Monday, May 31, 2021

Man’s Peril by Bertrand Russell summary and annotations


SRR Govt.Arts& Science College Karimnagar

Satavahana University Karimnagar- Degree I Year English Sem-2

Unit 5.-2020-21 onwards

Bertrand Russell  was a British philosopher,  logician, writer  and a public speaker. He was the recipient of Nobel prize for literature in 1950. His noted works are Why I am not a Christian, the Principles of Mathematics, War crimes in Vietnam.
The main theme of the essay is futility of war and its impact on all life on our planet.The war between nuclear weapon states leads to annihilation of human race.Russell urges the nations in this anti war essay that all should keep their issues and conflicts aside and understand the peril. Hydrogen bomb is more powerful than Atom bomb and it can destroy the entire human race in the world. Humans have not learnt lessons from their past experiences, for instance, the USA Atom bomb raid on Hiroshima and Nagasaki .  If the hydrogen bomb explodes, the radioactive particles scatter into the environment, causes much harm by diffusing into air, water and the earth. This has become evident with the Bikini test(Bikini Atoll is a coral reef in the Marshall Islands)  in which 23 nuclear weapons  detonated by the USA. The essayist quotes some of the experts ideas on the obliteration caused by the world war among nuclear states and abolishment of war. People think that abolition of war is not possible so war may be continued prohibiting nuclear weapons.  He fears that nuclear powers may not bind to their agreements on nuclear ban and they manufacture H-bombs as soon as the war breaks out. Russell exhorts the neutral countries to play a key role in  preventing the outbreak of a world war. He expresses his displeasure over nuclear proliferation.   The result of war leads to extermination of all life including flora and fauna on our planet.. He appeals to human beings as a human being to remember humanity and forget the rest.

For original speech- Bertrand Russell click this link.

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1.      There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom. Shall we, instead , choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels?

Reference :- These lines are taken from the essay ‘ Man’s peril ‘written by Bertrand Russell  .He puts forth his views on nuclear war impact on our planet .

Context :- The writer explains the damage and destruction caused to the human life by the  nuclear weapons. He urges  us to put ourp quarrels aside and work for peace.

Meaning,:-Bertrand Russell  says that there are only two choices before us.i.e. abolition of war or nuclear war leading to annihilation of human race. He appeals to human beings as a human being to stick to humanity and forget the rest. If human beings choose peace, they live in happiness and prosperity otherwise they are wiped out by the lethal nuclear weapons.

S Rajesh Kumar


After the Sunset short story by Bhoopal summary and annotations

Satavahana University Karimnagar.

 Degree I Year English Sem-2

Unit 4- Academic yr.2020-21 onwards

 The short story ‘After the Sunset’(Poddumookinaka') is translated from Telugu into English by K.Damodar Rao. The story is originally written in Telugu by  Bhoopal. He is a stage artist and acted in movies like Komaram Bheem and Daasi. He has written short stories and children’s books in Telugu. Bhoopal received Kendra Sahitya Akademi Award for children’s literature- Uggu Paalu(2001)

The story highlights the issues of inequality and terrorism in the society. The writer weaves the story skillfully around a real incident occurred in Hyderabad. It illustrates that ordinary people are the victims and the worst sufferers. The writer brings out the theme of conflict between the rich and the poor and the treatment meted out to Pushpalatha, Pushpalatha is the protagonist of the story, represents the poor in the society. She is asked to wait at Andhra Bank in koti by her husband. Their plan is to buy a saree and a blouse piece for her cousin to gift at  pre-wedding ceremony. Her husband works in a poultry farm located in Taramati peta and he promises her to meet at Koti, Hyderabad. As instructed by her husband, she goes to Uppal and take one thousand rupees from his uncle. Than she takes a bus from Uppal to Koti and gets down at the lane opposite to Medical College. From there she reaches Koti Andhra Bank on foot.

While waiting for husband, Pushpalata recollects past events happened at  her in-laws village Shamshabad. 

