Saturday, April 27, 2024

SRR GDC KNR BCA I year (sem1& 2)syllabus & model paper

English BCA Syllabus Sem 1

             English    BCA Syllabus Sem 2 

Paper pattern  BCA  Sem2

BCA Semester 2 --May 2024.

Correction of sentences/Common Errors

 SRR GASC Karimnagar-BCA Sem 2

Page 148 English for Enrichment. 

Exam model

Common Errors/ correction of errors

Language is a tool of communication, which successfully conveys our ideas and thoughts to people. Sentences with grammatical correctness are necessary for effective composition.

One should have a clear idea about the structure of sentences, usage of words, phrases, articles, prepositions, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions.

Here is a list of some common mistakes.

I. Nouns

The following uncountable nouns are not used in plural forms.

information, furniture, scenery, poetry, advice, knowledge, news, politics, alphabet. imagery, luggage. 

Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined parts.

1. A lot of informations are displayed on the notice board,

Ans:- A lot of information is displayed on the notice board,

2. These furnitures can not be repaired.

These furniture  can not be repaired.

3. Some people always give meaningful advises.

Some people always give meaningful advise

4. These luggages are very heavy.

These luggage  is very heavy.

5. The depression in the Bay of Bengal causes changes in weathers.

The depression in the Bay of Bengal causes changes in weather

6. The poetries of William Wordsworth deals with nature.

The poetry of William Wordsworth deals with nature.

7. Ravi rears the sheeps.

Ravi rears the sheep

8. Abdul Kalam had wide knowledges about space.

Abdul Kalam had wide knowledge about space.

9. Foreigners are impressed by the sceneries of the Himalayas.

Foreigners are impressed by the sceneray of the Himalayas

10. These news are informed to all members.

This  news is informed to all members.

Some nouns are always used in the plural and take a plural auxiliary verb.

police, savings, innings, surroundings, premises, spectacles, goods, shoes, shorts. thanks

11. We have to observe our surrounding.

We have to observe our surroundings

12. The expression of thank creates good atmosphere.

The expression of thanks creates a good atmosphere.

 13. The premise of a house should always be neat.

The premises of a house should always be neat.

14. The second innings has begun.

The second inning has begun.

15. You should express thank to those who help you.

Some nouns are plural in form but they are used as Singular.

physics, civics, economics, series, gymnastics, athletics, measles, mumps, politics, news, politics

16. Economics deal with financial issues.

Economics deals with financial issues

17. Athletics have to be practised very carefully.

18. The news of the earthquake have been telecast immediately.

The news of the earthquake has been telecast immediately

19. Politics of the college have disturbed us.

20. Measles were very common in olden days.

Measles is very common in olden days. 

Articles are not used before abstract nouns, proper nouns and material nouns. When they are used specifically, 'the' is used before abstract nouns and material nouns.

"The' can be used before proper nouns when they are used as common nouns.

21. The happiness is necessary in one's life.

 Happiness is necessary in one's life

22. The platinum is a costly metal.

The platinum is a costly metal.

23. Don't get irritated with the anger and the emotion.

24. The Bharath is an intelligent boy.

15. Iron which he has brought is impure.


21. My both brother-in-laws are doctors. 

My both brothers-in-law are doctors. 

22. There are five womans in the team.

There are five women  in the team

23. My cousin brother is a designer.

My cousin is a designer.

24. Sneha is her cousin sister

Sneha is her cousin. 

25. He has many fishes. 

He has many fish. 

II. Pronouns

"One of, each of, either of, neither of, none of etc. are always followed by a plural noun or pronoun When they are taken as the subject of a sentence, they are followed by a singular verb.

26. One of my friends are a business man in Mumbai.. 

One of my friends is a business man in Mumbai..

27. Neither of the furniture are comfortable.

Neither of the furniture is comfortable

28. One should respect his teachers

One should respect one’s teachers

. 29. Neither SBI nor SBH are private banks.

Neither SBI nor SBH is private banks

30. Her both hands have been amputated.

Both of her hands have been amputated.

31. Each of them were given a prize.

Each of them was given a prize.

III. Adjectives

32. She is more fatter than her mother.

She is more fatter than her mother.

33. We have motivated a little students.

We have motivated a few students.

34. They are the most richest business men in the village. 

They are the richest business men in the village.

