Friday, March 31, 2023

See It Through poem by Edgar Albert Guest

Kakatiya University Warangal

III Year Sem 6-unit 6 Poetry 

YouTube Short

See It Through


Video lesson

When you’re up against a trouble,

    Meet it squarely, face to face;
Lift your chin and set your shoulders,
    Plant your feet and take a brace.
When it’s vain to try to dodge it,
    Do the best that you can do;
You may fail, but you may conquer,
    See it through!

Black may be the clouds about you
    And your future may seem grim,
But don’t let your nerve desert you;
    Keep yourself in fighting trim.
If the worst is bound to happen,
    Spite of all that you can do,
Running from it will not save you,
    See it through!

Even hope may seem but futile,
    When with troubles you’re beset,
But remember you are facing
    Just what other men have met.
You may fail, but fall still fighting;
    Don’t give up, whate’er you do;
Eyes front, head high to the finish.
    See it through!


squarely- directly and without trying to escape or avoid.
brace- a support that strengthens something else.
dodge- to avoid.
beset- to annoy continually.
Question:- 1. What is the central message of Guest's poem 'See it Through "? 

About the Poet

    Edgar Guest was a British-born American journalist who began his career in 1895 at the age of fourteen with the Detroit Free Press. Guest was born in Birmingham, England in 1881. In 1891, his family moved from England to Detroit, Michigan, where Guest lived until he died. He was referred to as the ‘Poet Laureate of Michigan’ and ‘The Poet of the People'. His weekly column, "Chaff," first appeared in 1904." His first book was A Heap o’ Livin’ (1916).

About the Poem

Motivation, positive attitude and determination are the major themes in the poem. The poet stresses the need for being courageous and facing any problem with utmost boldness until it is totally overcome. The poet motivates us to face the difficulties of life with a positive attitude. In the first stanza, he urges the readers not to escape from facing the troubles of life but to get ready to face them and take steps to overcome them. When we are unable to avoid a difficult situation, we should do the best that we can. The second stanza presents that although life may be in the black clouds, a symbol of troubles in life or the future being grim, never get discouraged and keep on fighting to be in good condition. He reiterates his idea that winning or losing is irrelevant; facing it is important. Sometimes, despite all your efforts, the worst thing happens. In these difficult circumstances, the poet suggests the readers not to run or escape from them but to face them.

    In the third stanza, he further says that the troubles which annoy continually are not the new and the same problems that are already other men been faced. One has to prepare oneself for possible failures in life. "Don't give up, whatever you do". The poet advises us in the final lines not to lose confidence in the terrible situation and to move on with a positive attitude. The poem concludes with the phrase 'see it through'.


1.Dont give up, whatever you do

Eyes front,head high to the finish. 

These lines are taken from the poem ' See it Through' written by  Edgar Albert Guest. 
About the poet:  Edgar Guest was a British-born American journalist who began his career in 1895 at the age of fourteen with the Detroit Free Press. Guest was born in Birmingham, England in 1881. In 1891, his family moved from England to Detroit, Michigan, where Guest lived until he died. He was referred to as the ‘Poet Laureate of Michigan’ and ‘The Poet of the People'. His weekly column, "Chaff," first appeared in 1904." His first book was A Heap o’ Livin’ (1916). One of his famous poems wa 'It Couldn't Be Done'. It is a poem with an uplifting message about never giving ujp.

Context:- The poem gives us motivation to face difficulties in life with courage. Motivation, positive attitude and determination are the major themes in the poem. The poet stresses the need for being courageous and facing any problem with utmost boldness until it is totally overcome.
  Explanation:-  He says that the troubles which annoy continually are not the new and the same problems that are already other men been faced. One has to prepare oneself for possible failures in life. "Don't give up, whatever you do". 
Meaning:-The poet advises us in the final lines not to lose confidence in the terrible situation and to move on with a positive attitude. The poem concludes with the phrase 'see it through'.

