Sunday, August 11, 2019

Satavahana university english sem1 model paper from 2019

satavahana university degree sem 1 model from 2019



(With effect from 2019-20 onwards)
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./B.B.M. (I Year) Examination Semester I, Paper I
Time: 3 Hours]                                                                                                      [Max. Marks: 80SECTION A      (4 X 5 = 20 marks)
1.  Annotate any FOUR of the following:
a.      The fact that cats know how to look after themselves was all the good luck that old man would ever have.
b.      An old man with steel- rimmed spectacles and very dusty clothes sat by the side of
the road.
c.      How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions? How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic life?
d.      Liberty cannot be divorced from equality; equality cannot be divorced from liberty.
e.      What lovely things Thy hand hath made
f.       All words forgotten- Thou, Lord, and I.
SECTION B     (3 X 20 = 60)Answer all the questions.
2.  A) (i)  Write a sketch on the old man in the story “Old Man at the Bridge”      (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Fill in the blanks with suitable articles                                                              (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      This is not         good place to stop.
b.      We have seen            elephant in the zoo.
c.      I am an Indian but my wife is        European.
d.      Rohan is           tallest boy in the class.
e.      It is raining. Let’s buy             umbrella.

(iii)   Write the appropriate synonyms to the following words:                                 (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      Depart =
b.      Welcome =
c.      Assume =
d.      Simple =
e.      Excitement =
B) (i) Does the old man’s association with the animals look ironical in the story “Old Man at the Bridge? Explain with ideas.                                                                                                                (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Fill in the blanks with appropriate letters                                                             (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      Att_ _ dance
b.      Vac_ _ m
c.      Intel_ _ gent
d.      Super_ _ sion
e.      Governm_ _ t

(iii)   Convert the following Phonemic Transcriptions into English words   (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      /siti/
b.      /tʃ 3:tʃ/
c.      /mʌni/
d.      /ləbɒrətəri/
e.      /skuːl/

3.  A) (i) Give an account of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s views on political and social democracy.
(1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions                                                  (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      He has been suffering          fever.
b.      Please, attend the seminar between 10 a.m.          11 a.m
c.      We got married             a Sunday.
d.      It has been raining in our village          morning.
e.      I am very much thankful          Reyaan.

(iii)   Choose from the given list, fill in with phrasal verbs in the following blanks. (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      Mr Rao set               a plastic company.
b.      While the politician was presenting the party manifesto, the journalist noted               the points.
c.      The passengers got               the bus after waiting for two hours.
d.      The university put               the examinations till next month.
e.      The college management has called               the farewell party. (in, off, down, up, off)

B) (i) According to Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, what are the three things we must do, for the successful functioning of democracy in India?                                                                                       (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)   Write the appropriate antonyms to the following words:                                      (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      bad
b.      tall
c.      reject
d.      absent
e.      enemy

(iii)   Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms.                                                      (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      I             (prepare) the dish for you yesterday.
b.      His speech              (reflect) his ideas on multiculturalism.
c.      The President of India             (visit) America next week.
d.      If Anusha              (work) hard, she would have got better marks.
e.      The maid broke the cup while she        (wash) it.

4.  A) (i) Write the theme of the poem ‘The Scribe.’                                                (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)  Change the following declarative sentences into  interrogative sentences.         (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      It is 12 o’ clock.
b.      He is standing in front of the theatre.
c.      You play cricket regularly.
d.      She can’t speak English fluently.
e.      They completed the herculean task.

(iii)   Write one word substitutes for the following                               (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      The person who looks at the bright side of things.
b.      The person who is able to speak and write two languages.
c.      The person who deals in flowers.
d.      The person who feeds on human flesh.
e.      That which is not clear enough to be read.

B) According to Walter de la Mare, What are the magnificent creations of God? (1 X 10 = 10)
(ii)  Choose the right one out of the two homophones given in  the brackets           (5 x 1 = 5)
a.      He is at the                    (stationary / stationery) to buy two pens and three pencils.
b.      Prameela’s                 (sun / son) always plays football in the morning.
c.      Come on! Let’s                 (see /sea) what she does.
d.      I don’t                 (no / know) his name.
e.      You are very                 (week / weak), I request you to take rest.

