Saturday, May 11, 2019

The Guide : Review

The Guide: A Brief Review
R.k.Narayan gentle,subtle humour delights and his narrative style enthrals  us. R.K.Narayan  writing style and  language is formal  and  so simple.It doesn’t hit the readers with the pompous and boring long paragraphs as we see in other authors.Gentle humour ,subtle  irony , Indianness and Indian middle class themes are his  prime arms and ammunition. His novels  serves no social purpose and not intend to correct the society .his only aim is to serve more aesthetic unlike his  contemporaries. As we know that Mulkraj Anand  had tremendous  influence of rapid industrialization and modernisation and its ill effects on society  R.k.narayan never bothered about these things.
Story in the novel  "The Guide"  is narrated by the hero Raju, (i.e the  first person point of view)famously called Railway Raju. The novel’s  main theme is the transformation of Raju , a tourist guide to  that of a spiritual guide. Other themes we come across are
1)  Rosie’s   passion for dance
2)  Mockery
3)  Mismatch between Rosie and Marco
4)  Possessiveness
5 ) Greed for money and lavish life style adopted by Raju.
Raju owns a shop on a railway platform  and works as a tourist guide ,falls in love with Rosie, who has a passionate interest in dance. Raju falls head over heels  in love with Rosie after seeing her snake dance. Marco is a husband of Rosie. His interest  is cave paintings reading. He hates  dance. Marco’s indifferent attitude and negligence towards her needs make Rosie closer to Raju.
Raju catches her passion for dance and utilises to woo her .He admires her snake dancing
The writer scoffs at fake babas in the country. Circumstances change a forger  into a holy man.
The writer points out the mutual respect  to  their  profession. raises profound questions about the relationship.
Marco is kind to  Rosie.  He gives her liberty whereas  Raju’s possessiveness irritates  her.
Raju doesn’t want her to  spend much time chatting with musicians,actors and dancers.He liked her to  be happy in his company.
Greed and lavish lifestyle
Greed and lavish life style lead Raju to jail

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Dan brown’s The Da Vinci Code

 My reactions on  Dan brown’s The Da Vinci  Code

Danbrown’s The Da Vinci  Code is a thriller. The writer blends together the historical  facts and fiction in order to  create thriller. He definitely had done an extensive research to  pen this  book. The readers, especially non christians need to  do  a little bit  research about the sects like  “Opus Dei,  “priory of sion” and Da Vinci paintings  like ‘ last supper’. I doubt whether the book  presented facts about the eradication of pagan religion  and the interpretations of Da Vinci paintings,but Brown’s book  shook  the very base  of the Christianity .
Dan brown’s presentation of unbelievable facts  baffled me. Teabing’s sensational revelations about Jesus marriage with Mary Magdalene and mention of two early Christian records “Nag Hammad ,Dead sea scrolls” baffles readers. It is a vehement attack on church, its campaign to  eradicate pagan religions and convert the masses to Christianity, obliteration of the goddess  from the  modern religion forever.
The story is all about deciphering the  code  written by 76 years old Jacques Sauniere, a curator of the Lourve Museum , before his  death to  pass the secret to  Sophie Nevue, his  grand daughter.
The code is
Draconian  Devil
Oh, lame saint.”
Langdon, a symbologist and Sophie Nevue ,Saunerie’s  grand daughter, who  is a French Cryptologist  tries to decipher the code .
It is engrossing book, very well researched and deftly written. it is  an un-put-downable page-turner and is recommended for anyone who wants to read intelligent and informative fiction. I  definitely recommend. It is so wonderfully different from the other thrillers I have read so far.
Read this book
If  you  like  thriller.
If you have knowledge of Christianity and the Bible
If you are interested in riddles, codes and symbols
If you like to read informative book

Below is the Da Vinci code movie URL

Friday, May 3, 2019

He Conquered The Jungle novella by.Dr.keshava Reddy

He Conquered The Jungle

Dr.keshava Reddy

He conquered the jungle is the translation of"Athadu Adavini Jainnchadu"( అతడు అడవిని జయీంచాడు) written by Dr.Keshava Reddy in Telugu. I have read it in Telugu. The novella is fantastic. The main themes of this 112-page novella are the struggle for existence and the survival of the fittest.