Sreelakshmi Suresh

 Kakatiya University Warangal

III year. Sem 6 unit 4 Prose

 Sreelakshmi Suresh

Q. In what ways can Sreelakshmi Suresh be considered an inspirational figure?

Srilakshmi Suresh was born in 1998 in Kozikode, Kerala

Sreelakshmi Suresh was born in Kozhikode, Kerala, in 1998, and she began using computers when she was three years old. Her parents, Viju Suresh and Suresh Menon, introduced her to computers and supported her passion for web design. Sreelakshmi used Notepad to type letters and learn the English alphabet; she used MS Paint to draw and colour pictures. These early experiences helped Sreelakshmi become familiar with computer programmes. Sreelakshmi's parents were sure she would profit from the experience because she spent her leisure time after school teaching herself how to construct websites. Sreelakshmi launched e-Design in 2009, making her one of the youngest CEOs in history. Sreelakshmi Suresh, at eight years old, created a website for her school in Kozhikode that became famous all over  the world. The website she created had information about admissions, curriculum history of the school its students, and staff. 

    She won accolades from various nations, including the Global Internet Directories Gold Award, the Webmasters Ink Award, the Art Space's World Web Award of Excellence for 2006–2007, and the Golden Web Award. She received the National Child Award for Outstanding Performance for the year 2008 from the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs in New Delhi at the age of eleven. She completed her education and then pursued a business undergraduate degree.

    She launched State of Kerala, an online encyclopedia about Kerala, and has created websites for numerous organisations and businesses. She gave a TED talk in 2012 about her experience being one of the youngest CEOs in the world. She has spoken at events hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Lions Club International, and Rotary International, as well as been invited to interact with students at a number of engineering and management universities. She firmly believes that ‘if you are confident that you are competent and prepared to work hard, nothing is impossible’.


" When we talk about how ' age is just a number' , we often refers to how growing older doesn't mean you should give up on your dreams. "

These lines are taken from the lesson 'Sreelakshmi Suresh'

 About the author

Sreelakshmi Suresh was born in Kozhikode, Kerala, in 1998, and she began using computers when she was three years old.


Teamwork - Edgar Albert Guest

Kakatiya Univerfsity Warangal 

III year Sem 6 -Unit 5 Poetry


                                    Edgar Albert Guest

It’s all very well to have courage and skill

And it’s fine to be counted a star,

But the single deed with its touch of thrill

Doesn’t tell the man you are;

For there’s no lone hand in the game we play,

We must work to a bigger scheme,

And the thing that counts in the world to-day

Is, How do you pull with the team?

They may sound your praise and call you great,

They may single you out for fame,

But you must work with your running mate

Or you’ll never win the game;

Oh, never the work of life is done

By the man with a selfish dream,

For the battle is lost or the battle is won

By the spirit of the team.

You may think it fine to be praised for skill,

But a greater thing to do

Is to set your mind and set your will

On the goal that’s just in view;

It’s helping your fellowman to score

When his chances hopeless seem;

Its forgetting self till the game is o’re

And fighting for the team

Q. Elaborate on the central theme of Guest's poem

 About the Poet

    Edgar Guest was a British-born American journalist who began his career in 1895 at the age of fourteen with the Detroit Free Press. He was a prolific poet known for his simple yet profound verses that often focused on themes of everyday life, perseverance, and optimism. He was referred to as the ‘Poet Laureate of Michigan’ and ‘The Poet of the People'. He started penning verse for the Free Press in 1904 in his weekly column "Chaff." His first book was A Heap o’ Livin’ (1916).

About the Poem

    The rhyme scheme of the poem is abab. The poet emphasises the importance of teamwork over individual performance.In a game, teamwork is very important. It is good that we all have courage and a variety of skills in us. It is also good that we are considered as the best performers, or stars. A single act does not make a player great .A star player may be crucial to winning the game, but he cannot alone lead the team to victory. The most important thing is how you cooperate and coordinate with your team members.

 In any game we play, or even in our game of life, there is no single hand. All of us work for some bigger plans, and the thing that matters most today is the question: how do you pull with the team? People call you "great." Here 'They' refers to people. People give you credit for winning a game, but you must work with your teammates. One must work with other team members to put one's team in a good position. A man who has selfish thoughts and longs for personal fame and glory, cannot do the work of life. 

The presence or absence of team spirit makes the battle win or lose. We should not be egocentric.It is fine to be praised for skill, but the better thing is to focus on the goal, cooperate with the team, and have a strong will. When a fellow player has no hope of winning, the player should help him win. Fight not for yourself, but for your team. One should forget "self' until the game is over and fight for the team to win. This didactic poem glorifies the quality of working with others to achieve a common goal.