(iii)   Choose from the given list, fill in with right prefix or suffix in the following blanks.
(5 x 1 = 5)
a.      You can’t just believe the story and the plot is also          believable.
b.      Care         driving brings so many problems.
c.      I missed her company. She        appeared.
d.      Nobody will work in your office if you don’t give           .
e.      Why could I           (understood) you? (ment, dis, less, mis, un, ful)

satavahana universityBA/BCom/BSc.sem1&2 new pattern

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Delirium-an overview of short story

An overview of Ramakrishna Dulam’s Short story – Delirium
By Rajesh kumar Saduneni
Delirium is a heart-rending short story written by Ramakrishna Dulam. The writer tries to explore the pathetic conditions of Tamil fishermen families settled in a sea side village of Srilanka. This heart-wrenching story is set in Kotna village of Srilanka.
The central character is Rasaathi, wife of Kuppuswamy, a fisherman and mother of two year old child Raji. The story is told in the third person point of view. The writer begins the story with the description of horrific atmosphere prevailed in Kotna village and employs excellent visual imagery to give a sense of horror . The line “ It was a full moon night; the dark sea-water shimmered in the moon light.” is the  perfect example of his visual imagery. The literary technique personification is also visible in this story.. As the villagers felt lonely and helpless while sailing to their homeland with uncertainty, the writer personified the moon as their companion-  “ the moon seemed to be their only companion, accompanying them as if were on their journey into an unpredictable future”. Innocence, helplessnesss,anguish,terror, hunger,sacrifice,love and  conflict are superbly conveyed through the characters. Sea and Hut are prime symbols employed by the writer. The vast sea represents life and its hardships and hut as a place of attachment, which Rasaathi had emotional bond and had memories of life spent with her husband. “Rasaathi stood unfixed unable to leave the hut that she shared for so long with her husband..”
The writer brought out the genocide in the island, the issue is universal in nature. We see deliberate killing of an ethnic group in Myanmar,Iraq and Syria.
The Story is worth reading. The title is apt. The fear psychosis created by the Lankan troops had long lasting impact on the lives of Tamil fishermen.
The story focuses on the life of Rasaathi, wife of Kuppusawamy. Kuppuswamy ventures into the sea along with his fellow villagers for fishing as usual.But, he is brutally killed by the state police, of his no fault. Murugan and other villagers compels Rasaathi to leave the village with them and board the boat to their homeland. She reluctantly boarded the boat just to save her child Raji.. During the journey she drinks salty water of sea as she has no milk in her breast to feed her baby. The irony is the sea which had been the source of their bread and butter had taken the lives of Rasaathi and Raji.
Click the below link for the short story published in Muse India  the literary ejournal- Issue 85(May-June 2019) short story

Saturday, August 3, 2019


" PEDDAKKA ", a short story in telugu written by Nerella Srinivas Goud, a poet and story writer, who hails from Jagtial district in Telangana State.This short story is translated to english by S.Rajesh Kumar.Asst. Prof of English.It is published in IJELLS Vol.8, Issue 2 July 2019

short story "Peddakka" translated by Rajesh kumar

About the source writer
N.Srinivas Goud is a Telugu novelist  and  a short story writer from Jagtial District, Telangana. . He received Vishala Sahithi state level award for his novel “Bathukuthadu” at the hands of  Dr.C.Naryana Reddy.
Other awards:-
Kalasri Arts Theatres “Midde Ramulu Memorial award”
District level award for his  story “Kulavruthi”    
About the translator