They sold their 5 acres of land to a police man from Guntur for 10 lakh rupees, which were spent for his sister’s wedding and ailing father medical expenses. Pushpalatha and her husband along with other sellers worked as labourers in their own farmland. 

Her thoughts are disrupted suddenly as she hears a huge blast and people are running helter skelter .  Knowing it is a bomb blast, She  runs to Gokul Chat and witnesses the deadly wounded and  scattered dead bodies on the road. Pushpalata is worried a lot, since she is clueless on her husband whereabouts. Searching for husband she reaches home at 10 pm and collapses on the floor, weeping loudly as she couldn’t find him even at home. 


  1. “Then, you do one thing. Please go into your mother’s womb and take birth again in the family of a rich woman.’

Reference:- This line is taken from the short story “After the Sunset” written by Bhoopal and translated into English by Damodar Rao. Bhoopal  is a stage artist and acted in movies like Komaram Bheem and Daasi. He has written short stories and children’s books in Telugu and received Kendra Sahitya Akademi Award for children’s literature- Uggu Paalu(2001)

Context:- these words were spoken by Guntur saar 's manager to Pushpalatha, the protagonist of the story. The five acre land was sold to Guntur saar for Ten lakh rupees for family expenses.  Within a year land rates soared sky-high. 

Meaning:- Pushpalata along with her husband and other sellers worked in their own farm lands which were sold to Guntur land lord. She was abused by the land lord for asking him to give  some more   money to  the sellers  as the rates soared high.

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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Dialogue writing models - Conversation Practice

SRR Govt.Arts& Science College Karimnagar

Satavahana University Karimnagar Degree English sem-1& Sem 6

Conversation/ - Dialogue writing

1) Write a conversation between two siblings discussing the details of booking a train ticket. (May 2023 Sem 6)

Sister: Hi Brother, Have you checked the trains for our journey to Pondicherry? 

Brother: Hey, not yet. What dates will be suitable for us? 

Sister: We were going to leave on May 15th and come back on May 22nd.

Brother: Oh, it is a one-week trip. There are a few different trains we could take. Shall I take first-class AC?

Sister: good. This is summer, so we can't travel by general coach. So book an AC sleeper.

Brother: Let's check, then. We should book tickets to Chennai, and from there we can go to Sri Aurobindo Ashram by bus.

Sister: Okay. Proceed. 

Brother: I confirmed two tickets to Chennai and bus tickets from Chennai to Pondicherry. 

Sister: Great job! Thanks for booking.

2.) At a Library requesting a book.

  • Student:-Excuse me sir. 

Librarian:-I’m sorry, Yes.

  • Student:-I want to borrow some  books from the Library.

Librarian:- what kind of books do you like to read?

  • Student:- I need books related to English vocabulary and pronunciation.

Librarian:- Norman Lewis “Word power made easy”  is the best book to develop your vocabulary.

  • Student:-What is the best book for English Pronunciation?

Librarian:-  “Better English  pronunciation” by  J.D.O.Conner.

  • Student:-Do I need to submit any documents?

Librarian:-Your ID card and Library deposit receipt.

  • Student:- Please give me those books. Thank you.

Librarian:-you’re welcome.

2) Write a conversation between a candidate and a human resource manager discussing the details of the candidate's job interview ( June 2022 SU knr)

Candidate: Good morning, sir. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today.

HR Manager: Good morning! It's my pleasure. I hope you're doing well. Shall we dive into discussing the details of your job interview?

Candidate: Absolutely. I'm eager to hear your feedback. 

HR Manager: Great. Firstly, I appreciate your performance during the interview. Your experience and skills are impressive. 

Candidate: Thank you so much. I believe I can coordinate with the team very well and contribute positively to the company's goals.

HR Manager:- We're in the process of finalising the list, and I must say, you're among the top. 

Candidate: That's fantastic to hear. What's the timeline for making a decision?

HR Manager: We will finalise our decision within the next two weeks.

Candidate: Thank you once again. I appreciate your time and consideration.

HR Manager: It's my pleasure. Best of luck, and we'll be in touch soon. Have a great day!

