looks at them
and walks on,
rubbing its hands.
•• Translated from  Hindi by Vinay Dharwadker.**
Gajanan is a Hindi poet.His poem “The Void” has  surrealist (https://literarydevices.net/surrealism/ ) elements. He expresses his displeasure towards the present world, juxtaposing the void in humans with bizarre things. The Void is shapeless,colourless and immeasurable but the  poet attributed some characteristics to it.  The poet created horror in the minds of the  readers with the use of vivid, shocking, horrific imagery such as a pond of blood, giving birth to brand  new children , Jaws have carnivorous teeth.
The words  such as daggers, sickels, saws, utterly black, barbaric symbolizes death, violence and destruction. These symbols evoke horror in the poem.
The repetition of words like chew up, breed emphasize the poet idea very clearly.
The void inside us
has jaws ,
those jaws have carnivorous teeth;
those teeth will chew you up,
those teeth will chew up everyone else.
Emptiness or void in us has jaws with carnivorous teeth. These flesh eating teeth not only eats you  but also chew every one. Carnivorous  teeth are very sharp, useful in tearing the meat/flesh. These teeth are similar to saws or swords, which kill others and also kills sword wielding man.Vaccum in us has self absorption.
The dearth inside
is our nature,
habitually angry,
in the dark hollow inside the jaws
there is a pond of blood
Humans have the quality of dearth or insufficiency, which is usually anger. We witness a pond of blood  in the dark hollow inside the jaws. In the beginning of the poem we encountered the phrase that jaws have carnivorous teeth which are ready to tear apart the flesh. The pool of blood inside the jaws is the result of the beastly nature of humans.
This void is utterly black,
is barbaric, is naked,
disowned, debased,
completely self absorbed
The void or vacuum is naked and debased. It has nothing to hide and no morals. The void is barbaric in nature since jaws do not have any rationale; they just cut bodies into pieces as they come across them. The utterly black void is a symbol of death, menace, and evil.
I scatter it,
give it away,
with fiery words and deeds.
The poet making it clear that he scatter and spread the void with fiery words and deeds. Void in us easily spreads and also engulf others.
Those who cross my path
find this void
in the wounds
I inflict on them
They let it grow,
spread it around,
scatter it and give it away
to others,
raising the children of emptiness.

Those who encounters him can find  this utterly black, barbaric void in their wounds, which are inflicted by him. In turn the wounded grow, spread  and scatter this void. They give offspring to the emptiness.
The void is very durable,
it is fertile.
Everywhere it breeds 
saws, daggers, sickles,
breeds carnivorous teeth
As the void is fertile and lives for a long time, it reproduces saws ,daggers,sickles and carnivorous teeth
That is why,
wherever you look,
there is dancing, jubilation,
death is now giving birth
to brand new children.
We see dancing, enjoyment because death is giving birth to a new kind of children,who are born with void having carnivorous teeth. The paradox in these lines catches on the reader.Children are synonymous with innocence but the poet visualises brand new children with saws,daggers and sickles.The poet has no hope for good generation in near future.
there are oversights
with the teeth of saws,
there are heavily armed mistakes:
the world looks at them
and walks on,
rubbing its hands.
We fail to notice the teeth of saws and heavily armed mistakes. We are unconcerned with gun violence,killings and massacres happening around us. The world moves coolly looking at those inhuman and barbaric acts.
Rajesh Kumar. englishlanguage-lit.blogspot.com

Void poem in hindi

Friday, October 18, 2019

JOKER(2019) movie review

“Joker”(2019) film review
Joker,a dark psychological thriller directed and produced by Todd Phillips.
Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Robert Di Niro,   Zazie Beetz
Genre:  Psychological thriller
 I am not a movie buff but after watching this movie I felt a strong urge to write a review.
Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur fleck, a super villain enthralls audience with his wonderful performance. The story is set in 1980’s of Gotham city. The director marvelously recreated people and places such as metro subway etc. Movie has some unexpected twists in the climax. Killing of Murray, a host of comedy show,  in a live TV show is such a twist in the movie.  First viewers may feel that the  movie is little bit slow but it gains  momentum with the fleck transformation into a psychopath. Film score is excellent and a great strength to the movie.
How an impoverished, delusional man disregarded by the society takes vengeance on the society,  is the main theme of the movie. A joker is supposed to make others laugh but with unusual psychic behavior he  goes on killing spree.
Arthur Fleck, a skinny, impoverished and an aspiring stand up comedian lives with his mother Penny Fleck in Gotham city. His sole aim in life is to become a stand up comedian and make others laugh. Randoll, co- worker  at theatre company ill treats Fleck. Fleck is fired from company for keeping a gun with him while performing at a children hospital. This act of employer makes him sad and angry. Fleck  feels isolated and neglected by the society. Slowly, the dark side of his character comes to the fore. Fleck shoots threepersons in a metro for bullying him. These murders are criticized by Thomas wayne, who is running for mayor seat. Fleck knows the secret about the relationship of  his mother and mayoral candidate by reading penny fleck mail. Fleck confronts wayne and begs him to accept him as his son. His anguish goes to higher level when he learns about his mothers delusion and hallucination. Fleck kills his mother in the  hospital and feels relieved.  
Detectives and police are after Fleck for his triple murders but he escapes and attends as a guest in a TV show, hosted by Murray. During  the show, Fleck is introduced as a joker to the viewers and he reveals the truth behind the killings in metro  and shoots Murray for playing his comedy clip on Tv show to make fun of him before the audience. Joker says “ Murray you are awful” before shooting him.
All these incidents are told to the psychiatrist in jail in a flash back technique.