Q. .Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined part. The entire sentence must be written:

1. One of my uncles work at the Rainbow Cafe. 

2. Everyone of the workers receive the same benefits.

3. A catalog of courses and requirements often confuses tudents.

 4. Here is the book and the workbook that you will need for this course. 

5. Each of the students are studying for the test.

6. Neither of my daughters look like me.

7. Computers, film and television influences the attention span of adolescent

8. A small group of birds are flying in the sky.

9. Idli and sambar are my favourite dish for breakfast..

10. All applications for the job has been received.

11. The furniture of this room are made of teak.

12. We should not make noise.

13. Do you sell eggs by kilo or by dozen?

14. The iron is a useful metal.

15. Last Sunday my brother took me to the good restaurant.

16. There is an institution for blind in the city.

17. Sirichandana goes to the temple in mornings.

18. He is busy at the work and won't be home before 10.30.

19. Kashyap gave the beggar an one rupee coin.

20. Cow is an useful animal.

21. His name is in middle of the list.

22. He is independent from his parents.

23. She has been absent since three days.

24. This chair is quite cheap at Rs. 150.

25. Gautham gave me a chair to sit.

26. We do not sell things for credit.

27. He went to work despite of his illness.

28. You should tell to me exactly what happened there.

29. Giridhar agreed to go to Delhi and stay there for two months.

30. This is a comfortable house to live.

31. We were not allowed to enter into the house

32. See you on next Friday.

33. Sanjana is going to home.

34. Don't ask me money.

35. I have decided to quit my job a week ago.

36. I am tired as I am working since 7 o'clock in the morning.


1.One of my uncles works at the Rainbow Cafe.

2. Everyone of the workers receives the same benefits.

3. A catalog of courses and requirements often confuses students.

4. Here are the book and the workbook that you will need for this course.

5. Each of the students is studying for the test.

6. Neither of my daughters looks like

7. Computers, film and television influence the attention span of adolescents.

8. A small group of birds is flying in the sky.

9. Idli and sambar is my favourite dish for breakfast.

10. All applications for the job have been received.

11. The furniture of this room is made of teak.

12. We should not make a noise.

13. Do you sell eggs by kilo or by the dozen?

14. Iron is a useful metal.

15. Last Sunday my brother took me to a good restaurant.

16. There is an institution for the blind in the city.

17. Sirichandana goes to temple in the mornings.

18. He is busy at work and won't be home before 10.30.

19. Kashyap gave the beggar a one rupee coin.

20. Cow is a useful animal, dypopodsvol indtol

21. His name is in the middle of the list.

22. He is independent of his parents.

23. She has been absent for three days.

24. This chair is quite cheap for Rs. 150.

25. Gautham gave me a chair to sit on.

26. We do not sell things on credit.

27. He went to work despite his illness.

28. You should tell me exactly what happened there.

29. Giridhar agreed on going to Delhi and stay there for two months. 

30. This is a comfortable house to live in. 

31. We were not allowed to enter the house.

32. See you next Friday.

33. Sanjana is going home.

34. Don't ask me for money.

35. I decided to quit my job a week ago.

36. I am tired as I have been working since 7 o'clock in the morning.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Proposing Vote of Thanks

 Proposing a vote of thanks

A vote of thanks is a short, official speech in which the speaker thanks an individual or a group of people at the end of an event. Typically, the speaker directs the vote of thanks towards the speakers, guests, audience, and individuals who have made significant contributions to the event's success. This also includes people who are involved in backend work, such as sending invitations, making technical arrangements, setting the stage, the press, and the media, as well as other participants.

Vote of thanks speech should be brief and effective.

Follow an order in thanking. Higher to lower. 

When thanking guests or other speakers, mention a memorable line or inspirational words from their speeches.

Don't miss anyone who contributed to the event. 

Include the audience in the thank-you speech.

Model vote of thanks

Here are a few ways of proposing a vote of thanks:

1.It is my pleasure to propose a vote of thanks on behalf of our department.

2.I express my gratitude to the Principal for enlightening us with his speech.

3.I owe my thanks to our Head of the Department for taking the initiative to organise this Student Seminar.

4.I extend my thanks to all the teachers for their kind support.

5.Last but not the least, I thank all the technicians who assisted us in organising this program and making it a success.

Exam models:-

1.Prepare a script for the proposal of a vote of thanks for your teacher's retirement felicitation.


Good morning, 

As Dr. Kumar,Associate Prof of English, begins his retirement journey, I would like to thank you all on behalf of SRR Degree College Karimnagar for being here today to celebrate his extraordinary career. Throughout your tenure, you have not only imparted knowledge, but you have also instilled in us invaluable life lessons. 