2) Write a conversation between two friends, where one friend is seeking information about a place that he/she plans to visit. 

Friend 1: Hi. How's it going?

Friend 2: Hai. I'm doing well, thanks. I've been thinking about planning a trip somewhere new. 

Friend 1: Oh, that sounds exciting! Where are you thinking of going?

Friend 2: I've been considering visiting tourist places in Maharashtra. Have you ever been to Maharashtra? 

Friend 1: Yeah, I have! There are many tourist places, for instance, Ajanta,Ellira Caves, Shirdi, Shani Shingapur, Sholapur, etc.

Which cities are you thinking of visiting?

Friend 2: I'm thinking of Ajanta and Ellira caves. Do you have any information about these cities? 

Friend 1: Yes. Book a ticket from the Yatri Nivas Telangana Tourism Bus. It is safe, and they take care of your lodging as well. 

Friend 2: It is good advice. 

Friend 2: Thank you so much for your suggestions.

Friend 1: You're welcome!

3) father and daughter – planning for summer vacation(tour)

  • Daughter:- Hi Dad.

Father:- Hi, Dear Anu

  • Daughter:-My summer vacation starts from 24th April.

Father:-Oh. What are your plans in the vacation.

  • Daughter:-Let’s plan a jolly trip to the North India.

Father:- Why not, Sure.

  • Daughter:-How about going to Kashmir?

Father:-I would love to visit Kashmir.

  • Daughter:-What are the tourist spots in Srinagar, summer capital of  J&K?

Father:-Shankaracharya Temple, Shalimar Garden, Nishat Garden and Dal Lake are the major tourists attractions.

  • Daughter:- Dad, Summer is the best time for horse riding in Kashmir.

Father:-Yeah. Horse riding and Shikara ride on Dal Lake are popular in Kashmir.

  • Daughter:- What is Shikara Ride ?

Father:-Shikara is a long boat. Shikara ride is one of the most enjoying experiences for tourists.

  • Daughter:- That’s exciting! Dad. Book the flight tickets and hotel in advance.

Father:-Sure. Bye.

 3) Conversation with a Plumber on phone

  • Plumber:- Hello. A-Z Plumbing Solutions. Mahesh speaking. How can I help you?

Mrs.Sita:-Hello. This is Mrs. Sita. We have  a few plumbing problems in bathroom and  kitchen sink 

  • Plumber:-Could you explain the problem?

Mrs.Sita:-The pipe in bathroom is leaking  and the kitchen sink is backed up.

  • Plumber:-Well, you please check the  area around the kitchen drain stop 

Mrs.Sita:-I had  checked the drain stop area before calling you.

  • Plumber:-Ok. Please give your address.

Mrs.Sita:- Flat no. 14. HANS Apartments, Hyderguda

  • Plumber:-Ok. I will be there within an hour.

Mrs.Sita:- Please come as soon as possible. Thank you.

4)Conversation between a Bank manager and a customer regarding loan

  • Manager:-Good morning. What can I do for you?

Customer:-Good morning. I would like to apply for a personal loan.

  • Manager:-What is your profession?

Customer:- I am an English teacher at Govt. High School in Hyderabad.

  • Manager:-Please fill out this application form for loan.

Customer:-What are the documents to be attached with it?

  • Manager:-Salary certificate, pancard, employe ID card and Bank statements.

Customer:-What is the interest rate per annum?

  • Manager:-Interest rate is 12.25% .

Customer:-I need 10 lakh Rupees loan. 

  • Manager:- Your loan eligibility depends on your monthly  net income.

Customer:-Ok. How many days it will take to process the loan

  • Manager:-Our team will complete the process in 10 days.

Customer:- Do  I need to submit any surety bond?

  • Manager:-No need of a guarantor for govt. employees. 

Customer:- Thank you.

5)At Police station –Regarding  a theft

  • Police man:-How may I help you?

You:- I’m Mrs. Ramani. I came here to complain about robbery.

  • Police man:- when did it happen?