For the battle is lost or the battle is won

By the spirit of the team.

Reference;-Edgar Guest, a British-born American journalist, started his career at the Detroit Free Press, a daily newspaper, in 1895, when he was just fourteen. Known as the 'Poet Laureate of Michigan' and 'The Poet of the People,' he began writing verse for the Free Press in his weekly column "Chaff" in 1904. In 1916, he published his debut book, A Heap o' Livin'. His poems were mostly inspirational and motivational, and they were widely read in North America.

Context:-.The poet emphasises the importance of teamwork than individual performance. People give you credit for winning a game, but you must work with your teammates. One must work with other team members to put one's team in a good position.

Explanation:-The presence or absence of team spirit makes the battle win or lose. We should not be egocentric.It is good to be praised for skill, but the better thing is to focus on the goal, cooperate with the team, and have a strong will.

This didactic poem glorifies the quality of working with others to achieve a common goal

Thursday, March 30, 2023

For Whom the Bell Tolls poem by John Donne

                                                          Kakatiya University Warangal

III year. Sem 6 Poetry

For Whom the Bell Tolls 


                                                             John Donne 

No man is an island, 

entire of itself. 

 Every man is a piece of the continent, 

 A part of the main.

 If a clod be washed away by the sea, 

 Europe is the less,

 As well as if a promontory were,

As well as if a manor of thy friend's 

 Or of thine own were. 

 Any man's death diminishes me, 

 Because I am involved in mankind. 

 And therefore, never send to know

 for whom the bell tolls.

 It tolls for thee. 


Continent= (in this context) the mainland

Clod= a lump of the earth

Questions:- 1.Explain what Donne by 'No man is an island".

2."Every funeral bell, therefore tolls for thee"- addresses the imaginary question of a man in John Donne's poem " For whom the Bell Tolls ".

About the Poet 

    John Donne was born in 1572 to Roman Catholic parents in England. He is known as the metaphysical poet. His popular poems are A Nocturnal Upon St. Lucy’s Day, The Canonization, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning and The Flea.

About the Poem

    The poem is a fourteen-line sonnet. John Donne addresses the theme of death and the interconnectedness of humans in this poem. The poet stresses the importance of connectedness and brotherhood among human beings. The poem beautifully captures the interconnectedness of humanity. In this short yet profound piece, Donne asserts that no individual exists in isolation; rather, each person is intricately linked to the collective whole. 

An island in metaphor stands for selfishness and loneliness. Declaring that “no man is an island,” Donne exhorts us to overcome isolation and acknowledge our interdependence with the larger world.

The poet compares man to the continent in the beginning lines. He says that no man is an island. Every man is a part of this land. A man cannot live in isolation. When a clod or lump of earth is washed away by the sea, it affects the entire continent. So, in the same manner, any man's death is a loss to the poet, as he is part of the whole of mankind. The ringing of the funeral bell is a symbol of death. The bell tolling in the church signals the loss of a person in the area.  

And therefore, never send to know.

 for whom the bell tolls.

 It tolls for thee. 

    The poet suggests not trying to know for whom the bell tolls because it also rings for you. Every person's death diminishes you in some way. Donne basically reminds us to accept our common humanity and that when one person suffers or dies, it impacts all of us. Let us thus acknowledge our interdependence and rejoice in our part as essential components of the enormous human continent.


No man is an island, 

entire of itself. 

Reference:- These lines are extracted from the poem "For whom the bell tolls" written by John Donne.

John Donne was born in 1572 to Roman Catholic parents in England. He is known as the metaphysical poet. His popular poems are A Nocturnal Upon St. Lucy’s Day, The Canonization, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning and The Flea.