My heartfelt thanks to our MLA, G. Kamalakar Garu, for attending this function, though he is busy with his political meetings. We are also grateful to our college principal. Dr. Ramakrishna, for helping us arrange this programme. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Pramod, vice principal of the college, who is the pillar of strength behind the event. 

I thank all the students, non-teaching staff, and teaching staff for their participation in making this programme successful. 

Last but not least, I thank all the technicians who assisted us in organising this programme. 

Thank you all. 

.2) Prepare a script for the proposal of a vote of thanks for your college Fresher Day celebrations (May 2023) 


Good evening, everyone.

It is my pleasure to propose a vote of thanks on behalf of senior students. Firstly, I would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the esteemed members of the college administration and faculty. We are incredibly grateful for the time and effort you have invested to welcome us into the SRR GASC karimnagar family.

I express my gratitude to the principal for enlightening us with his speech.  A huge round of applause goes out to the seniors who organised this spectacular event. The games, performances, and activities were not only entertaining but also a fantastic way for juniors to connect with seniors. A big thanks to stage setting team, NCC, and NSS volunteers. 

Last but not least, a big thank you to all of our fellow students for sharing this journey with us today. The energy and enthusiasm you brought to the event were truly great. 

Thank you all!

3) Prepare a script for the proposal of a vote of thanks for your college Annual Day celebrations

Good evening to all, 

As we come to the end of our annual day celebrations, it is my honour and privilege to extend a vote of thanks on this memorable occasion. First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to our chief guest, Dr. Ramakrishna, Principal, for gracing the dais and for his inspiring words that have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on all of us. 

I am also immensely thankful to our vice principal, Dr. Pramod, for his visionary leadership and continuous support in all our endeavours. 

A special thanks to our teachers, who have worked tirelessly to organise this event. Your dedication and passion for teaching are what ignite our curiosity and love of learning. To all the staff members who have been the backbone of this event, your coordination and hard work have been key factors in the smooth running of our annual day.

Thanks to my fellow students,who have captured our attention with their captivating dance performances and enjoyable activities. 

Your excitement and energy have lightened up the day and made it very special.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the technical team, stage decoration team, and office subordinates for their invaluable support.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Story Writing using hints


Satavahana University Karimnagar

          II Year Sem 4

             SRR GASC KARIMNAGAR BCA Sem 2

Write stories based the leading lines given below. Give a title to your story.

A man walking - elephant passed by - mahout holding a small rope - tied to elephant's front leg - surprised to see - elephant never tried to break the rope - mahout (trainer) explained - conditioned since a young age.

Story: The Elephant and the Rope

A man was walking on the highway when an adult elephant and his mahout passed by. He noticed that the mahout was holding the elephant by a small rope, the other end of which was tied to the elephant's front leg. He was surprised by the fact that the elephant made no attempt to break the rope and set itself free.

Intrigued by this, the man asked the mahout about the elephant's passive behaviour. The mahout explained that when elephants are very young and much smaller in size, they are controlled using a small-sized rope which is enough to control them at that age. As they grow up, the elephants are conditioned to believe that the rope is strong enough to hold them back, and they cannot break away. They believe that the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.

1. A grocery shop - plenty of mice - the grocer worried - bought a fat cat - mice worried - mice had a meeting - tie a bell - who ties bell (June/July 2022 SU Karimnagar) 

Answer:-Mallaiah owned a grocery shop in a village. He has stocked shelves full of goods, as there is a jatara in the village. The infestation of mice caused a lot of damage to the food items in the shop. Mischievous mice scurried around, biting food pockets. Mallaiah was concerned about the mouse problem and wanted to get rid of mice. He then bought a fat cat. When the mice saw the big cat, they were worried and held an urgent meeting in the darkest corner of the shop. They devised a plan. One brave mouse suggested, "Let's tie a bell around the fat cat's neck! That way, we'll always know when he's coming." The idea is good, but who would dare to tie the bell?. No one came forward, and the mice left the shop. 

2. Donkey fell into a pit - owner tried hard to pull it out - decided to bury - poured soil - donkey shook off the soil - soil increased level in the pit - donkey got out

Answer:-A washerman named Sathaiah and his trusty donkey, resided in a remote village.One day, the donkey accidentally fell into a pit. The owner heard the loud bray, rushed to the spot. He tried with all his might to pull out, but the pit was too deep, and the donkey was too heavy to lift. He decided to bury the donkey with a heavy heart, as it was getting dark. He poured soil into the pit. The donkey began shaking off the soil from his back and hooves. The amount of soil poured into the pit rose, forming a mound beneath its feet. With a triumphant bray, the donkey came out of the pit. Overwhelmed with joy, the washerman embraced his brave donkey. Washerman realises that sometimes, even in the darkest of moments, there is hope. 

