Thursday, May 30, 2024

KU UG English Sem 3 all summaries

 KU UG English Sem 3 all summaries

Unit 1

Achieving Gender Equality in India:

What Works, and What Doesn't

Smriti Sharma. 

How does Smriti Sharma bring home the idea of female empowerment and gender equality in her essay? ( KU December 2023)

video lesson తెలుగు లో

About the writer.

Smriti Sharma is a senior lecturer (associate professor) in economics at Newcastle University in England. She is also a research affiliate at the Institute of Labor Economics and a fellow at the Global Labor Organization (GLO). She was previously a research fellow at UNU-WIDER in Helsinki, Finland. 

Her fields of specialization are development economics, labor economics, and behavioral economics. Within these fields, she has three areas of interest: (i) education, skills, and labor markets; (ii) the political economy of development; and (iii) caste and gender-based disadvantage and discrimination. Her work focuses mainly on India and Vietnam.

This article was published on November 8, 2016 on the website is the first of a series of articles in partnership with UNU-WIDER and EconFilms on responding to crises worldwide.

In this article, she talks about gender disparity in Indian society despite growth in GDP. 

Despite rapid economic growth, India's progress towards gender equality, as measured by the Gender Development Index(GDI), is disappointing.

A recent survey found a 27℅ gender pay gap in white collar jobs. The writer observes the disturbing upward trend in crimes against women such as rapes, dowry deaths, and honor killings. 

A preference for sons.

In Indian society, patrilineality and patrilocality instill a cultural preference for sons. Indian parents prefer sons because they see them as caregivers in old age. The Dowry System is another institution that disempowers women. Dowry-related violence against women by their husbands and in-laws is on the rise across all socioeconomic classes. These practices motivate parents not to have girls as children or to invest less in girls' health and education.

Despite India's ban on sex determination, there were 919 girls under the age of six for every 1000 boys in 2011.

Affirmative action

Though India has experienced economic growth, gender disparities persist. India needs policy initiatives to empower women. The writer states that one-third of reservations for women (33 Percent) in local bodies have shown good results. According to policy evaluations, women are more confident in reporting crimes against them than earlier in villages led by women leaders. Equality in land inheritance rights between sons and daughters got mixed responses. Improvements in labour market prospects also have the potential to empower women.

Training and recruiting young women from rural areas for factory-based jobs in cities provides economic independence and social autonomy. 

Getting to Parity. 

The writer opines that India needs more coordinating efforts at local and national levels, as well as by the private sector, to bring women to parity with men, and educating Indian children from an early age about the importance of gender equality is a significant step in that direction. 

Video lesson explained in English

For full article, plz visit

Smriti Sharma video

They Shut me up in Prose

Emily Dickinson

They shut me up in Prose –

As when a little Girl

They put me in the Closet –

Because they liked me “still” –

Still! Could themself have peeped –

And seen my Brain – go round –

They might as wise have lodged a Bird

For Treason – in the Pound –

Himself has but to will

And easy as a Star

Look down opon Captivity –

And laugh – No more have I –

They shut me up in Prose" by Emily Dickinson explores how people can find freedom through their imaginations and, by extension, through writing poetry. Discuss.(KU December 2023)

About the poet. 

About the poem

Unit 2

1) Dalit Child Bride to $112 Million CEO:The Wonder Story of Kalpana Saroj,

 Rakhi Chakrabortty. 

Kalpana Saroj is an object lesson as a female role model. Explain.(KU December 2023)

About the author

 Rakhi Chakraborty is an independent journalist and sustainability activist. She blogs at

Read more at:

About the text

for the full text, click the link below

    The present lesson is a biography of Kalpana Saroj, CEO of Kamani Tubes, with personal assets worth $112 million. She was born in Vidarbha to a police constable. She had three sisters and two brothers. The parents of neighborhood children did not allow her to play with their children in the quarters because she belongs to the Dalit community. .She was shocked by the behavior of the faculty towards her because she was prevented from participating in extracurricular activities at school. She was married off in her seventh class.

Child Marriage.

Though her father was not a very educated man, he wanted her to complete her education. Bowing to the community's and extended family's pressure, he arranged her marriage at the age of twelve. 