You:- It happened in the morning. A biker snatched my gold chain and bag when I was coming from vegetable market, 

  • Police man:-Where exactly it happened?

You:- About 9.00 in the morning at Malakpet cross roads.

  • Police man:-Give your personal details and particulars about the lost items.

  • You:- I reside at Global apartments in Malakpet. The chain weighs  50 gms and  there was Rs.5000 in the bag.

  • Police man:-Give a written complaint. We will look into the matter.

You:-Here Is the complaint. Please give a receipt. 

  • Police man:-Ok. We will  update you on our investigation.

You:- Thank you sir.

S.Rajesh kumar

Friday, May 21, 2021

A Snake in the Grass’ by R.K.Narayan – Summary and Annotations

SRR Govt.Arts& Science College Karimnagar

 Satavahana University Karimnagar- I year English Semester-1

Unit 1.-2020-21 onwards

R.K.Narayan is one of the greatest Indian English novelists.His subtle irony, gentle humour, indianness and lucid narrative style captivate the readers. He was honoured with  Sahithya Akademi award in the year 196o for the novel ‘The Guide’
RK.Narayan’s  short story ‘ A Snake in the Grass’ is centered around a Cobra which had entered a bungalow on  a sunny afternoon. Upon hearing the news of cobra’s  entry into the compound, the family members consisting of the mother and four sons in a great agitation,  wakes up their old lazy servant Dasa. Dasa tries to dismiss the matter but the family rebukes him to search for the snake in the bushes. Dasa cleverly counters them for not providing grass cutter for months. While all are busy in cutting bushes and creepers to find the snake, the college boy of the house gives an elaborated statistics of snake-bite deaths.
An old beggar at the gate tells the mother that God Subramanya has come to visit her. The beggar words reminds the mother about  her forgotten promise of Abhishekam to Lord Subramanya. A snake charmer appears before them and shows his skills in catching the snake. He gives his address to call him whenever they find the snake. The members of family and neighbours are tired as they have been searching for snake since afternoon.At five in the evening they sit in  the veranda to take rest. Dasa,the tricky man, appears before them carrying a  sealed water pot and claims that he has put the cobra in the pot. Dasa feeling himself  like a champion ,goes outside to leave the snake . After a while a cobra is seen by the youngest son . It crawls under the gate and disappears along the drain. The family are in a state of confusion that whether there are two snakes or Dasa has deceived them. Deceitful Dasa,  in order to retain his job, and to impress the family, cheats them cleverly. The author leaves the ending to the imagination of the readers.

The themes in the story are superstitions and tradition.It is a gentle satire on superstitious beliefs regarding snakes.
1.Explain the irony in the story?

The irony at the end of the story is that   Dasa ,a lazy servant ,tricked the family into believing that he had caught the cobra. Unaware of his trick, the family thought of rewarding him for his brave act.

2. How is the title ' A Snake in the Grass' significant?

It is an apt title. The title is not mean to be  taken literally. A snake in the grass is used as  a metaphor in the story. Dasa, the servant is a decietful person, who decieves his employer to save his job. the author compares Dasa with the venoumous snake indirectly.


1.“A big cobra has got into your compound. It crossed my wheel.”
Reference-These lines are taken from the short story ‘A Sanke in the Grass’ written by R.K.Narayan. R.K.Narayan (1906-2001) is one of the most widely read  Indian writers of English. His subtle irony, gentle humour, indianness and narrative style captivate the readers. He was honored with  Sahithya Akademi award in the year 196o for the  novel ‘The Guide’. His famous novels are ‘Man eater of Malgudi,Swami and friends and The Vendor of Sweets.
 Context:-  On a  sunny afternoon ,a cyclist rings the bell at the gate crazily  and announces that a big cobra has entered their compound. Upon hearing the news of cobra’s  entry into the compound, the family members consisting of the mother and four sons in a great agitation,  wakes up their old lazy servant Dasa
Meaning :-After making the announcement, the cyclist moves on. The family reprimands servant Dasa to hunt the snake, when he dismisses the matter.  All the members of the family along with some neighbours swing into action.

