Saturday, February 29, 2020

image galllery

University of Hyderabad workshop
SRR College

First year students BZC 2019
PhD Viva voce Osmania University

Friday, February 28, 2020

Still I Rise BY MAYA ANGELOU Analysis

Analysis of the poem Still I Rise BY MAYA ANGELOU The main theme of the poem 'Still I Rise ' is racism. She is up against the major problem that is racial difference,.Negritude writers aim was the celebration of 'blackness' . They attempted to rescue blackness from its definition in negative terms. Maya addressed the issue of 'colour discrimination' "I "in the poem is undoubtedly the poet 'Maya'. Addressee in the poem 'you" is white skinned person. In the first stanza itself the poet attacks the historians who have recorded their history, culture as primitive abd as inferior human race. this reminds us of Edward Said' lines in his book ' Orientalism' that Occidents or the west recorded their observations based on commonly held assumptions about the 'orient' as exotic and immoral. The speaker asks his addressee to see whether she has broken ,bowed head and lowered eyes. the poet arrogant nature may embarrass him because she laughs like she has got gold treasure. ;you may shoot with your words' you....................' the speaker challenges the addressee, a white skinned which ever methods he choose for instance, shoot with words, cut with eyes an kill with hatefulness. She stands against all the odds Maya strong belief is that she rises out of the panic stricken past and the history leaving behind terrible nights. She firmly says she sees a new dawn which is very clear. Bringing the gifts... I am................ the poet not inherited culture from her ancestors .She wants to bring that gifts, the African mythic past to rise in the present racialist society THE REPETITION OF THE WORDS 'STILL I RISE' SHOWS HER INTENSE FEELINGS ABOUT RAClSM
For poem recitation click the below link
Still I Rise poem

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Hullabaloo in guava orchard -kiran desai


                Mr.Chawla lived in Shahkot with his family. He was a head clerk at
the Reserve Bank of Shahkot. In one year, there were no rains and heat
wrapped Shahkot and its surrounding area. It was a terrible drought to
Shahkotians. They were struggling to survive.
        In these circumstances, his wife, Kulfi, was pregnant. She was in
great hunger for food. She used to eat almost everything. She
purchased many eatables from the market.  Later, as she had no money
to purchase, she sold the valuable articles for food. Shahkotians were
amazed to see Kulfi’s fast growing stomach.
        As she was obsessed with food and she was unable to get sufficient
amount of food, she became half-insane. She drew the pictures of
fruits, vegetables and delicious non-vegetarian dishes on the walls.
It dreaded her husband, Mr. Chawla.
        One day, she gave birth to a baby boy. He was named as Sampath
Chawla. From the beginning, he was a lazy and lone boy. He spent most
of his time in dreaming. He is like his mother in these aspects. He
was unable to get a job. Most of his friends settled in jobs. His
friends who got more red F’s also got jobs. Then, his father found a
job for him. It was a postal clerk. Sampath Chawla was neither
overjoyed nor depressed for getting a job. He was as usual.
         Sampath used to go to post office by cycle. Most of the employees
there were wasting their time by speaking useless junk. He didn’t
participate in those discussions. He used to open the others’ letters
and read them. It gave a different satisfaction. He came to know the
personal of shahkotians by this habit.
        As a usual custom, he took some duties at his boss’s daughter’s
marriage function. He was insane there. He behaved foolishly and began
to disrobe himself. Amidst shrieks of the people, he lowered his
trousers and even underpants. His boss dismissed him from the
services. He was jobless now.
        He hated his miserable life. One day, he went to bazaar and caught
the first bus he saw. When it was proceeded up the hill side, he
jumped out from the window and ran into an old orchard. He climbed a
guava tree there. He reached to the top of the tree and settled there
comfortably. He felt stillness in the orchard. He liked it.
        His family searched for him and at last found him in the orchard.
They asked and begged him to come down but in vain. They thought of
his marriage which might cure his oddities. His father brought the
girl to the tree but Sampath did not want to marry and he wanted to
live alone.
        He spoke of Mr.Singh’s personal life who was in crowd which came with
Sampath’s parents. Then the people began to fee that he was a
monkey-baba. He got the information which he said to Mr.Singh from the
letters he read. Newspapers published it next day as the emergence of
monkey baba in the guava orchard. Slowly, many began to visit him. His
father thought of a plan. He established many shops around the
orchard. He thought that his son was a fortune to his family.
        As much food available in the orchard, monkeys started to come there.
They had the habit of drinking alcohol. They drank rum. They started
to disturb Sampath, the renowned monkey-baba and his devotees. They
created hullabaloo in the orchard. The officials applied all possible
plans to catch the monkeys: trained monkey hatchers and nets.
        The officials were making all arrangements to catch them. At the same
time, Sampath’s father came to the tree to bring down his son. But, he
was not there. He and his family searched for Sampath by calling his
name. One devotee  wept by crying for baba and began to faint and she
fell down in the ready arms of Sampath’s father.
        By the terrible event in the orchard, the crowd threw the police and
ran into the orchard. The alarmed monkeys of coming danger ran into
the adjacent university research forest and traveled higher and
higher. Thus, the novel ends with the monkeys’ and shahkotians’
hullabaloo in the guava orchard.