Rajesh Kumar Saduneni is an Assistant Professor of English working at SRR Government .Arts &Science College, Karimnagar, Telangana. He is pursuing his PhD from Osmania University, Hyderabad. His broad area of interest is Caribbean literature. He participated in various national seminars and submitted research articles.
Wr. by Nerella Srinivas Goud
Tr. by Rajesh kumar Saduneni
(Originally written in Telugu and translated to English)
Three years had gone since Lachanna left for Bombay. He wrote letters for two to three months ,but they stopped after some time. Peddakka has been writing letters to the address, from which she received the letters, but got no response from Lachanna.
Lachanna‘s father went to Bombay in search of his son. He was unable to find Lachanna’s whereabouts and got no information.All came to a conclusion that Lachanna is no more. Peddakka‘s dreams shattered with the passage of time . Peddakka couldn’t dare to imagine a life without Lachanna. She used to delight imagining a beautiful life with Lachanna.
Is that delight going to evaporate? She dreamt innumerable times. Are those countless dreams futile? Are those revelries, chit-chats, lovely talks and affectionate words gone?
Peddakka is the eldest of the family. Her father died soon after giving birth to her sister and brother. Mother is a differently abled woman. Peddakka became the head of the family as the family burden had fallen on her shoulders. Peddakka was married off to Lachanna at the age of ten. Lachanna also belongs to the same village. They both played, worked and roamed together since childhood.
Are all the enjoyments, countless chats just a dream?
Childhood went off happily. Both entered youth. Elders enquired about an auspicious day to present new clothes and a cot on their bedding ceremony as per tradition.
One day Lachanna said to Peddakka “ I wish to go to Bombay” .Why…? asked Peddakka.
“We need seven to eight thousand rupees to offer food to at least our community folks on the day of removal of nails and presentation of clothes and a cot. So I will go to Bombay to earn” said Lachanna.
“A lot of jobs are here to do .. Why should you go to a faraway place to earn?  “Difficult to accumulate that much of money even you do much work”. Said Lachanna.
Lachanna turns a deaf ear to Peddakkka and went to Bombay. He never returned.
Peddakka engrossed completely in thoughts of Lachanna.
What happened to him? Did he miss in Bombay?
he is not a kid to miss.
Why didn’t he return yet? Dead? She can’t stop her tears when the word Death came to her mind.
Is her life to become solitary? Peddakka has been thinking over it. Days are passing by.
Peddakka couldn’t forget Lachanna.
One day Lachanna’s  parents Ramaiah and Narsamma came to peddaka’s house. As soon as Narsamma entered,she cried holding peddakka and her mother for some time. Ramaiah consoled all. The women wiped off their tears with saree kongu.
 Ramaiah said to Muttakka. “ Muttakka .. .. we will arrange a second marriage to Peddakka” .
This word is a bolt from the blue to Peddakka. What will happen to brother and sister, if I remarry? Mother’s condition is pitiable. Who takes care of them?  Peddakka engrossed with the thoughts of concern over her family.
“Brother  … I too think the same” said Muthavva, mother of Peddakka.“ What is your opinion Peddakka”? asked Ramaiah.
Peddakka is in a state of confusion and worry. She is unable to speak . Instead of searching for their son,why do they want to marry off daughter-in-law? Peddakkka is confident of her husband’s return.
“We can’t expect future days. Your life shouldn’t spoil” Ramaiah said again.
Peddakka understood. The old parents are insecured over the safety of single woman, if she lives in the paternal  house.
Why these people are thinking about daughter- in- law instead of their son?
“Peddakka, we want to marry off you..” said Narasamma.
Peddakka didn’t speak. Ramaiah asked again “ I hope that your son would come one day.” Said Peddakka.
Ramaiah eyes welled up as soon as he heard his son’s name. He is weeping with his head bend downwards. Narsamma is shedding tears,covering her face with saree “ I will think over it after waiting for some more days” said Peddakkka. Ramaiah and Nasamma went. The days were passing by.
Lachanna didn’t come. All gradually forgot Lachanna. Pressure is mounting on Peddakka for remarriage.
