Takeaways from James Allen book The Mastery of Destiny
The Mastery of Destiny by James Allen James Allen's The Mastery of Destiny is a spiritual and practical guide to shaping our lives as we wish. Key takeaways from the book. Fate vs free will (controversy between Fatalism and Free will Or Determinism and Free will) Law of Cause and effect (causation) Birth and Death are inevitable and they are not in our control Man proposes God disposes. An act repeated a large number of times becomes unconscious, or automatic. The character of an individual at birth is a combination of habits which he himself has built up by his own thoughts and acts during the course of his evolution. Men reap what they sow. As the individual reaps what he does, so the nation, being a community of individual, reaps also what it sows. (20) Natural scientist vs divine scientist. The book is based on the line, ” For man is man, master of his fate." Alfred Tennyson Chapter 1 - Deeds, character, and destiny The ...