Married life

She was responsible for all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry for ten people. Her in-laws abused her mentally and physically. Her father found her as a walking corpse after six months when he came to see her.

Walk with shame.

Her father brought her back home. The community and society accused her of bringing shame upon her family. She didn’t want to be a burden to her father. Due to her lack of education or age, she was rejected for the posts of constable, nurse, and even military.

A second chance

She took the poison to kill herself, but she got a second chance at life. After this incident, she felt strong, recharged, and empowered. She decided to move forward in her life.

A New life

She started a new life in Mumbai by doing tailoring work. Her father lost his job. Her parents and siblings joined her in a cramped room.

The tragedy that made me an entrepreneur.

She realised that life without money is useless, when her youngest sister needed treatment.

Getting started.

Her circumstances gradually improved, after she started a small furniture business with a govt loan.

Sizing oppurtunities

She took two years to pay off her loan. While she was looking for new business opportunities, she came across a proprietor who sold her litigation-locked land. She fought a legal battle for two years, and at last, with the help of a partner, she established a furniture and real estate business.

The strange case of Kamani Tubes

After Ramjibhai Kamani, the founder of Kamani Tubes, died, a dispute over ownership arose between his sons and the workers. The Supreme Court transferred ownership from the legal heirs to the workers union. However, the company faced imminent closure due to the ongoing struggle for supremacy between the two unions. She took over the company at the workers' request.
In 2000, she became the president of the company's board. She pleaded with the then finance minister to waive off the penalty and interest so that the company could not go into liquidation. After much consultation with banks, the finance minister forgave the penalty and interest amount, as well as deduct 25% from the principle amount. The court transferred ownership of Kamini tubes to Kalpana Saroj on condition of paying bank loans within 7 years. She settled all the financial issues and debts soon. She moved the factory to Wada, where she acquired seven acres of land.

Saroj's narrative is truly inspirational, spanning from the slums of Mumbai to the glittering lights of India's corporate world. The story of Kalpana Saroj's rise from poverty to fortune is really amazing. In 2013, she received the Padma Shri for Trade and Industry.


2) The Kitchen - Vimala

1. The poem "The Kitchen" by Vimala defends individuality and demands a respectful identity for homemakers. Justify. (KU December 2023)

I remember the kitchen's 

flavour upon flavour, 

a mouth-watering treasury,

 pungence of seasonings,

 and the aroma of incense

 from the prayer room

 next door. Each morning 

the kitchen awoke

 to the swish of churning butter, 

the scraping of scoured pots. 

And in the centre, the stove, 

fresh washed with mud, painted 

 and bedecked, all set to burn.

We saved secret money in the 

seasoning box; hid sweets too,

 and played at cooking with lentils and jaggery. We played Mother and Father,

in the magic world of kitchen

 that wrapped childhood in its spell.

No longer playground for the grownup girl

 now trained into kitchenhood.

 Like all the mothers and mothers' mothers before her, in the kitchen, 

she becomes woman right here.

Our kitchen is a mortuary. 

Pans, tins, gunny bags

 crowd it like cadavers

 that hang amid clouds of damp wood smoke. Mother floats, a ghost here,

 a floating kitchen herself, 

her eyes melted in tears,

 her hands worn to spoons, 

her arms, spatulas that turn

 into long frying pans, and 

other kitchen tools.

 Sometimes mother glows

 like a blazing furnace, 

and burns through the kitchen, 

pacing, restless, a caged tiger,

 banging pots and pans.

 How easy, they say, 

the flick of the ladle and the cooking's done.

No one visits now. 

No one comes to the kitchen except to eat.

My mother was queen of the kitchen,

 but the name engraved on the pots and pans is Father's.

Luck, they say, landed me in my great kitchen, gas stove, grinder, sink, and tiles.

 I make cakes and puddings,

 not old-fashioned snacks as my mother did. 

But the name engraved on the pots and pans

 is my husband's.

My kitchen wakes

 to the whistle of the pressure cooker,

 the whirr of the electric grinder.

 I am a well-appointed kitchen myself,

 turning round like a mechanical doll. 