Peddakka didn’t care their words. She married off and sent her sister to In –laws house.  She also married off her brother Gangadhar. After marraiage there was a change in the behavior of Gangadhar. He  became hen pecked husband and started neglecting her mother. Mother’s burden had fallen on Peddakka.
One day Ramaiah and Narsamma met village elders and explained Gandgadhar’s indifferent attitude towards his mother. Village elders gathered and called Peddkka, Gandgadhar and Muthakka. They warned Gangadhar about not taking care of his sister and mother and handed over the responsibility of mother to him. Elders strongly supported the idea of Peddakka’s remarriage. Ramaiah urged elders to take the responsibility of marrying off Peddakka.  Elders began searching for bridegroom as the onus lies on them. Nobody was ready to listen to Peddakka and no one cared her refusal to remarry. They decided Chandraiah is the right person to Peddakkka. Chandraiah is the eldest of his family. Chandraiah was a divorcee. His first wife was a stubborn lady. She is lazed  to work. He divorced her. He had no agricultural fields.
 They live as agricultural labourers. One day elders called Chandraiah and his parents and proposed marriage between Chandraiah and Peddakka. Chandraiah and his parents agreed to the marriage.
The wedding took place at the temple which is  in the outskirts of the village. Peddakka started a new life. The couple was made to  separate from the family. All the family couldn‘t live under one roof,as there is no room for new couple. New couple built a hut beside their parent’s hut. They were living happily, working as labourers in the fields. Some days passed on.  Peddakka gave birth to a son and a daughter. Expenses were increasing. Earning was not sufficient. Chandraiah desired to earn so much money. He decided to go to Dubai, so that he can earn more money. One day he told the same to  Peddakka. She remembered  Lachanna when she heard the word Dubai.  Lachanna, who went to Bombay to earn money had not  returned yet, What if  it repeats in the case of Chandraiah ?  Peddakka cried.  Chandraiah tried to pacify his wife on this issue. She did not accept the proposal. Peddakka told that begging is rather better than going to Dubai. Chandraiah desire was growing gradually as the days pass by .
The reason for his growing desire was that some villagers, who went to Dubai and Saudi returned rich. Some earned money and purchased agricultural fields.
Chandraiah’s idea is that if he works for 4 years in Dubai, he can build a house and also deposit some money for his daughter’s wedding. He met an agent . The agent brought the visa soon. Peddakka came to know about Visa. She became sulky. She stopped talking and stopped showing her face and stopped eating. Chandraiah was not happy with her behaviour. She didn’t  give in.
Chandraiah  and  relatives tried to woo her.
“If chandraiah goes to Dubai, you would be  the beneficiaries” said relatives. But she was adamant. She argued that Chandraiah should not go to Dubai.
Chandraiah went to Dubai, taking loans, despite her unwillingness.
Two years have gone. Her mind settled gradually. He sent some money to the family and cleared loans . some amount also deposited. Seeing the accumulated money, Peddakka felt happy.
Some days passed by.
Chandraiah came home on leave. He bought sarees for his wife, watch,clothes for kids and some home needs while coming from Dubai. His hut is full of relatives. Relatives are coming daily. Peddakka is serving Toddy, Mutton to the relatives. Rs 100 Toddy is ordered everyday. One week passed by.
One day sarpanch came to Chandraiah’s hut”Chandraiah… ..! How many years you live in small hut…..?  said sarpanch.
“Till I get the enough amount to build a house”. said Chandraiah
“Common man is not in a position to build a house if you observe prices.” again said Chandraiah
“I don’t need a house. sarpanch”.
“Do you live in the same hut”?
“I want to buy agricultural land” said Chandraiah.
“Chandraiah ….. first construct a house then purchase land “ said sarpanch.
“we don’t need a house. It is enough if I built a wall to the hut, said Chandraiah.
“building a wall is not less expensive…"?
“If  I build a wall with a trip of bricks. It costs less expenditure.”
Those bricks would be useful when I build a house” said Chandraiah.