The protagonist is an old swineherd who, as night descends, sets out to the nearby jungle in search of his missing pregnant sow. The story is set completely in the jungle. It starts at sunset and ends at sunrise.

The author portrayed an outcast old man as an extraordinary man. Keshava Reddy imparts superhuman qualities to the old man to achieve the protagonist’s mission. He is the main human character among the animals in the jungle. The writer has not named the central character. The old man‘s only mission is to find the sow and its new-born piglets and get them back to the shed. Hero is a fearless man and a great warrior. He has tremendous faith in himself and in his strength. He never gives into the evil forces. He fights relentlessly against fierce jackals to protect his loved sow and piglets. The old man, on his journey on the moonlit night, recalls his past heroic battles and experiences to dedicate himself to his only mission.

Sukka Sow is well known for its foolishness and irrationality. The old man’s three great enemies are cowardice, weakness, and inability. He has careless attitude to hygiene. The old man is injured severely by the sow, which is not in a position to identify a friend or foe. The tragedy in the story is that the protagonist kills the babbler bird, which helps him to locate the bush in which the sow delivers its piglets, and also kills his beloved sow with his own hands in order to save its piglets from the pack of jackals.

There are plenty of dichotomies like old age –boyhood, kindness-cruelty, dark-light, victory-defeat. The jungle is the symbol of beastliness; everything kills everything else in some way. It symbolises the survival of the fittest. Nobody knows the dark secrets and mysteries of the jungle. It is an unsolved mystery to humans.

At the end of the novel, the war was over, and he was defeated in his attempt to save Sukka. Though he was unable to protect Sukka the sow and its piglets, his fierce fighting made him a great warrior.

The story reminds us of Hemingway’s "The Old Man and the Sea."

The saying "strength is life, weakness is death" of Swami Vivekananda is apt.

This story is un-put-downable. I would definitely recommend this one.

ఈ పుస్తకం చదివారా?? ఇప్పుడు సినిమాగా వస్తోంది కథ అదే Read more at:

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Agartha Christie’s novel A Pocket full of rye.- My review

Agartha Christie’s novel  A Pocket full of Rye.- My review

I have never read Christie’s novel earlier. The novel is a crime thriller and a detective story, unfolds the murder mystery of Rex Fortescue, the boss of a financial empire. Miss.Marple, an elderly lady with a habit of solving murders ,helps Neele who is  a detective inspector to solve  the murder mystery of  a threesome .
I  started reading the book reluctantly since it was my first reading of a crime thriller.  It sucked me into it. As it was quite interesting, I couldn’t put down the book and  finished it in one go.
At first readers suspect Adele , a young wife of Rex fortescue , whose favourite pass time was playing Golf with her paramour Dubois. Neele too suspected her that she might poisoned her old husband since she had an extra martial affair. Adele fortescue too poisoned while Neele investigation was going on.
An innocent  parlour maid  Gladys was used as a pawn and made a scapegoat by Albert Evans her boy friend , a cold blooded murderer(originally he was Lance  Fortescue , younger son of Rex)Gladys was strangled to death .  somebody  was going on killing spree..I felt anxious while reading  to knew  the Murderer. Mrs.Marple found out the solution with the help of a nursery rhyme.
“Sing a song  of sixpence
a pocket full of rye
four and twenty four black birds
baked in a pie”
the writer tried to depict every character suspicious. Christie worked as a pharmacist during world wars and she had sound knowledge of poisons and drugs. She used two different kinds of poisons i.e. toxin and cyanide .
It is a simple detective story with a few  twists and turns.