3. King Midas - goddess in a dream - whatever he touches must become gold household articles - touched his daughter - finally became gold himself. 

Answer:- Once upon a time, there lived a king named Midas. Despite his wealth, King Midas was never satisfied. Greed consumed him, and he longed for more riches than his kingdom could contain.

One night, A goddess appeared to him in a dream. She offered to grant him a wish, any wish his heart desired. Without hesitation, King Midas declared, "I wish that everything I touch turns to gold."The Goddess, with a knowing smile, granted his wish, but warned him to be careful what he wished for.

The next morning, King Midas awoke to find his wish had come true. Excitedly, he reached out and touched a nearby table, which instantly transformed into gleaming gold. Overjoyed, he went through his palace, touching every household article he could find, turning them all into precious metal.

However, King Midas's elation soon turned to horror when he reached out to embrace his beloved daughter. As his golden hand touched her warm flesh, she too turned into a lifeless statue of gold. Guilt-ridden, King Midas realized the folly of his greed. 

4. A woodcutter’s axe falls into a river-becomes very unhappy the River-God brings him a golden axe, a silver axe, and a steel axe one after another-the wood-cutter takes his own steel axe-the River-God rewards him with all the three.


In a village, there lived a woodcutter named Rajanna. Every day, Rajanna ventured into the forest to cut trees with his sturdy steel axe. One sunny morning, as Rajanna was cutting a big tree with his axe, a disaster struck. With a loud clang, his axe slipped from his grasp and tumbled into the rushing river below. Heartbroken, he sat by the riverbank, lamenting the loss of his axe. To his surprise, the River Goddess emerged from the waters. With a wave of her hand, the goddess presented the woodcutter with a golden axe. He was surprised to see the golden axe, but declined the gift. The goddess then offered a shining silver axe. Again, he gently refused, recognising that it lacked the strength and durability of his trusty iron axe. Impressed by woodcutter's  humility and wisdom, the goddess smiled and presented him with a steel axe, identical to the one he had lost. Overjoyed, he accepted the gift. 

In a gesture of gratitude, the goddess presented him with not only the steel axe but also the golden and silver axes. Thomas's eyes widened in astonishment as he accepted the generous reward.

Saturday, April 6, 2024



An International Peer-Reviewed Open Access Journal

Vol. 10 Issue 3 40 February, 2024

Website: Contact No.: +91-9890290602

langlit-current-issue | Langlit

Indexed: ICI, Google Scholar, Research Gate,, IBI, IIFC, DRJI

ISSN 2349-5189                                                                           IMPACT FACTOR – 5.61


                                                                                                                            DR. S. RAJESH KUMAR

                                                                                                                       Assistant Professor of English

                                                                                                                ABV Government Degree College

                                                                                                                    Jangaon, Telangana State, India


    Sudha Murty, a prolific Indian author, delves into the intricacies of family relationships in her novels, offering profound insights into the dynamics, conflicts, and evolution of familial bonds. This paper conducts a comparative analysis of family relationships depicted in three of Sudha Murty's notable novels: Mahashweta, Gently Falls the Bakula, and Dollar Bahu. By examining the themes, characterizations, and narrative techniques employed in these works, this paper aims to elucidate the diverse portrayals of family relationships in the selected fiction of Sudha Murty. Dollar Bahu delves into the complexities of familial relationships, juxtaposing traditional Indian values with modern aspirations. Mahashweta tackles societal stigmas surrounding vitiligo while addressing themes of identity, resilience, and love. Meanwhile, Gently Falls the Bakula scrutinizes the compromise between personal ambition and marital commitments, highlighting the sacrifices made by the protagonist for professional development of her husband. Through rich character development and vivid storytelling, Murty intricately weaves together these narratives, inviting readers to contemplate timeless dilemmas.

Keywords: Family, Conflicts, Sacrifice, Ambition

6. DR. S. RAJESH KUMAR.doc.pdf - Google Drive

Click the below link for full research paper.

for full research paper

Monday, April 1, 2024

MA English question papers SRR GDC (A) Karimnagar Telangana

 MA English Sem 1 & Sem 3  question papers SRR GDC (Autonomous) Karimnagar, Telangana Feb/March 2024