Ramakrishna .D of English 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Satavahana university UG English semester IV notes 2019-20

Unit-5- Arjun (Old syllabus)

                                                      Mahasweta Devi

        “Arjun” is a thought-provoking short story written by Mahaswetha Devi, a human rights activist and a fiction writer. She worked for the upliftment of the tribes in Bengal and Bihar. Her famous works are “Mother of 1084”, “Aranyer Adhikar”, “Rudali “, etc. Her first book was “Jhansir Rani.” She got the Sahitya Academy Award in 1979 for her “Aranyer Adhikar”. She got the Padma Shiri and Padma Vibhushan award from the Govt. of India and the Ramon Magasaysay  Award from the govt. of Philippines.

               “Arjun” is a short story in which Shabars, the tribes of Purulia, saved the arjun tree which they considered a manifestation of the divine. Ketu Shabar was a tribal youth from Purulia. He worked  for Bishal Mahato, a landlord. Ketu was in and out of jail many times. His crime was clearing the jungles for the paddy crop of Bishal Mahato. Ram Haldar, the saw – mill owner, transported  the trees. Mahato and Haldar belonged  to different parties, but both exploited  Ketu and others.

          Ketu and his companions looked upon Mahato and Haldar as deities. They obeyed  their orders. Ketu never questioned  his predicament. He accepted  it as his fate.

        One day Bishal Mahato ordered Ketu to cut down the arjun tree .Ketu was startled and asked: “Why babu? ”  Mahato replied:‘’ Just do what I say’’. [Mahato and Haldar hoisted different flags but they were like sugar in milk. Mahato himself compared cutting the tree to the death of a Mahapatra, a noble soul.]                                                                                                                                                                                       

          Ketu thought it over. He discussed it with his friends Diga, Banarmali and Pitamatar for a solution. Diga was an educated person among them. Their predicament was strange. They would be sent to jail if they obeyed or disobeyed the orders,

