Thursday, June 20, 2024

Toasted English RK Narayan

Palamuru University

Sem 3 -Unit II Prose

Toasted English

 RK Narayan

About R. K. Narayan:-

Rasipuram Krishnaswami Narayanswami ( RK. Narayan)was born in Madras on October 10, 1906. He received the Sahitya Akademi Award and the Padma Bhushan.R.K. Narayan remains one of the most renowned and widely read Indian novelists.  He is considered one of India's greatest English novelists.

R.K.Narayan  writing style and  language is formal  and  so simple.It doesn’t hit the readers with the pompous and boring long paragraphs as we see in other authors.Gentle humour ,subtle  irony , Indianness and Indian middle class themes are his  prime arms and ammunition. He published fifteen novels and more than two hundred short stories


Toasted English (Text)

In American restaurants they call for ‘toasted English’, referring to English muffins which,

though being made in America, now retain ‘English’ as a sort of concession to their origin.

The same may be said of the Americans’ language too. They too went through a phase of

throwing out the British but retaining their language and letting it flourish on American

soil; the resultant language is somewhat different from its British counterpart; it may be

said to have gone through a process of toasting. One noticeable result of this toasting is

that much of the formalism surrounding the use of English has been abandoned.

In America, they have freed the language from the stifling tyranny of the Passive voice.

Where we should say ceremoniously ‘Trespassing Prohibited, their signboards, as Inoticed in the parks of Berkeley, merely say ‘Newly Painted, Don’t Walk.’ Or ‘Absolutely

No Parking’ leaves no room for speculation, and no motorist need spend too much time

peering out and studying the notice. In a similar situation our authorities are likely to plant

a twenty-line inscription on the land to say ‘Under Municipal Act so and so this area has

been reserved, etc., etc., and any vehicle stationed thereon will be deemed to have

contravened sub-section so and so of the Motor Vehicles Act, etc., etc.’ I saw on many

American office-doors just ‘Do Not Enter.’ The traffic signs at pedestrian crossings never

mince words; they just say ‘Go’; or ‘Wait’. In a Hollywood studio I was rather startled to

read, ‘Mark Stevens—Keep Out.’ Mark Stevens is a busy television personality who does

not like to be disturbed by visitors. Incidentally it left me wondering why, if Mr. Stevens did

not like interruptions, he announced his name at all on the door! But it is one of the minor

mysteries that make travel through the country so engrossing.

The ‘toasting’ of English has been achieved through other means also. Americans have

evolved certain basic keywords which may be used anywhere, anyhow, words which have

universal, multi-purpose use. I may make my point clear if I mention the example of the

word ‘check’ which may safely be labelled the American National Expression. While the

British usage confines it to its bare dictionary definitions, the American uses it anywhere,

this expression being so devised that one may blindly utter it and still find out that it is

appropriate for the occasion. ‘I’ ll check’ means ‘I’ ll find out, investigate, examine,

scrutinise, verify, ‘or probe.’ ‘Your CHECK’ means your ticket, token or whatever you may

have to produce. ‘Check room’ is where you leave your possession for a while ‘Check girl’

is one who takes care of your coat, umbrella, or anything else you may leave in custody.

‘Check in’ and ‘Check out (at first I heard it as ‘Chuck Out’ and felt rather disturbed)

refer to one’s arrival in a hotel and departure therefrom. And there are scores of other

incidental uses for the word. Of you are ever hard up for a noun or verb you may safely

utter the word ‘check’ and feel confident that it will fit in. ‘Fabulous’ is another word that

is used in that country freely, without much premeditation. Of course, everyone knows that

fabulous means, but American usage has enlarged its sense. I heard a lady in Wisconsin

declare ‘Oh, those cats of mine are fabulous’ –meaning that they were eccentric. ‘Oh, soand so, he is fabulous!’ may mean anything from a sincere compliment to an insinuation

that so and so plays a mild form of charming lunacy.

‘O.K.’ or okay is another well-known example. It is the easiest sound that ever emanated

from the human vocal cords. Everyone knows how comprehensive its sense can be. ‘Okay’

is a self-sufficient word which needs no suffix to indicate any special respect for the

listener; it can stand by itself without a ‘Sir’ to conclude the sentence. In this respect it is

like ‘yeah’ which seals off a sentence without further ado. ‘Yes sir’ or ‘Yes, Darling’ are

conceivable but ‘Yeah sir’, or ‘Yeah Darling,’ is unthinkable. ‘Yeah’ is uttered in a short

base-of-the-tongue grunt, which almost snaps any further continuation of a sentence. ‘Yes’

involves time as the sibilant could be prolonged.