“Chandraiah….! Why do you spend money two times.?
“ Three or four  lakhs are needed to construct”
“not that much…..1.50 lakhs are enough” said sarpanch.
Peddakka has been listening to their words, rolling beedies.” We don’t construct a house even though it costs a small amount.”said Peddakka
Chandraiah said, “ we will build a house after a year”
“Chandraiah …! You need one  lakh rupees to go to Dubai for the first time…………you don’t need that now and also the company which you worked is famous.” Said sarpanch.
The words spoken by sarpanch has made Peddakka angry.
Page- 6
Looking at sarpanch, she said with a bit of anger,“ Brother …..! We don’t construct now even if you advise many times”
Nevertheless sarpanch tried to woo them in many ways. Chandraiah didn’t speak.
Sarpanch left saying “your wish”
Chandraiah immersed in thoughts . There is a truth in what sarpanch has said. Anyway we have to construct a house in future. Why not now?
If we construct a house now, we may fall in debt but they can be cleared in one year.
Chandraiah said, “ Looking at Peddakka “ will construct a house”
Peddakka looked at him angrily. She said angrily. “We don’t want house.    …we can construct after depositing some money.”
“Sarpanch is ready to sanction the grant from the govt.” said Chandraiah.
Peddakka said “the grant is not enough to build  even the basement…… How can you run the family?
“All the loans will be cleared in one year” said Chandraiah.
Taking short pause Peddakka said angrily “do as you wish”.
Chandraih determined to construct house… They drew muggu on the plot on an auspicious day. Construction started and finished in a few days.
Three lakhs were borrowed for construction. Peddakkka was feeling nervous.
But her husband was brave enough to build the house.
Chandraiah was confident that he has a visa to go to Dubai. All the debts will be cleared , if he works  hard for three years.
One year passed since Chandraiah left for Dubai. He is not sending money. Though Peddakka called him up umpteen times.
One year loan period has passed
Interest is increasing on loans. Lenders are pressuring her to pay interest rather than principal amount.
Peddakka was passing the time saying “ He will send money next month, I will pay as soon I receive.”
Days were passing by.
 She had been waiting for husband’s money.
Time passes by.
One day in the morning Chandraiah came to village with a small bag on his shoulder. He is now with grown beard, untidy clothes and hair. He is in disordered state.
Peddakka shocked seeing her husband / she was upset seeing her husband.
The news of chandraiah’s arrival spread in the village. One by one came to enquire about his appearance. Chandraiah narrated his ordeal. How he searched for job and troubled for food when he lost job in the company after one month.
Peddakka couldn’t stop weeping. Nobody cared her sobbing. The visitors were mostly money lenders of the village. Lenders felt uneasy and anxious.. No one asked him to repay the money. Neverthless Chandraiah  assured all“ I will pay borrowed money with interest.”
He started working as a coolie on sand tractor. Peddakka is rolling beedies. Though they worked hard, they couldn’t clear interest.
One day Chandraiah while filling up sand in the tractor along with three labourers, put his basket on the ground said “feeling pain here” and collapsed on the ground, putting his hand on the chest.
His co-workers came near and make him sit and gave some water to drink. On seeing his condition, they emptied the tractor and took him to the hospital. Doctor examined and declared him dead. They took his dead body to the village. The village was shocked by the  sudden death of Chandraiah.
Suddenly there are loud cries. “ Oh …naa ayya …O na ayya.. what have you done ….
“ Oh …naa ayya…“ Oh …na ayya never thought you do like this…..“ Oh …na ayya
“ Oh …na ayya…… small kids ……“ Oh …na ayya…
“ Oh …Na ayya…… How the kids grow….“ Oh …na ayya
How do I marry off them …….“ Oh …na ayya
Have lot debts………“ Oh …na ayya
What do I say to money lenders….“ Oh …na ayya
“ Oh …na ayya  … How should I show my face to them…….
“ Oh …na ayya ….you have made us shame….“ Oh …naayya
It is difficult to express Peddakkka’s sorrow. Only suffering remained in her life.
Removal of nails- A kind of bridal preparation on the day before wedding
Nerella Srinivas Goud