                     Diga advised them to involve other tribals like Santhals, Khedia, Bhumij too. The tree was inextricably linked with their lives. It evoked past memories in their minds. [During festivals and weddings, they went round the arjun tree, beating their  dhol, dhamsas. It was their goddess. It brought them good luck.They believed, it had medicinal properties. The tribals revered the arjun tree. It was the only relic of the Bandihi jungles. The tree stood at the intersection. It was the last mute symbol of their existence. It was there from time immemorial. They recalled stories about the arjun tree. They offered prayers to it before going on hunting expeditions. The full grown arjun tree was very grand. It had a shining bark and the top was touching the sky. During summer, it provided cool shade. That one tree was the entire jungle for them. They were the children of the forest. Till they built there huts, they lived under the arjun. When Halder burnt their shanties, Santhals came to the tree for shelter and consolation.]
            Diga struck upon a plan. They assured Mahato that work would be done by the time he returned from the town. As Bishal Mahato neared the village, his head reeled to see the tree alive. All around the tree the sound of the dhol-dhamsa-damak and nagra boomed. A huge crowd had gathered around the arjun. The tree was covered with garlands. People from all the tribes had gathered to worship the tree.
Ram Haldar informed Bishal Mahato that the Gram Devata had made them do it. Diga had a dream; in that dream Bishal Mahato instructed them to build a concrete base around the trunk. A mela was going on Haldar and Mahato realized that the tribals made fools of them. A stupendous crowd was there. Ketu was dancing away like a maniac with his dholok. Bishal got scared. A strange fear gripped him.
                 On this happy note Mahaswetha Devi concludes the story. Thus, the tribes save the arjun tree from the clutches of the landlords with a clever plan. The story is very inspiring. It is very relevant too.

Unit-6- Woman

              Ismat  Chugtai   

Introduction:-  Ismat Chugtai was a famous Urdu writer and an expert in gender studies. She fought for women’s rights. Being an Indian Muslim writer of pre -independence days, she needed a lot of courage to speak frankly.  She belonged to the Progressive Writers Association.

“Woman” is a caustic attack launched by Ismat Chughtai on the illogical proclamations made by great thinkers of every age about women. Some emphasized her beauty. Some focused on her purity. Some lifted her up to the skies, some others flung her into the mud. Some called her angel. Others called her devil. These remarks baffled the author.
In this patriarchal society, men said man was cruel and women quietly became submissive. Men said that a woman was faint-hearted, and she got scared of a mouse. Men expected her to sacrifice and she sacrificed her life in a flash.
Very rightly Ismat Chugtai asks when a woman’s honour is ravaged, why can’t a man’s be? Does he have no honour to lose? A woman has an illegitimate child, but not a man. Why? Ismat Chugtai laughs at the ridiculous accusations made by men against women.
A widow’s bangles are shattered but a widower’s watch, spectacles or huqqah are not. A widow cannot wear colourful dress but a widower walks around suited and booted. Thus society treats widows very cruelly.
A woman is repeatedly told to be a good mother, daughter, wife and daughter-in-law. Ismat Chugtai rightly questions whether women asked men any time to bear children or nurse them. This is because of man’s inferiority. Man is afraid of equality with woman.
Towards the end of the essay Ismat Chugtai talks about the positive side of the modern scenario. Differences are disappearing. Women are participating in every sector. Men are sharing domestic chores with women. If the wife makes the beds, the husband prepares the milk bottles. They prepare breakfast together, get ready their children and leave for work. Even the house wife does not merely gossip all the time. She washes and irons clothes, buys rations, does part – time job.
In conclusion, Ismat Chugtai offers a few wise suggestions to us.
In college or school women should be students and nothing else.
In offices, women should focus on work.
At the office, we are all humans, not weaker or stronger sex.
Last but not the least, marriage is not a person’s only goal.
Thus, in this essay, Ismat Chugtai raises many critical questions on gender discrimination and offers very useful suggestions to set right the situation. 

Unit-7-Father Returning Home

                                                       Dilip Chitre

Dilip PUrushottam Chitre is a famous poet. He excelled in English as well as Marathi. His poetry collection is “As Is Where Is”. His writings reflect urban culture. Besides poetry, he excelled at painting and film-making.

The poem presents the plight of an old man who lives in the city. The narrator is the son of the old man. The old man is returning home by the late evening train. He is a daily commuter. He is standing among silent commuters. He does not pay attention to the suburbs passing by. His shirt and pants are soggy. His raincoat is stained. His bag, full of books, is torn. His eyes are dim.

He gets off the train like a word dropped from a long sentence. It is a very apt simile. No one notices him. He hurries across the platform, crosses the railway line, enters the lane and walks onward with his dirty chappals.