The refinements if usage in countries where English has a bazaar status are worth a study.

On a London bus you will never hear the conductor cry, ‘Ticket, Ticket’. He approaches

the passenger and say, ‘Thank you’, and on receiving the fare says again, ‘Thank you, Sir’.

I found out that one could calculate the number of passengers in a bus by halving the total

number of ‘Thanks’ heard. In any western country if a receptionist asks, ‘Can I help you?’

it really means, ‘Have you any business here, if so state it.’ Or it may mean ‘Evidently you

have wandered off into a wrong place, go away.’ A man who wants to pass you always

says ‘Excuse me’, while he may with all justice burst out, ‘What do you mean by standing

there gaping at the world while you block everybody’s passage? Stand aside, man!’ When

you send your card in, the busy man’s secretary appears and whispers in your ear, ‘Would

you like to wait?’ Though the tone is one of consultation, you have really no choice in the

matter. The thing to do is not to answer the question but say ‘Thanks’ and look for a

comfortable seat in the waiting-room, although you may feel like saying, ‘No I woudn’t like

to wait. I have other things to do.’

The time has come for us to consider seriously the question of a Bharat brand of English.

As I’ve said in my essay on ‘English in India’ so far English has had a comparatively

confined existence in our country—chiefly in the halls of learning, justice, or

administration. Now the time is ripe for it to come to the dusty street, market-place, and 

under the bunyan tree. English must adopt the complexion of our life and assimilate its

idiom. I am not suggesting here a mongrelisation of the language. I am not recommending

that we should go back to the says we heard, particularly in the railways, ‘Wer U goin’,

man? Bharat English will respect the rule of law and maintain the dignity of grammar, but

will have a swadeshi stamp about it unmistakably, like the Madras handloom check shirt or

the Tirupati doll. How it can be achieved is a question for practical men to tackle.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Silence is All by Sri Auribindo

MA English (Previous) Palamuru & Osmania University

Sem 2 paper IV- Indian Writing in English

Silence is All
by Sri Aurobindo
Silence is all, say the sages.
Silence watches the work of the ages;

In the book of Silence the cosmic Scribe has written his cosmic pages;

Silence is all, say the sages.

What then of the word, O speaker?
What then of the thought, O thinker?
Thought is the wine of the soul and the word is the beaker;

Life is the banquet-table – the soul of the sage is the drinker.

What of the wine, O mortal?
I am drunk with the wine as I sit at Wisdom’s portal,

Waiting for the Light beyond thought and the Word immortal.
Long I sit in vain at Wisdom’s portal.

How shalt thou know the Word when it comes, O seeker?
How shalt thou know the Light when it breaks, O witness?
I shall hear the voice of the God within me and grow wiser and meeker;

I shall be the tree that takes in the light as its food, I shall drink its nectar of sweetness

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Eyes Are Not Here - Ruskin Bond

'The Eyes Are Not Here

Ruskin Bond

Osmania University UG English I yr -Sem 1

(With effect from AY 2021-22) 

'The Eyes Are Not Here' is a short story written by well-known children's writer and Indian author of British descent Ruskin. He was born on 19th May 1934 and lives in Missouri. His first novel 'The Room on the Roof' was received well by the readers. Bond created a fictional character named Rusty. His literary output includes a wide range of genres, including autobiographical works, novels, short stories, non-fiction, and children's literature.

His popular books are Flight of PigeonsThe Blue Umbrella, Our trees still grow in Dehra. He received the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1992 for the novel ‘Our Trees Still Grow in Dehra’
Roads to Mussoorie and All Roads lead to Ganga are his popular memoirs.
The present story first appeared in Contemporary Indian Short Stories in English, edited by Shiv K. Kumar (1991). The story is told from the first person point of view. The narrator was a young man traveling to Dehra, and then to Mussorie by train. A girl got into the compartment. Due to his blindness, he was unable to accurately describe her. He liked her voice and the sound of her slippers. The girl said that she would get down in Sharanpur. The man wanted to hide his 
handicap from the girl. In their conversation, the girl mentions visiting Mussorie in October because it's the best time. The narrator recollects his memories of spending time in hills covered with dahlias and sitting in front of a log fire at night.Upon being asked by the girl, he moves to the window, pretending to enjoy the beautiful landscape. 

The narrator complimented her, saying that she had an interesting face. She was not surprised by his comment, and she said many people praised her pretty face.