Ode on Solitude by Alexander Pope

 Kakatiya University Warangal
                                                                    BY ALEXANDER POPE

Happy the man, whose wish and care.
A few paternal acres bound,
Content to breathe his native air,
    In his own ground.
Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
   Whose flocks supply him with attire,
Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter fire.
Blest, who can unconcernedly find
   Hours, days, and years slide soft away,
In health of body, peace of mind,
                            Quiet by day,
Sound sleep by night; study and ease,
   Together mixed; sweet recreation;
And innocence, which most does please,  
With meditation.
Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;
   Thus unlamented let me die;
Steal from the world, and not a stone
                            Tell where I lie.
 Note:- ONLY ANNOTATIONS are given from this poem in KU EXAMS. NO ESSAY QUESTIONS ARE GIVEN FROM this poem 2023-24
Video lesson
About the author
Alexander Pope (1688–1744) was born in London in 1688. He was a poet, translator, and satirist in the 18th century. Pope suffered from a spinal deformity since childhood that left him disabled. His best-known work was "Rape of the Lock," a mock epic poem written in 1712. He translated Homer’s Iliad in 1713. He is one of the most frequently quoted writers in the English language.
About the poem
The poem consists of five quarters, and the rhyme scheme is ABAB. The themes of the poem are self-reliance, simple living and beauty of country life. Beauty of solitude is the central theme. The poet celebrates village life. The poet speaks of a simple, peaceful, and happy life. The man who has a small tract of land inherited from his parents and breathe air of his native land, leads a happy life. According to poet, a happy man is he whose wish and care are fulfilled through land inherited from his father. The poet suggests not being dependent on others for our needs. The man who gets milk from his cattle, food from his own field, clothing from his flock, shade from trees, and the same trees in the field are used for firewood in winter, is happy and content in his life. Days, hours, and even years pass smoothly for the farmer who has his ancestors land which fulfills his basic needs to lead a quiet and secluded life. A man has a blessed life, if he has a healthy body, no worries, and lives a quiet life. Man should get good sleep at night and need enjoyment for life. The poet wishes his death would go unlamented and unnoticed by people. The speaker does not want any stone (a tombstone) to be placed on his grave because he does not want a record of his life. The poet wants to lead a simple life in countryside in solitude.
1. "Steal from the world, and not a stone where I lie. "
These lines are taken from the poem ' Ode on Solitude' written by Alexander Pope 
About the author
Alexander Pope (1688–1744) was born in London in 1688. He was a poet, translator, and satirist in the 18th century. His best-known work was "Rape of the Lock," a mock epic poem written in 1712. He translated Homer’s Iliad in 1713. He is one of the most frequently quoted writers in the English language.
Context:-TThe poem's theme is the beauty of simple living and a secluded life. He lives an independent life, with his basic needs fulfilled by his own agricultural land.
The poet desires to pass away undetected and avoid public recognition. Thus, the poet wants to live in solitude and find happiness there. 
Meaning: It implies that the poet's grave should not have a memorial, or an epitaph engraved on it. He does not want name or fame in the society.
2." Content to breath his native air, 
In his own ground. "

These lines are taken from the poem ' Ode on Solitude' written by Alexander Pope 
About the author
Alexander Pope (1688–1744) was born in London in 1688. He was a poet, translator, and satirist in the 18th century. His best-known work was "Rape of the Lock," a mock epic poem written in 1712. He translated Homer’s Iliad in 1713. He is one of the most frequently quoted writers in the English language.
Context:-The poet speaks about the significance of solitude in a man's life. According to the poet, a man who has a few acres of land inherited from parents and lives on its agricultural production is a happy man. The poet suggests not being dependent on others for our needs.
3.Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter fire
These lines are taken from the poem ' Ode on Solitude' written by Alexander Pope. Alexander Pope (1688–1744) was born in London in 1688. He was a poet, translator, and satirist in the 18th century. His best-known work was "Rape of the Lock," a mock epic poem written in 1712. He translated Homer’s Iliad in 1713. He is one of the greatest satirists of the early18th century. 
Context: The poet loves solitude. he wants to live self-reliant and enjoy rustic life. His ancestors land provides him basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. the land gives him food, cows provide milk, and the flock of sheep provide clothing. Trees on his farmland gives him shade in summer and firewood in winter. 
Meaning:- Man should be satisfied with minimum basic needs. 
4.In health of body, peace of mind,
                            Quiet by day,

Alexander Pope's poem 'Ode on Solitude' contains these lines. Pope was born in London in the year 1688. He had a spinal deformity that left him disabled. Being a catholic, he faced many problems for his formal education in his life. This poem is self-introspective.
Context: The central theme of the poem is the bliss of solitude. The poet wishes to live a life of aloneness. He asserts that a life free from worries and concerns is a blessing. This kind of life gives him perfect physical and mental health. A happy and stress-free life gives good health and peace to the mind.
5. Sound sleep by night; study and ease,
   Together mixed; sweet recreation;