At home, he drinks weak tea, eats a stale chapatti, and reads a book. He expresses his disgust upon man’s estrangement silently in the washroom. He trembles at the sink, when cold water touches his hands. His children don’t share their jokes or secrets with him. He goes to sleep listening to the radio and dreaming about ancestors and grandchildren. In his dreams, he sees nomads conquering the subcontinent.

The poem conveys the bleakness of the old man’s life. The poet uses certain words and imagery to create an atmosphere of desolation: silent, stale, yellow, grey, dimmed, fade, weak, narrow etc. His life is stale like the chapatti he eats. He is neglected by his family members. He is sandwiched between other commuters in the train. His dress is stained and he looks tired. His condition is pitiable.

Thus, the poem depicts the plight of old men in metros who must work to earn money. The poem sensitizes us to the issues of the old people. At the same time, we must agree that the scenario is fast changing. Nowadays, old people are asserting themselves by setting aside a sum of money for their comfortable retired life. They are leading an active and independent life.

Unit-8- Jatra

                                                                                             Arjun Deo Charan

Arjun Deo Charan is a poet, theatre director and playwright from Rajastan. He has been the Chairman of Rajastan Sangeet Natak Akademi since 2011. He received Sahitya Akademi Award for his Rajastani play “Dharam Judh”.

This play focuses on the erosion of human values in the present-day society. It makes us understand that those values are hard-earned by our ancestors and they are a guiding light to all the human beings. It requests us to follow those values to save the humanity.

This play begins with the interaction between Pathway and Shadows. Pathway symbolizes the right path one has to tread upon and shadows are manifestation of human values such as truth, morality, good-conduct, honesty, concern and love. The fire in the pitchers that are there on their heads represents the heritage of humans. When Shadows are ready to leave from this place as man has become a terrible beast and society is thoroughly corrupt, Pathway stops them and it is willing to accompany them to go to the police station for the protection of values.
At the police station, the Sepoy1 misunderstands them as dangerous and threatens them to leave the place at once. Shadows reach the temple and they overhear the plan of some masked men about terroristic activities. They go again into the police station to inform about it. The Sepoys and Inspector wrongly call Shadow as terrorist and arrest it. They produce it at the court.
At the court, Shadow comments on swearing on the Gita. It says that many are not telling truth even after swearing on the Gita. Therefore, the judge must be guilty of this abuse of the Gita. It also comments that the blindfold of the goddess of Justice must be removed on the premise that seeing justice is more important than mere hearing. Finally, the Judge pronounces life imprisonment to Shadow i.e. to humanism.
Shadow objects that while the hands and legs of the humanism are fastened with shackles, the people are dumbfounded. It says that people should not worry about death because all are journeying from the mother’s womb to the tomb. It also says that fighting injustice is not a crime and tolerating injustice as a passive witness is a crime. The play ends with Shadow’s waiting for a man to take the charge of the torch of humanism before it becomes extinct.

Dr.D.Ramakrishna english

Satavahana university General English semester 2 new model paper 4credits

B.A/B.Sc/B.Com/B.B.A (I year )Examination
Semester 2      Paper I
 ( Old syllabus)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks:80
SECTION A    (4x5=20)