Overall,I can say this is a must watch  for psychopath movie lovers and strictly not for children.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Satavahana university english sem1 model paper from 2019

satavahana university degree sem 1 model from 2019



(With effect from 2019-20 onwards)
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.B.M. (I Year) Examination Semester I, Paper I
Time: 3 Hours]                                                                                                      [Max. Marks: 80SECTION A      (4 X 5 = 20 marks)
1.  Annotate any FOUR of the following:
a.      The fact that cats know how to look after themselves was all the good luck that old man would ever have.
b.      An old man with steel- rimmed spectacles and very dusty clothes sat by the side of
the road.
c.      How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions? How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic life?
d.      Liberty cannot be divorced from equality; equality cannot be divorced from liberty.
e.      What lovely things Thy hand hath made
f.       All words forgotten- Thou, Lord, and I.
SECTION B     (3 X 20 = 60)Answer all the questions.
2.  A) (i)  Write a sketch on the old man in the story “Old Man at the Bridge”      (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Fill in the blanks with suitable articles                                                              (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      This is not         good place to stop.
b.      We have seen            elephant in the zoo.
c.      I am an Indian but my wife is        European.
d.      Rohan is           tallest boy in the class.
e.      It is raining. Let’s buy             umbrella.

(iii)   Write the appropriate synonyms to the following words:                                 (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      Depart =
b.      Welcome =
c.      Assume =
d.      Simple =
e.      Excitement =
B) (i) Does the old man’s association with the animals look ironical in the story “Old Man at the Bridge? Explain with ideas.                                                                                                                (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Fill in the blanks with appropriate letters                                                             (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      Att_ _ dance
b.      Vac_ _ m
c.      Intel_ _ gent
d.      Super_ _ sion
e.      Governm_ _ t

(iii)   Convert the following Phonemic Transcriptions into English words   (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      /siti/
b.      /tʃ 3:tʃ/
c.      /mʌni/
d.      /ləbɒrətəri/
e.      /skuːl/

3.  A) (i) Give an account of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s views on political and social democracy.
(1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions                                                  (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      He has been suffering          fever.
b.      Please, attend the seminar between 10 a.m.          11 a.m
c.      We got married             a Sunday.
d.      It has been raining in our village          morning.
e.      I am very much thankful          Reyaan.

(iii)   Choose from the given list, fill in with phrasal verbs in the following blanks. (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      Mr Rao set               a plastic company.
b.      While the politician was presenting the party manifesto, the journalist noted               the points.
c.      The passengers got               the bus after waiting for two hours.
d.      The university put               the examinations till next month.
e.      The college management has called               the farewell party. (in, off, down, up, off)

B) (i) According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, what are the three things we must do, for the successful functioning of democracy in India?                                                                                       (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Write the appropriate antonyms to the following words:                                      (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      bad
b.      tall
c.      reject
d.      absent
e.      enemy

(iii)   Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms.                                                      (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      I             (prepare) the dish for you yesterday.
b.      His speech              (reflect) his ideas on multiculturalism.
c.      The President of India             (visit) America next week.
d.      If Anusha              (work) hard, she would have got better marks.
e.      The maid broke the cup while she        (wash) it.

4.  A) (i) Write the theme of the poem ‘The Scribe.’                                                (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)  Change the following declarative sentences into  interrogative sentences.         (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      It is 12 o’ clock.
b.      He is standing in front of the theatre.
c.      You play cricket regularly.
d.      She can’t speak English fluently.
e.      They completed the herculean task.

(iii)   Write one word substitutes for the following                               (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      The person who looks at the bright side of things.
b.      The person who is able to speak and write two languages.
c.      The person who deals in flowers.
d.      The person who feeds on human flesh.
e.      That which is not clear enough to be read.

B) According to Walter de la Mare, What are the magnificent creations of God? (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)  Choose the right one out of the two homophones given in  the brackets           (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      He is at the                    (stationary / stationery) to buy two pens and three pencils.
b.      Prameela’s                 (sun / son) always plays football in the morning.
c.      Come on! Let’s                 (see /sea) what she does.
d.      I don’t                 (no / know) his name.
e.      You are very                 (week / weak), I request you to take rest.

(iii)   Choose from the given list, fill in with right prefix or suffix in the following blanks.
(5 x 1 = 5)
a.      You can’t just believe the story and the plot is also          believable.
b.      Care         driving brings so many problems.
c.      I missed her company. She        appeared.
d.      Nobody will work in your office if you don’t give           .
e.      Why could I           (understood) you? (ment, dis, less, mis, un, ful)