These lines have been taken from the poem 'Ode on Solitude' written by Alexander Pope. 
Pope was one of the greatest poets of early 18th century. He was a poet, translator, critic and satirist. His well-known satire is 'Rape of the Lock'. His other notable works are 'An essay on man', 'An essay on criticism', and the 'Dunciad'.
Context: The central theme of the poem is the bliss of solitude. The poet wishes to live a secluded life. He asserts that a life free from worries and concerns is a blessing. A happy and stress-free life gives good health and peace to the mind.
Meaninig:- happy man spends his daytime in study and recreation and night in sound sleep. He spends his time with study or any other work and recreation. He prefers to live in the midst of nature to enjoy its pleasure.

I year. Sem 2 unit 1

                                Ode on Solitude

Jadav Payeng

 Kakatiya University Warangal

II year. Sem 4 unit 1


Osmania University Degree English Sem 3


Palamuru University Sem 2 - The Forest Man of India. 

KU-Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources

             Jadav Payeng

 Q:- 1.Describe Molai Forest (KU june 2023) 

2.what sight ultimately inspired Jadav to protect the island and the forest? ( KU July 2022) 

3.How were Javad Payeng's efforts on planting discovered ( KU July 2021) 

Jadav Payeng dedicated his entire youth to transforming a deserted island into a dense forest. The forest was named after his nickname, Molai Forest. After 33 years of his constant efforts, the government, NGO's, and the international community recognised his wonder. He became the subject of school textbooks, and many documentaries have been made on his life.

At the age of sixteen, he saw a pile of dead snakes washed up on a sandbar after floods in the Brahmaputra River. This sight made him think about the threat to humans on deforested land. He was advised by village elders to plant trees, especially bamboo trees, to prevent the impending danger. To stop the submersion of Majuli island due to constant soil erosion, the Forestry Division of Golaghat district started planting trees on 200 acres. Jadav continued this mission, though the Forestry Division stopped the plan in 1983.

Jadav in 2008 fiercely protested the villager's plan to cut down part of the forest to stop the elephant menace. He said, "Kill me first, before killing these animals." When the world discovered the Molai forest, poachers began to invade the forest in search of animals. The forest department acted quickly on Jadav's information and stopped poachng activities. Jadav lived with his wife and three children in a hut near the forest. Though his cattle were killed by tigers, he never got angry. He said, " Nature has made a food chain, why can't we stick to it"?.  He further says that man is the biggest danger to the forest. 

Many documentaries have been made about Jadav's sacrifice and success. Arti Srivastav, an Indian film maker, made a documentary titled "Foresting Life."

In 2014, William McMaster, an American film maker, made the "Forest Man" film on Jadav's work with the Molai forest. In 2012, he was given the title "The Forest Man of India" by Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi.

The Tame Bird was in a Cage- Rabindranath Tagore


                                                        Kakatiya University Warangal

                                                            II year Sem 4- Unit-1

                                                       The Tame Bird was in a Cage.

                                                                                    Rabindranath Tagore

               THE tame bird was in a cage, the free bird was in the forest. 

               They met when the time came, it was a decree of fate.

             The free bird cries, "O my love, let us fly to the wood."
            The cage bird whispers, "Come hither, let us both live in the cage."
            Says the free bird, "Among bars, where is there room to spread one's wings?"
            "Alas," cries the caged bird, "I should not know where to sit perched in the sky."
            The free bird cries, "My darling, sing the songs of the woodlands."
            The cage bird sings, "Sit by my side, I'll teach you the speech of the learned."
            The forest bird cries, "No, ah no! songs can never be taught."
            The cage bird says, "Alas for me, I know not the songs of the woodlands."
            Their love is intense with longing, but they never can fly wing to wing.
            Through the bars of the cage they look, and vain is their wish to know each other.
            They flutter their wings in yearning, and sing, "Come closer, my love!"
            The free bird cries, "It cannot be, I fear the closed doors of the cage."
            The cage bird whispers, "Alas, my wings are powerless and dead."