I. Annotate any four of the following.   

a) When the person at the far end turned up to take his share, Rakesh’s eyes fell o his
     trembling  hands. 
b)To read a novel is a difficult and complex art
c)”My father lived at Blenheim then,
   Yon little stream hard by;
d)”Now tell us all about the war,
     And what they fought each other for.”
e) Do not dictate your author; try to become him. Be his fellow worker  and  accomplice..
f) A handful of NRIs were flying back with a motto: “Do something for your country”.
    SECTION – B        (3X20=60)
Answer all the questions
2.A.(i) Write a note on the short story “The Reluctant Philanthropist”              1x10=10
    (ii)Fill in the blanks with suitable idioms                                            5x1=5
a. Ramesh attends college __________
b. The thief was caught  ________________________by the police.
c. I thought the interview would be difficult but it was a_______________
d. Steve Job’s latest book tells the story of his from ______________________
e. Politicians shed __________________over the plight of the unemployed.
( A-Z, once in a blue moon, red handed, a piece of cake , crocodile tears)
(iii)Fill in the blanks with a suitable discourse marker from the given hints       5x1=5
My mother is a homemaker, ___________my friend’s mother is an employee in state government.
 Arranged marriages are unusual in the west, In the middle East __________they are common
_________ she is not interested in studying MBBS
_______we reached our destination safely.
It was laborious task __________,we didn’t give up
 ( finally, whereas, nevertheless, on the other hand, as a matter of fact)
B.(i) The short story ”Reluctant Philanthropist” highlights the plight of NRI parents. Explain?                                                                                                                                                   1x10=10
(ii) Change the degree of comparison without changing the meaning        5x1=5
Meera is not as clever as Padma                      ( change into CD)
Raju is taller than Ramesh                                ( change into PD)
Asoka was greater than many other kings        ( change into SD)
Very few cities of India are as big as Mumbai ( change into CD)
I am as tall as she                                             ( change into CD)
(iii)Change the following active voice to passive voice.                                5x1=5
       a. I cut an apple
       b. They are selling mangoes
       c. Tagore wrote Gitanjali
       d. Close the door
       e. Raman is singing a song.
3. A.(i) Explain Virginia Woolf’s  advice on how to read a book?     1x10=10
(ii) Change the following sentences into the indirect speech                     5x1=5
a. They said, “they take exercise everyday”
b. Hurrah! I won the lottery.
c. She said “ My brother told a story”
d. They said to her, “Please help us”
e. He said, “ My brother is planting a sapling”
(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable phrasal verbs.    5x1=5
a. I don’t know where my book is, I have to ________it.
b. His father __________smoking last month.
c. It’s warm inside. ________your coat.
d. Quick !________on the bus. It’s ready to leave.
e. It’s dark inside. Can you __________the light, please.
     (switch on , get on, gave up, look for, take off)
B.(i)What are the reading strategies suggested by Virginia Woolf in her essay “On Reading
Books”                                                                                                      1x10=10
(ii)  Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank. 5x1=5              
a. I want to be a _______________when I grow up(photograph)
b. Practice and patience are the key to ____________(Succeed)
c. Director’s death  has  ______________the film fraternity (shock)
d. Please show me your _____________and your insurance papers(identify)
e. Scientists hope the new drug will prove ______________to  many people(benefit)
(iii) Add an appropriate question tag to each one of the following statements.       5x1=5
a.  Srilatha is very brave _____________?
b. Let’s go to the movie,_____________?
c. They work in the bank,____________?
d. Sania  plays Tennis,_______________?
e. I am a citizen of India,_____________?
4.A. (i) What is the theme of the poem “After Blenheim” 1x10=10
(ii) Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined parts.        5x1=5
a. My luggage were left at the waiting room
 b. Ravi rears the sheeps.
c. Kalam had wide knowledges about space.
d. I am awaiting for his reply.
e. It is raining since this morning.
(iii) Write the number of syllables for the following words.               5x1=5
a. Friendly b. School
c. Principal             d. Mobile e.  Economics
B.(i) Discuss “ After Blenheim “ as an anti war poem. 1x10=10
(ii) Word endings- Fill in the blanks with an appropriate word(ends with “ible/able’) 5x1=5
a. In these days, it is very difficult to get ___________water even in villages also.
b. It is easily __________________, high in protein and calorie content.
c. Those who have completed MA in English with first class are ________for this post
d. The voices were ____________now.
e. It was a _____________moment  in his life
  ( audible, memorable, eligible ,potable, digestible)
(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable collocations from the list given below. 5x1=5
a. My grand father was a ____________. He died of lung cancer.
b. Mukesh Ambani is going to _________________
c. We must ____________ to the discussion
d. It is a ______________ if you miss it , you will regret it.
e. The teacher gave us ______________________on taking tests.
     ( heavy smoker, golden opportunity, some advice, launch a new project, pay attention)