My kitchen is a workshop, a clattering,

 busy, butcher stall, where I cook 

and serve, and clean, and cook again. 

In dreams, my kitchen haunts me,

 my artistic kitchen dreams, 

the smell of seasonings even in the jasmine.

Damn all kitchens! May they burn to cinders! The kitchens that steal our dreams, drain

 our lives, eat our days-like some enormous vulture.

 Let us destroy these kitchens 

that turned us into serving spoons.

 Let us remove the names engraved on the pots and pans. 

Come, let us tear out these private stoves, before our daughters must step 

solitary into these kitchens. 

For our children's sakes,

 let us destroy these lonely kitchens 

Vimla wrote the feminist poem "The Kitchen" in Telugu. BBVL Narayana Rao translated it into English.

The poem portrays the sufferings of housewives in the kitchen and their household responsibilities. Housewives have endured confinement and imprisonment in the kitchen for ages. The poet brings out the plight of women in ordinary homes in India. The poet is not talking just for herself but for the women's community.

The poet recalls her childhood association with the kitchen. It was a mouth-watering treasury, filled with a sharp, bitter smell and decorated with well-washed utensils, pans, and tins.

telugu version of the poem వంటిల్లు

In stanza 2, "We saved secret money..." the poet used the first-person plural ‘we’ to apply this phenomenon to all the girls in India. They save their money on seasoning boxes, a practice that is prevalent in every Indian household. For grownups, the kitchen is no longer a playground but a training center where girls are trained to cook a variety of recipes.

The poet calls the kitchen a mortuary and her mother a ghost, as all the pans, tins, and gunny bags crowd like corpses that hang amid clouds of smoke. The poet’s mother sometimes glows like a blazing furnace and works restlessly and at a great pace in a caged kitchen. The writer laments that no one in the family visits the kitchen except to eat, and expresses her anguish over not giving due recognition to their work. Though her mother was the queen of the kitchen, her father’s name was engraved on the pots. The same thing has been repeated in her case as well.

The writer shows the change in kitchen gadgets and compares her modern recipe with her mother’s old-fashioned snacks. She calls the womenfolk to remove the names engraved on pots and tins and destroy the lonely kitchens.

At last, the writer fervently appeals to establish a new kitchen, which was shared equally by all the members of the family, and warns not to step alone into the kitchen

click below given link to read
   వంటిల్లు. telugu version of the poem kitchen
From 3.16)

Unit 3

What is My Name? 

P. Sathyavathi

interview with P.Satyavathi

3. Bring out the essence of the short story "What Is My Name"? by P. Satyavathi. (KU December 2023)

కళ్లు తెరిపించే కథా రచయిత్రి | Sakshi

Story in Telugu

About the author

Satyavathi is a Telugu writer. She was born in Kolakaluru, Tenali, to Satyanarayana Desiraju and Kanaka Durga. She has a postgraduate degree in English literature, and she taught English at Sayyed Applaswami College until 1998. P. Satyavathi is one of the writers who has brought feminism to the pinnacle of Telugu literature. The Tamil book, an autobiography of a transgender person (Unarvum Uruvamum), earned her the Kendra Sahitya Academy Award in the translation category. The book's English title is The Truth About Me: A Hijra Life Story, whereas the Telugu version adopts the title Nijam Cheptunna: Oka Hijra Atmakatha. She received prestigous Kuvempu national award recently. She widely read the novels of Malathi Chandur, Kodavatiganti Kutumba Rao and Rachakonda Vishwanatha Sastri and influenced by their writings. She has published four short-story anthologies, seven novels, and a collection of essays. Her stories often have a feminist angle.

About the story.


Sarada: A housewife who forget her name. (Mrs.Murthy)

Satyanarayana Muthy:- Sarada's husband

Pramila:- Sarada's school friend.

Ammayai- the maidservant

Sarada's children 

Sarada's parents.

P. Sathyavathi originally wrote the short story "What is My Name?" in Telugu, and Vijayalaxmi and Ranga Rao translated it into English. "What Is My Name" was originally published as "Illalakagaane" (ఇల్లలకగానే ) in Telugu in 1990 and has been translated into almost all the south Indian languages and Hindi.The writer advises to women not to lose their identity under any circumstances.