Question:- What is the central idea of Tagore' s poem " The Tame Bird was in a Cage"?    (KU June 2023) 
Write about the theme of the poem "The Tame Bird was in a Cage" (June 2022)                                                 Video Leeson

Rabindranath Tagore was born in Kolkata, Bengal, on May 7, 1861. He was popularly known as "Vishwa Kavi," or "the universal poet." He was a poet, musician, painter, playwright, novelist, and short story writer. He received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1913, becoming the first Asian and the first non-European to receive the award. Tagore, in 1901, established Shantiniketan ("the abode of peace") School.

In the poem, the poet depicts two birds' perspectives and conditions. There are two birds: a tame bird in a cage and a free bird in the forest. The bird in the cage symbolises isolation and prison life, whereas the bird in the forest symbolises freedom. Both birds are ignorant of each other's world. They are happy in their own lives. The two birds, having grown in different worlds, are engaged in a conversation with each other. Each one expresses their wish to join or unite. But both are unwilling to leave their own world. They can't be together. Any one of the two birds should sacrifice to join. 

The free bird tells the caged bird to come with it to fly in the free sky of the forest, but the caged bird invites the free bird to live in the cage with it. The free bird refuses its request, saying there is no room in the cage to spread its wings. Both birds try to convince each other by presenting their arguments. The free bird longs for open skies, while the caged bird fears the unknown outside. The free bird tells the cage bird to come out and be free to sing woodland songs. The cage bird replies, "Sit by my side; I'll teach you the speech of the learned," and also expresses sadness that it has not known the songs of the forest. They have strong feelings of love, but they cannot fly together. It is impossible for them to unite. They flap their wings with intense love. The free bird says that it cannot join cage bird as it fears the bars of the cage. The cage bird says with sadness that its wings are powerless and dead, so it can't fly. The last line suggests that freedom is valuable and that the free bird is in a better position than the caged bird. 


Wednesday, March 8, 2023

With the photographer - Stephen Leacock


 Kakatiya University Warangal

I year Sem 2- Unit-1

With the Photographer

                                                    Stephen Leacock


Watch a short film by Pavan Raj Kumar.


Q. 1.Describe Leacock's initial visit to the photographer as envisaged in 'With the Photographer. 

Q. 2.How does Leacock comment on the profession of photography in his essay 'With the photographer'? 

 About the author. 

Stephen Leacock (1869-1944) was a Canadian writer, teacher, political scientist, and humourist. "With the Photographer" is an extract from Behind the Beyond. The story is told in first person about the narrator’s bitter experience with a photographer in a photo studio. The incident happens when the narrator goes to take a photograph of him. The narrator describes the physical features of the photographer and further says that he appears as a natural scientist. After waiting for an hour, the narrator is asked to come into the studio.  The photographer rolls a machine into the middle of the room and crawls into it from behind, throwing a black cloth over himself. The photographer comes out with a serious face, shakes his head, and says that the narrator's face is wrong. He comes to the narrator and twists his head sideways. The narrator closes his eyes, assuming he is trying to kiss him. Then he asks him to open his mouth slightly and comment on his ears, asking him to drop them slightly more. He continues his humiliation by ordering him to open his chest, bend his neck, and contract his face. The narrator is annoyed by the peculiar behaviour of the photographer. The narrator says with emotion, “This face is my face." It is not yours, it is mine." The narrator tries to rise from the seat, countering his embarrassing comments, and says that he has been living with this face for forty years and loves it. After much humiliation, the photographer at last takes the photograph and asks him to come on Saturday to see a proof. The narrator visits the studio on Saturday. The photographer seems quiet and full of pride. The narrator is shocked upon seeing the photograph. He doesn’t find any resemblance between the man in the photograph and him. The photographer retouches the eyes, removes the eyebrows, adjusts the mouth a little, and plans to remove the ears as well. The narrator wants to take a photograph that will be kept by his friends after his death. Irritated by the photographer’s brutal work, he shouts at him to make whatever changes he can and keep the negative with him. At last, the dissatisfied narrator leaves the studio in tears. 

Monday, March 6, 2023

Report Writing- Newspaper Report models

                                                     Satavahana University Karimnagar

                                             Degree III year-Semester 6- Unit 18

                   SRR GASC BCA Sem 2      

    Newspaper Report models

   Write a report on the following topics?