The narrator thought to himself that as soon as she left the train, she might forget the brief encounter. He would cherish these moments for the rest of the journey. He wondered if she wore her hair in a bun, plaited, hung loose, or cut short. He wondered if she wore her hair in a bun, plaited, hung loose, or cut short.

As soon as the girl got off the train, a man entered the compartment. The narrator inquired whether the girl kept her hair long or short. He said to the narrator that he had only noticed her beautiful eyes, but she was blind. 

"She had beautiful eyes, but they were of no use to her, she was completely blind. Didn't you notice?" 

The story's twist is that both the narrator and the girl are blind. They both tried to hide their blindness and pretended they had eyesight. They both fail to perceive each other as blind. Here, Bond presents the human limitations of perception. 



Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How to live to be 200-Stephen Leacock

Osmania University I yr-Sem 3

Unit -2 Prose

 How to live to be 200

Stephen Leacock

Stephen Butler Leacock(1869–1944) was born in England,  At the age of 6, he immigrated to Canada with his parents.His books Literary Lapses (1910) and Nonsense Novels (1911) are very popular. The present essay is from Literary Lapses

Stephen Leacock, a Canadian author, wrote this satirical and humorous essay. The writer brings out the follies, especially the young men of his time, who wanted to keep them fit and live long.The title is exaggerating. The writer makes fun of health maniacs and advises youth not to follow fitness freaks. 

The writer satirizes health freaks. He ridicules health habits and calls them maniacs. He elaborates on his views about health freaks, giving an example of Jiggins’ life. Jiggins represents many youth, who unnecessarily do excessive exercises to keep them fit. Jiggins wanted to live strong, healthy, and for a long time. He used to take a cold bath and a hot bath every morning, by which he could open and shut his skin pores. He used to breathe through an open window in order to expand his lungs as much as possible.He even does different kinds of exercises in his spare time. Despite his severe workouts and breathing exercises, he died at a young age. He dumb-belled  himself to death. Many young men are following his health habits. 

The youth wake up in the early hours to go for a marathon run before breakfast. The writer gives an elaborate description of young men's obsession with health exercises. They search for ozone and avoid meat because it contains too much nitrogen. They also do not eat fruit because it does not have nitrogen. They avoid some foods and drinks, stating various reasons. The writer comments that these young people are on the wrong track, and they do not live long.

 The writer advises the health maniacs to stop doing all this nonsense. Furthermore, he offers some insightful advice. He suggests we get up in the morning at our convenience. There isn't any ozone. If there is, buy a Thermos bottle full for five cents and put it on a shelf in the cupboard. 

 Leacock makes fun of cold-bathing because it's something we never did as boys. Instead of a cold bath, take one in warm water.

Next, the author discusses germs and bacteria. We shouldn't be scared of them, because they are not harmful. Then he gives a piece of advice on food. The author suggests that we should not avoid certain food items, citing health reasons. He suggests that we eat whatever we like, until we can't pay anymore. Leacock humorously presents his views, saying, There is no such thing as starch, albumen, gluten, or nitrogen. Even though we want to, we should go to the laundry and get a bag of starch, eat it, drink glue after it, and take a spoonful of Portland cement. That will make one feel healthy and solid.

 Leacock talks about fresh air and exercise. Unlike Jiggins, we should give some rest to our lungs. As long as we have others to play baseball for us, run races, and perform gymnastics while we watch the games in the shade, we shouldn't worry about exercising.

 How to Live to be 200 (


The Five Boons of Life by Mark Twain

Telangana Intermediate First year

The Five Boons of Life

Mark Twain

The Five Boons of Life is a moral short story with a twist at the end. It was written by Samuel Laughorne Clemens, popularly known as Mark Twain (1835–1910). He was a humorist, journalist, lecturer, and novelist who is well known for his adventure stories of boyhood, especially The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885). 

The story is about choosing the right option in one's life. Prioritizing things in our lives is the most important thing. Characters:

The Fairy

The man

The child


The story contains five chapters, each about a boon.A good fairy offers a youth five boons, i.e., pleasure, love, fame, riches, and death. She asks him to choose one valuable gift wisely from her basket. Fairy says only one of the five boons is valuable. He immediately chooses pleasure, which leads to feelings of disappointment. So he laments his choice and asks the fairy for another chance. The fairy appears and offers him the remaining four boons. The boy thinks hard and decides to pick ‘love.’ In his long life, death takes his lovers from him. He grieves, sitting beside his last of many lovers. With the three remaining boons, the 'good fairy' returns to the man. Now he has picked up fame after prolonged consideration. Envy, gossip, defamation, and hatred follow fame. Because of all these negative consequences, the man finds his life filled with misery as a result of all these negative consequences. The fairy reappears and presents the remaining two boons. The fairy reminds him that only one of the five boons is valuable, and that value remains unchosen.The fairy asks him to choose wisely this time, as it is his last chance. He chooses wealth among two boons. After three years, the 'good fairy' reappears and discovers the man in a pitiful state. He is eating dry bread and lamenting the blessings of life. Finally, he realizes that all the boons of the fairy were curses in disguise. He now craves death because he can’t deal with the pain of life. But the fairy discloses that she has given death to a child, who asked her to choose the boon for him. She grants him death, which is the only boon worth the sum of all five. Three years have passed. The man becomes lean and pale and sits shivering in a small room.The man is destined for a miserable old age.The writer teaches us that death is the most valuable thing of all. Death relieves us from the unending pain and suffering of life. 

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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Too dear- Leo Tolstoy summary


Palamuru University Sem 3 (from 2022-23) 

Too dear! 

Leo Tolstoy

The Russian author Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) is considered one of the greatest writers in literary history. His novels, novellas, short tales, and essays contain themes like love, war, spirituality, and social justice. His most well-known works are "War and Peace," "Anna Karenina," and "The Death of Ivan Ilyich.” Tolstoy’s influence was great in the literary world. Tolstoy influenced M.K. Gandhi, Anton Chekhov, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf, and James Joyce. Twenty-three Tales is a popular compilation of short stories by Tolstoy. The present story, Too Dear!, is the 20th chapter in the compilation. 

    Leo Tolstoy's satirical story "Too Dear!" ridicules the legal system and the idea of the death penalty. The story takes place in a small kingdom named 'Monaco', situated on the Mediterranean Sea's shore near the borders of France and Italy. It is a tiny kingdom with 7,000 people and a mere army of sixty men, ruled by a kinglet. There are taxes on tobacco, wine, and spirit, as well as a poll tax.

 The gaming playhouse is the primary source of the king's special revenue. The gaming playhouse owner pays a large sum of money out of his profits to the kinglet. Germany banned gaming houses due to the significant harm they were causing to its citizens. Those who are interested in gambling games go to Monaco. Though the king knows it is a dirty business, he has to do it to maintain his courtiers, ministers, generals, and army. 

    A man commits murder in this tiny country—a crime never recorded before. The judges, prosecutors, and barristers argue, ultimately delivering a judgment to cut off the criminal's head in accordance with the law. The king confirms the execution. They have neither a guillotine for cutting heads off nor an executioner. The ministers write letters to the French and Italian governments, requesting a machine and an expert to cut off the criminal's head. The French government replies that it would cost 16000 francs, whereas the Italian government agrees to 12000 francs, including travel expenses. The king believes that the population would pay more than 2 francs per head. The king requests the general assign a soldier to sever the criminal's head, but the soldiers decline, claiming they lack the necessary training for such an execution. To reduce the financial burden, the King establishes a committee to provide recommendations on the prisoner's case. The committee decides to change the death sentence to life imprisonment. The committee has sentenced the man to life in prison. There is no strong permanent prison; however, they find a place to house the murderer, assign a guard to keep watch, and arrange for him to receive his food from the palace kitchen. A year passes, and the king notices an expenditure of 600 francs a year, i.e., a criminal's expenditure, in the accounts. The king believes that the criminal's expenses are too high. Ministers suggest dismissing the guard, thereby enabling his escape. But he goes out to the king’s kitchen to fetch his own dinner and returns to the prison to stay inside. The prisoner declines to leave, stating that the sentence has damaged his reputation. The prisoner stands by his decision not to flee, citing the government's failure to carry out the execution. The government sentences him to life imprisonment and dispatches a guard to fetch food, but the guard withdraws after some time. The king agrees to pay a sum of 600 francs to get rid of him. The matter is settled. In advance, the prisoner receives one-third of the annuity and leaves the king's dominions.

    With the advance amount, he buys a bit of land, starts gardening, and lives comfortably. He always goes at the proper time to draw his pension. He lives a good and peaceful life. 

 The themes of the story are governance, justice, morality, and the thirst for power. The writer sarcastically points out the failure of governance and justice. 

The title 'Too dear' refers to something that is costly or high in price, but it also signifies something of great value. In this particular story, the cost of executing the criminal is prohibitively high. It is also significant that human life is of great value. In the story, the King's decisions are driven by cost. Because of the prisoner's excessive expenditure, the king's decisions are based on practical considerations.

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