It is the story of a young, educated housewife who forgets her name. Her husband married her for the beauty and dowry offered by her father. She cleans and swabs the floors spotlessly. Her husband praises her for her dexterity in cleaning and scrubbing. Swabbing has become her life's chief mission. While scrubbing the floor, she suddenly thinks about her name, but she doesn't remember it. She asks her maid about her name, but the maid only knows her as a mistress. During lunch, the restless housewife asks her children about her name. They, too, are unaware of her name, as they have always addressed her as Amma. They assert that they are familiar with their father's name, as it appears on all the letters. She decides to ask her husband. He is her only hope, and he can solve her problem. During the evening meal, she asks him if he knows her name. He laughs at her, saying that she never asked him to call her by her original name. He calls her yemoi. He informs her that her certificates bear her name. She never bothered about her certificates after her marriage, so she hasn’t brought them with her.

When she visits her parents' house, she asks her mother what her name is. Her mother, too, never calls her by name. For her, she is a daughter married to a good man. She never imagined that forgetting her own name would pose a significant challenge in her life. She frantically searches for her certificates but cannot find them. She comes across her school friend, Pramila. Pramila immediately recognizes her and calls her by her name, Sharada. . She comes across her school friend, Pramila. Pramila immediately recognizes her and calls her by her name, Sharada. Her friend breathes new life into her by referring to her as 'Sarada!' My dear Sarada!. Pramila was also married and a housewife like her, but she had not made swabbing the sole purpose of her life. 

Pramila reminisces about their school days and Sharada's achievements in drawing and music competitions. Pramila reminds Sarada that she stood first in tenth class. At last, she knows her name. Sarada returns to her parents' house, climbs the attic, and finds certificates, old albums, and pictures she has drawn. Overjoyed, she returns to her home and warns her husband not to call her yemoi, geemoi. She asserts her identity as Sarada and expresses her preference for using that name.


Female consciousness

Quest for Identity

Gender equality






“Voice Of Unwanted Girl”

3. The poem "Voice of the Unwanted Girl" by Sujata Bhatt is a voice of protest against the cruel act of female foeticide. Examine.(KU December 2023)

Mother, I am the one you sent away when the doctor told you, I would be

“A Girl”-in the end the had to give me an injection to kill me.

Before I died, I heard the traffic rushing outside, the mansoon slush,

the wind sulking through your city. I could have clutched the neon blue.

No one wanted to touch me except later in autopsy room. I looked like a sliced

Pomegranate. The fruit you never touched. Mother, I am the one you sent away,

When doctor told you, I would be a girl-your second girl. Afterwards, as soon as

You could put on your grass-green sari. Afterwards everyone smiled, but now I

Ask you, to look for me, mother.look for me bcoz I wont come to you in your

Dreams.look for me, bcoz I wont be a flower, I wont turn into a butterfly, and I

am not a part of anyone’s song. Look for me, mother, becoz this is not “God’s Will”.

 Look for me , mother, becoz I smell of formaldehyde and still, I wish

About the poet

About the poem

You would look for me, mother……

Friday, May 24, 2024

SRR GDC English all semester question papers

 SRR GDC English all semester question papers

Sem 2 - May 2024

Semester 4  May 2024

BCA Sem 2 Communication skills 2024 Q. p

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Satavahana university English sem 3 syllabus model paper & grammar