2. If you show me the sanke, I"ll at once catch it. Otherwise what can i do? The moment you see it again, send for  me. I live nearby."

Reference:-  These lines are taken from R.K. Narayan's short story ' A Snake in the Grass'.  R.K.Narayan (1906-2001) is one of the most widely read  Indian writers of English. His subtle irony, gentle humour, indianness and narrative style captivate the readers. He was honored with  Sahithya Akademi award in the year 196o for the  novel ‘The Guide’. His famous novels are ‘Man eater of Malgudi,Swami and friends and The Vendor of Sweets.


these lines are spoken by the snake charmer to the inmates of the bungalow. the snake charmer appears before the gate and speaks to the gathering about his power over snakes.

Meaning :- Snake charmer presents a demo before them and says that he would catch the snake, if they showed it. He gives his name and address and ask them to call him, if they see the snake again.


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S. Rajesh Kumar

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

On Saying Please by A.G.Gardiner summary

Satavahana University Karimnagar.Telangana
I Year English Semester-1

Unit 2-AY yr.2020-21 onwards

Osmania University Degree English Sem 1

With effect from AY 2020-21

Unit 2 Prose

A.G.Gardiner was an essayist, editor, and journalist . He wrote under the pen name ‘Alpha of the Plough’. The essay ‘On Saying Please’ is taken from the collection ‘Many Furrows’. His popular works are “Pebbles on the Shore”, Pillars of Society’ and “Leaves in the Wind”. This essay throws light on the importance of expressing small courtesies like thank you, please, pardon, and sorry in conversation and the negative impact of bad temper and rudeness in daily life. A.G.Gardiner explores the themes of responsibility, politeness, good manners and control over the emotions. These small courtesies do a lot in leading our life smoothly. Negative things such as Impoliteness, discourtesy and bad temper hurt others self-respect. The writer analyses the two contrary characters in this essay i.e. an angry lift man and a polite bus conductor.
 An young Lift man in a City office demands ‘Top please ‘ when he is asked ‘Top’ by a passenger while entering the lift. The lift man is hurt by passenger’s discourtesy and in retaliation the passenger is thrown out of the lift. Though the lift man is offended, he can’t file a case against him. Discourtesy is not a legal offence and The lift man can't sue passenger for his impoliteness . The writer opines that the lift man may express his angry at his wife in the evening as he is thinking much about the incident happened in the lift. The writer gives an account of Sir Anthony Absolute, Captain Absolute, Fag and Lift passenger who see the only way of restoring their equilibrium by passing anger and frustration on to others
 The writer narrates his experience when he boards a bus without any money in his pocket and he is surprised by the kind gesture of conductor for booking a ticket to his destination. The writer gives an elaborate account of good natured conductor about his concern for old passengers and the blind on board. The polite conductor illuminates an atmosphere of good temper and kindness and a journey with him is a great pleasure to the writer. The writer says that Courtesy, civility and morality in every day life are the key ingredients to a happy and cheerful life.

  Annotate the following.
1. "Discourtesy is not a legal offence and it does not excuse assault and battery". 
Reference:-These lines are taken from the essay ’On Saying Please’ written by A.G.Gardiner. He was a British Journalist, editor and author. He wrote under pen name “Alpha of the Plough”. This essay is extracted from his collection ‘Many Furrows’.
 Context:-  The author explores the themes of responsibility, politeness, good manners and control over the emotions. These small courtesies do a lot in leading our life smoothly. Impoliteness, discourtesy and bad temper have ill-effects on others. In this essay he explains two contrary characters .i.e. a rude lift man and a good natured bus conductor. 
Meaning :-The author highlights the importance of politeness in the society with the lift man character. The lift man is offended by the passenger so he is thrown out of the lift for not saying please. The author says that discourtesy is not a legal offence because it is not a physical or verbal attack. If a burglar breaks into his house, he can hit the burglar .The law permits him to retaliate with the reasonable violence if he is physically assaulted by the burglar.

S. Rajesh Kumar