1. A book exhibition held in your town.

2. Launch of New Car

3. Bikers snatch a bag from housewife

4. Annual Day celebrations at your college.

5. Republic Day celebrations at your college.(June 2022 SU) 

6. Write a newspaper report on Sammakka Sarakka Jatara held in Medaram.

Write a Report on a road accident that occured in you town ( SU May 2023) 

1) A book exhibition held in your town.

Karimnagar. November 25, 2022

By a Staff Reporter

A book exhibition was inaugurated by Sri. Kannan, District Collector, Karimnagar, at 10 a.m. in Ambedkar Grounds, Karimnagar. 56 book stalls were installed by famous book publishers; Vishalandhra publications, Prajashakthi publications, Neel Kamal publications, and Chand publications are among them. Novels, short stories, children's books, and academic books are available in the exhibition. Book lovers gathered in large numbers to visit the exhibition. The organisers made all arrangements, such as lighting and drinking water facilities, for bookstall owners and visitors. It is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The organisers also arranged meetings with famous critics and poets every day. Speaking on this occasion, the collector said it was a great opportunity for students, youth, and general readers of the town. Andhe Sri, a Telangana poet, and Dr. Ramakrishna, principal of SRR Degree College, participated in the programme.

2) Launch of New Car

Karimnagar. November 21, 2022

By Nikhil

The chairman, Mr. Sushanth, introduced the new fuel-efficient car, Xen, here in Karimnagar. It costs around Rs 8 lakhs. Both petrol and diesel variants of the new vehicle are offered. The new four-seater has an exquisite style and contemporary fixtures, and it is predicted to have a mileage of 25 kilometers per litter. The high volume of bookings was positively received by the clients. The chairman said that the first 50 customers would receive a 20% discount. Both the car's sleek attractive appearance and fuel efficiency received accolades. Soon, Indian highways will be lined with the new type.


Karimnagar. January 14, 2023

By Sheela. Eenadu reporter

A housewife was robbed of her belongings by bike-borne men while she was walking on the road. Laxmi, 42, who hails from Vidyanagar, was walking on the road with her daughter in the evening towards SU University when the incident took place at 5.30 p.m. on Friday, a police officer said. This is the fourth such incident in the last nine days where housewives and walkers have been targeted. Laxmi said two bike-borne youths came from behind and snatched her bag. She claimed to have lost her mobile and 10,000 rupees. The police have registered an FIR and are investigating the case, but no arrests have been made so far.

                              4)  Annual Day celebrations at our college

SRR Government Arts and Science College (A) Karimnagar celebrated its 26th annual day on April 12, 2022. The guests included dignitaries like an MLA, a district collector, and a police commissioner. The grand event took place in a recently constructed college auditorium. Invitations were sent to district educators, poets, and parents. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Ramakrishna, principal. The programme started at 4 p.m. with Chief Guest G. Kamalakar, MLA, lighting the lamp. The students, with their beautiful dance performances and patriotic songs, enthralled the audience. The students presented Gussadi, Gond’s tribal folk dance, and Ooggu Katha, a traditional Telangana folklore. Prizes and certificates were given away by the collector to the students who excelled in their studies. The programme ended with the Cultural Secretary proposing a vote of thanks.

Write a newspaper report on Sammakka Sarakka Jatara held in Medaram.

Sammakka Sarakka Jatara

The officials of Mulugu district conduct several review meetings and make elaborate arrangements well in advance for the Sammakka Sarakka Jatara. Also known as the Medaram Jatara, it is one of the biggest tribal festivals in India. Lakhs of devoters from different states gather in Medaram village. Telangana to pay their respects to the martyrs Sammakka and Sarakka who fought against the Kaktiya kingdom. Devotees offer jaggery, called bangaram, after taking a dip in the holy Jampanna rivulet. Priests of the Koya tribe conduct the rituals according to their customs and devotees from near and far throng to seek the blessings of Sammakka and Sarakka. The Telangana Government has declared this four-day festival as a State Festival. The platforms around two holy trees are consecrated as the deities of Sammakka and Sarakka. Devotees offer their prayers in the month of Magha on Shuddha Pournami, the full moon day. On the first day of the festival, Sarakka is brought from Kanneboinapalli village and placed on the eastern platform in the evening. By sunset, Goddess Sammakka is brought from Chilkala Gutta (hillock) and placed on the other platform. The festival concludes when Samakka and Sarakka are taken back to the forest by the priests

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