  Satavahana University sem 3 syllabus, paper pattern & model paper


Unit 7- 

My Financial Career- Stephen Leacock



Note making 

Unit 8

Student Mobs - JB. priestly

Contractions- short forms


Precis writing

Unit 9

Where the mind is without fear- Tagore

Diary writing

Notice Writing 

Previous Question paper

Unit 7


accomplish - achieve




consent-permission / agreement

deliberate - intentional

elegant - graceful


fatigue - tiredness

grudge - hatred




immense - huge

judge - decide

keen - eager / sharp

knack - talent

lure - attractive

murky - obscure / unclear

moderate - limited

new - unused


bizarre - weird

barbarous uncivilised

convert - change

dally - loiter

deficient-scanty / inadequate

ecstasy - delight

feebleweak / frail

frivolous - petty

generous liberal

hazard-danger / risk

help - assist

Inevitable unavoidable

jovial - cheerful

juvenile - young / tender

keep - retain

lunatic madman

liable accountable

modest - humble

numerous several

nonchalant - indifferent / negligent

obstinate - stubborn

obsolete extinct

prompt - immediate

optimistic - hopeful

proud - arrogant

provoke - incite

quiet - silent

quit - withdraw

quash-cancel / abrogate

rustic - pastoral

redeem recover

rapid - swift / fast

spurious - adulterated

suppress - restrain

sycophant - flatterer

taboo - prohibited


tender - delicate

utterly - completely


upset - agitated

vibrate - shake

victory - triumph

vacant empty / unoccupied

wise - intelligent

wield - use

wonderful - splendid

yell - shout

yard - garden

zap-destroy / hurry

zest enthusiasm

zeal - eagerness


Exercise :- Fill in the blanks from the suffixes given in the help box. Change the spellings where required.






1. She had a happy child_---

2. The team that he supported were able to win the champion-----

3 . Non-venomous snakes are harm------ Don't worry.

4. Sheuli writes short stories. She is a create--- girl.

5. She looked at her reflect-----in the mirror.

Answers:- 1.childhood, 2.championship 3.harmless 4. creative  5. reflection

Note making

Unit 8

Contractions- short forms

 Fill in the blanks with appropriate short forms.

1. They ------(did not) play well in the last match.
2. She -----(be, not) a doctor.
3. We------(will not) come to this place again.

4. He------(has, not) completed his work yet.

5. We-----(must not) accept their demands.

6. I-------(was not) playing cricket then.

7. Raghav-----(do, not) like sweets.

8.I-------(shall not) watch the film.

Answers:- 1.didn't. 2. isn't 3. won't
4. hasn't  5. mustn't   6. wasn't  
7.doesn't     8. shan't

 Precis writing 

Click the link below.

Unit 9

Diary writing

Notice writing

Satavahana university English sem 1 syllabus & model papers

 Satavahana university English sem 1 syllabus  model papers


Unit 1

A snake in the Grass -- RK. Narayan

Grammar- Spelling rules

Vocabulary: Words often misspelt


Unit 2

On Saying Please -A. G. Gardiner. 

Grammar: Kinds of Sentences

Vocabulary:- Content and Structure words

Unit 3

If You Forget Me- Pablo Neruda

Grammar:- Verb-finite and Infinite verbs


Words often misspelt

Exercise :-

Select the option with the correct spellings.

1. acknowledge/ acknowlege / aknowledge

2. apparent/apparant / aparent

3. committed/commited/comitted

4. colleague/collaegue/collegue

5. grateful/gratefull/greatful

6. guarantee/ garantee / garentee / garanty

7. maintenance / maintainance / maintnance

8. medieval/medeval / medevil/mideval

9. secretary/secratary/secretery

10. questionnaire / questionaire / questionnair













1.Assertive/Declarative sentences

2.Imperative sentences

3.Interrogative sentences

4.Exclamatory sentence

Assertive sentences

These sentences are used to make a statement or state a fact.

I am an Indian.

Dr Rao is a cardiologist.

Dr Abdul Kalam was an aerospace scientist.

India is known for unity in diversity.

Leafy vegetables are good for health.

how + adjective/adverb + subject + verb

Exercise F || Convert the following sentences into exclamatory sentences

 1. Shimla is a wonderful place. 

A:-What a wonderful place is Shimla! 

2. The mango was very juicy and sweet.

A:-How juicy and sweet the mango was. ! 

3. English is an interesting language 


 4. He bowls very fast.

 How fast he bowls! 

5. Sumitra sings melodiously.

A:-How melodiously Sumitra sings! 

6. This is a comfortable house. 

A:-How comfort the house is! 

7. He brought a surprising gift. 

What a surprising gift he brought. 

 8. Srinagar is a very cool place. 

A:-What a cool place  is  Srinagar! 

9.English language is useful for employment. 

10. Honesty plays a very important role in the workplace.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Satavahana University English Sem 6 syllabuis& model papers





    Time: 3 Hours]                                                                                   [Max. Marks: 80

SECTION - A (4 X 5 = 20 Marks)

1. Answer any FOUR of the following

a) Write an application for the post of an accountant in a company.

 b) Write a conversation between two siblings discussing the details of booking a train ticket.

c) Write a report on a road accident that occurred in your town.

 d) Write the Minutes of Parent-Teachers Meeting in a school.

e) Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions that follow.

        The whole family met me at the Lahore station, and their happiness over my arrival was radiant and infectious. I soon forgot my apprehensions in that vivacious atmosphere.Since our own house, which had been built a few years earlier, was being repaired, we moved in with my mother's family, where the whole lot of us were crowded into two rooms. But the cramped quarters were scarcely noticed by us children, since we spent all our waking hours in  the Mehta Gullie and returned home only to sleep. The Mehta Gullie, or street, was separated from the main house by a five-foot wall.

i.        Who is the writer of the above paragraph?

ii.     Who greeted the writer at Lahore station?

iii.    Where did the writer's family stay since their own house was being repaired?

iv.     How was Mehta Gullie separated from the writer's main house?

v.       What does the word "radiant" mean ?

f) Read the paragraph carefully and answer the questions that follow.

 As Ganapathideva had no sons, he nominated his daughter Rudrama Devi as his heir to the  Kakatiya Kingdom. It was a matter of pride that Rudrama Devi became the successor of her

father to the throne at the age of 14. She assumed the title Rani Rudradevi. She began to rule  as co-regent under the name of Rudradeva Maharaja. She was known for bravery. She was a companion of her father in ruling the kingdom. Though a woman Rudrama was undoubtedly  one of the greatest rulers of the vast Andhra region. She played an active role in the  government of the kingdom. Dressed in male garments she daily adorned the royal seat, gave interviews to foreigners, listened to the reports of secret service, held consultations with her  ministers, generals and high dignitaries of the state and advised them how they should act to  promote the best interests of the state. On occasions of the emergency she did not hesitate to take the field in position and lead her troops against the enemy. She was a valiant and courageous fighter with great abilities of a general to lead her men in war.

1.Why did Ganapathideva nominate his daughter as his heir?

2. At what age did Rudradevi become a queen?

3. What are the achievements of Rudradevi?

4. How did Rudradevi react on occasions of emergency?

5. Pick out the word from the passage which means 'courage'.


SECTION - B (60 Marks)

Answer ALL the questions

2.     Answer either A or B of the following           (10 M)

a)    Write a script for a debate on 'climate change is the greatest threat facing humanity today' (OR)

b)    Prepare a speech for a group discussion on 'the influence of technology'.

3.     Answer either A or B of the following           (10 M)

a)    Prepare a speech for inviting the guest on the dais for the Annual Day celebration at your college.


b)    Prepare a script for the proposal of a vote of thanks for your college Freshers Day celebration.

4.     Answer any TWO (out of 3) essays in about 150 words  20 M)

a)    What do we learn from the parable narrated by Sri Ramakrishana Paramahamsa in reply to his disciple's question? Explain.

b)    What impression of Ved do you get after reading excerpt of his autobiography? Explain in detail.

c)    Analyze the literary career of P.V. Narsimha Rao.

5.     Answer any FOUR (out of 6) short answer questions in about 75 words (20 M)

a)    Write a brief note on Narendranath Dutt?

b)    What did the disciple ask Sri Ramakrishna?

c)    Why was 0m punished by Grandfather?

d)    How did Ved fly kites with the boys?

e)    Write a brief discussion of P.V. Narasimha Rao's Telugu short stories.

f)     Write a short note on P.V. Narasimha Rao's magnum opus, 'The Insider'.


English for Communication 3

Unit 16- 

Man is the Architect of His Own Future- Gurrapu Damodar


Conversation/Dialogue writing

Unit 17

Mehta Gullie- Ved Mehta

Group Discussion (GD)

Job Application letters

Inviting guests on to the  dais

Unit 18

P.V.Narsimha Rao - The Litterateur- Palakurthy Dinakar

Report Writing

Minutes of the meeting 

Vote of thanks